All for Eternity


"Where am I?" My voice is hoarse and low as I observe the unfamiliar room Ive woken up in this time.

"A room." He says sarcastically as He searches the drawers of the dresser calmly yet swiftly.

"I know that Jared." I roll my eyes and let my body go limp on the bed."what I mean is Where exactly is this room and who's is it?" My hands are freezing cold as I press them to my face and attempt to rub the tired out of my eyes.

"Okay.In a house.Mine." Hes trying his best to keep the answers short and simple.I guess he doesn't feel like talking."Put this on." The dry cloth touches my hands and I take the clothes and sit up.

"Where do I change?"



"Yes." He shoots an annoyed stare at me.


"Not here." He objects as I un-button my pants.

"You said anywhere!" His confusing way of being is working on my last nerve, damn moody whatever he is.

"Well yeah but-"His hands raise in question."I thought you'd like be shy or something and ask where the bathroom was."

" Why? I don't need to use it ." I smile as he covers his mouth in frustration. "Okay... Where Is the bathroom so I may change cause I'm shy?" His Hazel eyes stare intensely at me as he points toward the brown door right behind him."I'll be back and don't leave me this time." He flinches at my touch as I brush my hand against his shoulder. I'm not sure where I am or what the hell happened but what I do know is I need answers and Jared's going to give them to me. "Thank god you're still here." Hes sitting on his bed staring calmly at me.

"...This is my home of course." This third degree is making me uncomfortable."Why would you do something like that ?" His jaw tightens as he looks at me."And you cant plea insanity...You were perfectly fine that time it wasn't one of your "episodes" as you'd call it." The tone in his voice is soaked in disdain.


"You nothing.There is no reason for that. Ive tried my hardest to keep you safe." He walks toward me."To keep you alive... Please don't mock my intentions."My stomach sinks and my heart flips...There's the stab of guilt I was waiting for.

"I'm sorry Jared, I just needed to talk to you..."

"Well I would have come back,your father needed to talk to you so I left...You just need to be patient." Patient?

"How the hell did you expect me to be patient?... When you gave me so many half assed answers!?"His lips part slightly in objection."No! I don't want to hear it what I want are answers and unless what you're going to say next is exactly that then I don't want to hear it." The room stays quiet for what seems like hours.

"What do you want to know?" He stands up and faces me.

"Wheres Jess?" I'm trying my best to ask these question right so he wont cower and avoid them.

"Easy.With Jensen."

"Okay so shes alive?"

"In a sense yes." He smiles.

"What does that mean?" I'm not playing his games any longer."What are you?" I feel childish asking this question as if I'm in some sort of fantasy novel. Like he'd be anything but a odd human .

"Why does it matter?" A smile forms across his face.

"Because! It just does now tell me." I stand closer to him making direct eye contact now. He comes closer as well and towers over me reminding me of the size difference.

"Calm down killer..." I scowl at him making sure he understand I'm not in the mood. "So you want to know what I am ?" He leans down a bit."Do you think you can handle that ?"

"I know I can." I don't do as much as blink, I'm not letting this go.

"Guess." His laugh is soft.

"...A Vampire?" I feel even more stupid now as his eyes grow bright and his stare deepens.

"So I was wrong.You're smarter than you look."

"Don't be a asshole." I have to admit I almost don't believe this ...Hes full of it ."A vampire? really?"

"No I'm lying cause I like to pretend for fun." He flashes a smile and for some reason my heart stops. He scares me... just a little.I have so much more to say, to ask but I cant even move." Can you please calm down...You're blood is a little tempting."He puts his hand on my shoulder and smirks.My knees go weak and my stomach turns.That's it I'm officially freaked out.

"Uh-You...Aren't kidding are you?" This is a dream, I'm probably dreaming, this isn't real.

"No and now I need to ask you a favor." His bed is soft under me and I try my best to relax into it." I'm going away for a while And I need you to,I need you to not... die while I'm away." How offensive, he doesn't even think I can handle my own self."Okay?"


"And You have to promise me something... don't talk to anybody outside of school okay?" The hazel in his eyes turns a deep brown almost black as he says this.

"Why?" If I'm going to steer clear of the world then I think I should at least get a good reason for it.

"Because...I said to." His ice cold hands wrap around my shoulders gently.

"S-sure." that was a good enough reason and I really don't want to get him anymore frustrated so I'll just agree."I promise."

"Thank you." His lips press against my forehead then he heads out the door.

"Where are you going ?" I run after him down the stairs."I mean you're leaving already?" Its not my place to be asking where exactly hes going but I have this false hope that maybe if I follow it would lead me to my sister.

"Somewhere and Yes already.Ill be back Okay?... Its just three days."

"Fine but when will I ever see my sister again? I mean you said shes with this Jensen guy right? You seem to know where hes at...So then you know where shes at." I look down at my feet hoping it wasn't too much all at one time."Can you-"

"When the time is right."

"What do you mean by that?" It doesn't take long for me to notice that question isn't getting an answer."This isn't fair you know ?"

"You're life is all the matters at this point and whatever I do may not seem fair to you ... but it will make all the sense in time.So yeah maybe its not fair but its safe." He walks toward the passenger seat of my truck and opens the door for me ."Get in."

"Where are we going?"I sniffle and put my cheek to the long sleeve of the over sized jacket I'm wearing.

"You're going home and taking some Tylenol for that cold your developing." My cheeks feel like they're burning red with embarrassment. I guess trying to jump off a cliff in a stormy night wasn't such a good idea.The moon lights the blur of road I see in front of us.With every tree We pass I feel a sense of fear.I look into them and lower my window breathing in the fear as if I'm watching my nightmares run side by side with the truck.The thought chills me and I close my eyes to a recent memory;brown eyes burning up the night sky,they're all I can see.My Savior is still a mystery but I wont ask Jared about it.There has to be a reason for the way he talked to this person for the icy edge that was present in his voice.This person wasn't welcome but I had to find out who he was and I planned to do exactly that.

"Now please get inside and apologize to your father." Hes looking down at the steering wheel.

"Okay." Normally I would probably snap back and yell at him for telling me what to do but I'm not up for that right now.

"And Remember what I told you." I feel a light tug on the jacket and look back at him."Go straight to school then home okay?"

"School,home...home,school."I nod my head in agreement.

"Exactly now-"

" Wait!" I reach for him." Will you answer more of my questions about Jessica when you get back? " My eyes begin to burn with the sensation of tears as I think about her .

" ...Yes, Please dont cry everything will be fine ."He smiles then exits my truck and runs into the forest disappearing into darkness of it all.


My bed seems like a haven as I lay quietly in my room. The sun seeping in through the edges of my curtains. I close my eyes then quickly open them when I see his eyes again.Why would Jared hate him so much.Who is him?.Most important of all why is the time not right to see Jess...Why should I have to wait?

"Laila." Three knocks come from my door."Get up its time for school."

"Yeah dad, I'm up." I grab my pillow and pull it over my head."Ugh." Damn vampire and his stupid ways of not telling me everything. If he wont tell me then I guess I'll just have to find out on my own.

"Your on lock down OK kiddo?"My father calls out as I open the house door...Does he really expect me to smile and say okay? "Straight home after school."

"Got it dad." Jared's words run through my head."God now I have two broken records." I mumble under my breath as I shut the door behind me.

My hands are freezing with the wind chill as I fumble my keys trying to open my truck door.The lot is practically empty seeing as its already six o'clock. That's what I get for skipping school ...staying two hours after the last bell and doing three make-up test.

"You know a thank you would be nice." His voice chimes into my thoughts.

"Excuse me." My words are harsh as I turn around to see his brown eyes blazing just like last night."I-" I cant speak hes standing there one hand in his pocket the other running smoothly through his dark hair.A cocky smile forms across his lips and he parts them biting the bottom one slightly.

"You're Boyfriends a little moody isn't he?"

Jared?..."Hes not my boyfriend."I say softly turning toward my truck ready to drive home the way I was instructed to.

"Really well it seemed that way. I mean I couldn't even save you without him getting all racked up about it. I was just trying to do my good deed for the day and you happened to be there trying to kill yourself ... So I thought Hey why not, why not save her from going to hell."

"Thanks but I can worry for myself." I turn toward my door once again.

"I guess so."He grins as he holds my door open for me.I get in slowly and guide my door toward me .

"Thank you."I utter my eyes never leaving his.

"You're welcome..." He gestures toward me."I didn't get your name."

"Laila."I try my best to smile and sound polite.

"You're very welcome,Laila."He nods his head." My name is Brendon by the way."

"Lovely meeting you Brendon."

"The pleasures all mine." He raises one eyebrow and lets go of my door.'Hope to see you around again."He flashes the same cocky smile then walks away slowly looking back at me once before he gets into his car. Does he go to this school ... If he does Ive never seen him around before. I watch as his black Mercedes passes my ford. He exits out into the street then makes a quick u-turn back.Before I know it hes parked next to me rolling his window down.I guess I should do the same.

"Do you like music?"

"Of course." I look at him in question.

"Would you like to accompany me to a concert tomorrow night? Say about..." He looks at his watch and scratches the side of his forehead.I study his features his big brown eyes are more like amber at this point.He mouths a couple of words that aren't loud enough to be audible ."Seven?"He smiles hopefully at me.

"Sure." It comes automatically out of my mouth ...not even a second thought,how pathetic of me.

"Great! Its a date." He looks up at me from under his dark eye lashes."Meet you here tomorrow." He rolls up his window then speeds off.The radio sets background music to my thoughts. What just happened and what exactly I'm doing that I was told not to.Jared said talk to no one outside of school, but this is the school parking lot...which is still the school .So its technically not that outside of school.My logic is irrational and my engine roars to life making the truck shake as I back out of the parking space. This is crazy I'm not going on a date with that guy not matter how unusually good looking he is... I just said I was going to find out who he was, thank him and I did. so I should just leave well enough alone. This all seems wrong but I'm pretty sure no matter how much I protest I'm going to end up meeting him here tomorrow anyhow.Just to find out what it is this stranger is all about and why Jared made him seem forbidden.