Well That's Interesting

Well that's interesting

"What are you doing for your birthday?"
"Nothing really, the day after my birthday I'm going out to breakfast with my sister."
"Awe that's sweet." Emma says quickly, "Anyway, my boss forwarded me passes into this really big party; he can't go so he told me to make an appearance. Since it's on your birthday, will you come?"
"I-I don't know."
"C'mon, you only turn thirty once."
"Well duh, it's the same with every other age." I mumble. "Yeah, I'll go. Is there a dress code?"
"Fine, I'll see you tomorrow night then?"
"Yeah." She says as the phone line goes dead. I flip closed my cell phone and make my way inside the coffee shop.

"Angie! Thank jeebus you're here!" Kyle says nervously. "The espresso machine has been going berserks."
"You have to make sure the nozzle is tight, if it's loose it won't work." I say as I go up to the finicky machine and tighten the black handle. "There it should work now."
"Thanks." He says slightly embarrassed.
"No problem." I say as I go in back to handle the paper work and bills to be paid.

"Niiiccceee." Emma says as I walk out of my apartment in a tight pair of jeans and a top only suitable for seductive clubbing.
"Thirty and I still look good in this thing." I say as I adjust a few of the many thin shoulder straps.
"Well, the party's at the Trinity Hotel." She says as she hails a cab.

"Gonna get me a piece of man." I say jokingly as the cab pulls up to the luxurious hotel.
"Me too." Emma says as she links arms with me and we head down to the hall where the music is booming and the alcohol's flowing. "Let's start with a shot and then work the dance floor."

We make our way to the bar and order a couple of tequilas for a celebratory birthday shot.
"Got your eye on anyone yet?" Emma asks me after we've worked the dance floor for a good hour.
"Yeah, see the guy with the orangish hair in a faux-hawk." I say as I manoeuvre my head to the corner of the bar.
"Sweet." She says smirking as she gives him a once over, "I got my eye on that hunk of man in the red shirt."
"Oh, he's so your type." I say giggling. "A couple of more shots and we make our move." I say as I grab her hand and pull her to the bar.

Two shots later and we go our separate ways in hopes of a phone number and a name.
"Hey." I say casually as I lean against the bar next to the guy with orangish hair.
"Hey, I saw you dancing." He says smirking, "Pretty sexy there."
"Aren't you forward?" I say laughing. "My name's Angie."
"You can call me Tre."