Well That's Interesting

Well that's interesting

*Angel's P.O.V.*
I wake up in a cold sweat yet again, only this time I remember every detail of my nightmare. I hear someone walk by my room and then I remember Tre said he was coming back late last night, I probably slept through it. I hurry over to the door and open it.
"Tre." I call out as I look out into the hallway to see him walking away butt naked.
"Uhh hi Angel." He says turning around awkwardly to look at me, he glances around awkwardly before standing up straight and putting his hands on his hips casually. "I know what you're thinking."
"And what's that?"
"How the hell am I so lucky to be living with a guy as sexy as him who willingly struts around naked?"
"Oh you're good." I say laughing.
"I'll put on some boxers and we'll have breakfast." He says as he walks by me into his room. As soon as he's out of site I run into the washroom and puke. For fuck's sake this morning sickness was horrible. After I brush my teeth to get the taste out of my mouth I look in the mirror. I was two months along and there was still no noticeable change in my size. My stomach protruded ever so slightly at the ends of my abs, but according to Hailey, I'm the only one who notices.

I walk into the kitchen to see Tre standing in a pair of boxers with a mug of coffee in his hand.
"So if you're so keen on being free with yourself, why'd you put on boxers?" I ask as I pour myself some coffee.
"Today's Monday, Kelly's coming and well she doesn't appreciate my freeness as much as you do." He smirks wildly. "I nearly scared her off when she started cleaning here."
"I'm not surprised."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I mean, I'm a very open-minded person and you still freak me out sometimes."
"Hey, I still freak Mike and Billie out, and they've known me forever."
"I didn't here you come in last night."
"I slept in my own bed; I thought it would be mean to wake you up."
"How considerate."

"So have you decided on a costume for tonight?"
"I'll tell you mine, if you tell me yours." I say eyeing him.
"Fine then, don't tell me." He pouts.

*Tre's P.O.V.*
I was waiting in the living room for Angel to come down in her Halloween costume. I on the other hand have been ready for a good five minutes in my 'Horny Devil' costume. I hear her start to walk down the stairs, so I run up so I can see her. She's wearing a bleach blond wig wit a white dress and white shoes. No doubt Marilyn Monroe.
"You look HOT!" I say loudly.
"You can call me Ms. Monroe."
"You can call me Horny Devil."
"I thought you were dressing up for Halloween." She says laughing as she pokes at my horns.
"I got lazy." I say as I take her arm and lead her outside to the car.

We get to the party to find a full house, the party was already booming with a whole bunch of our friends. We spot Billie and Adrienne hanging out near the balcony. Adie is dressed as one of those 1920s dancers, I think they're called flappers and Billie is dressed in an old fashioned suit with a top hat, bow tie and everything.
"Hello Angel." Billie says daringly, "Do you hate me today?"
"I think I'll give you a second chance." She says smiling.
"It's the Monroe speaking, isn't it?"
"Maybe." She says as she turns to Adie, "I love your costume."
"Thanks, I like yours too." Adie says in a friendly voice.
"Hey Bill, where'd you nick your costume from?" I ask teasingly.
"Old man who lives behind Mc Donald's, the one who smells like cheese." Billie says laughing.
"I still think she hates you, she didn't complement your costume." Adie says smiling.
"It's umm very nice, glad to see you got the cheese smell out."
"Thank you." Billie says happily, "told ya she didn't hate me."
"So where's Mike?" I ask as I look around the party.
"Somewhere." Billie says as he glances around. "He's a pimp."
"Oh snap!" I say as I put my arm over Angel's shoulder and we walk around the party.

Mike walks toward us in a purple-ish leopard print suit, carrying a glitter covered walking stick. Brittney was next to him dressed as Catwoman.
"Tre, you came as yourself." Mike says laughing.
"As did you." I say laughing,
"Nah man, the pimp thing is just hobby." He says laughing.
"Well the horny devil thing is full time."
"I haven't noticed." Brittney says in mockery.
"Angel, you look interesting as a blond." Mike says smiling.
"Thanks." She says sheepishly.
"Well we'll catch up with you later." Mike says as he and Brittney move along.

"So drinks?" I offer.
"Just soda for me." she says as she follows me to the kitchen.
"Oh right." I say remembering she can't drink. I open the fridge to find it lined with beers, at the bottom of the fridge were a few cans of coke. I grab a can of coke and a beer for myself.

"We'll see you around." I say to Mike once everyone's left.
"Bye Mike, I had fun." Angel says as we head out the door. Angel is driving because I'm slightly drunk, not enough to affect my driving but she insisted. Some Queen song is playing on the radio and I watch her as she drums her fingernails against the steering wheel. I reach over and take off her wig. She glances at me.
"You look better without it." I mumble, she smiles. We pull up to the house and get out of the car.

I put my arm around her waist as we enter the house. She heads straight upstairs to her room and leaves her door open, I figure this is a sign of invitation. I walk into her room and cup her cheeks in my hands and kiss her beautiful lips. Her hands move through my hair and she tosses aside my devil horns. I feel her hands move down my neck, shoulders, and she starts unbuttoning my shirt. I slide my hand down her cheek and to the back of her neck and untie her dress, it drops to the floor.

*Angel's P.O.V.*
My dress is laying on the floor, my lips are locked against Tre's and I find my hands pulling off his shirt. I move my hands down his stomach and undo his pants as I feel his hand cup my butt. I move my hands back up his torso to the back of his neck. I pull him onto the bed over me as we start to heave against each other I feel his hard member swipe against my leg. I just let him take me away.