Well That's Interesting

Well that's interesting

I open my eyes, and wake up in Tre's arms. Our Halloween costumes are scattered across the bedroom floor. Oh great, morning sickness just kicked in. I carefully lift Tre's arm off of me and make way to the bathroom, grabbing my boxer shorts and t-shirt off the hook in the bathroom on my way. In between intervals of puking I manage to put on my pyjamas. Looking in the mirror I see my eyes are all red, my contact lenses stayed in the whole night. After taking off my contact lenses and brushing my teeth, I slip back into bed.
"Why are you dressed?" Tre murmurs.
"I'm not dressed, these are my pyjamas." I say as I snake my arms around him.
"Why aren't you naked?"
"The washroom is cold."
"You're not in the washroom anymore." He says as he removes his face from the pillow and kisses me.
"I'm lazy." I say as he positions himself over me.
"Fine then." He says as he grabs the bottom hem of my shirt and pulls it over my head. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer. I shake my head smiling as he pulls down my boxer shorts. He lowers his head to kiss my lips.

Tre's P.O.V.
A few hours later, we finally decided we should get up. It's sort of like the past two months of sexual tension was just released. I heard her turn on the shower; this time around I know I can join her. I get up and strut into the washroom where I see the silhouette of her washing her hair. I open the shower door causing her to jump.
"Tre, you scared me." she says as she rinses out her hair. "Your shower got lonely?"
"Yessss." I say as I put my hands on her hips and turn her around to face me. I move against her and plant kisses down her neck.
"You really are a horny devil." She says laughing, I can't help but nod.

Today was fun, what a way to be welcomed back from touring. She's beautiful, she's smart, and she makes me laugh. I don't believe in fate, but if fate is real then the night we met, the child we're having is a true exhibition of it. Angel makes my head spin, another twist of fate (if it exists) her name is Angel, and she is my angel. Jeez, my cheesiness is making me sick, if only Billie Joe and Mike could hear my thoughts they'd have a field day. But I could tell that's how Billie Joe has always felt about Adie, I'm not really sure about Mike, he's always been subtle. Oh, here she comes into the kitchen to join me.
"Coffee?" I offer as I go to the pot to get myself a refill.
"Uh sure." She says as she pulls a box of cereal out of the cupboard, even though it's clearly afternoon. I watch her as she pours the cereal into a bowl, followed by milk. I place her mug of coffee in front of her.
"I'm glad we met on your birthday." I say as she smiles.
"Only because you got lucky several times in the past twelve hours."
"Nooo." I say shifting my eyes.
"I'm glad too." She says laughing. Oh god she's killing me.

The phone starts ringing from the corner of the kitchen interrupting the 'moment' I was having with Angel. I get up slowly and make my way over to the phone.
"Hello this is Oakland General Hospital, Dr. Kale's office, is Ms. Angela Suarez there?"
"Yeah hold on a sec." I put my hand over the receiver. "Do you know an Angela Suarez?"
"Jeez Tre, you're cheesy." She says laughing as she takes the phone from me. "Hello . . . .yes . . . . . alright." She hangs up the phone.
"Is everything alright?"
"Yeah, just confirming an appointment I have tomorrow." She says as we go back to sit at the table.
"Can I come?" I ask childishly.
"Only if you behave."
"I don't see anyone else." She says smiling, "Oh fine you can come even if you can't behave."
"YAY!" I yelp happily, "I'll try my hardest to behave though."

After spending most of my day bored senseless it's finally time for me to go pick up Angel at work. I get into my car and start into town. Today was fairly productive, I moved all Angel's stuff into my room, where she spent last night. She has quite few pieces of interesting lingerie that I'd like her to model for me, she has a very cute figure. I pull up to the front of the café just as I see Angel walk outside. I see her smile as she hurries over. I reach to unlock the passenger door and she joins me in the car.
"Hey." She says as she puts her purse at her feet.
"Hey." I say as I lean over to kiss her, a kiss that felt so right, so true. "How was work?" she rolls her eyes.
"A day of really boring shipping order forms." She says in slight disgust.
"That sounds horrible."
"So what did you do all day?"
"Well after I drove you to work, I went back home and took a shower and then I had a coffee and then I moved all your stuff to my, well our room and then I shifted from vegetating on the couch to vegetating at my drum set."
"You moved my stuff?"
"Yeah and I'd like to compliment on your choice of lingerie." I smirk evilly.
"Perv, and for the record if you're playing the drums, you're not vegetating."
"Oh good." I say as I pretend to wipe sweat from my forehead.

Minutes later, we neared Oakland General Hospital. We get out of the car and head inside where we take the elevator up to the seventh floor. We walk through the hallway with my arm around her waist.
"I wanna make love to you right here." I mumble into her ear as we take our seats in the waiting room.
"Uhh, right here in the gynecology ward?"
"Sorry, I'm a privacy person and that old lady would get a coronary if she saw how you go at it." I say as I nod to an older lady sitting in the opposite side of the room.
"I think she's blind."
"I don't think so." She says as she puts her hand on my thigh just to taunt me.
"That's crude."

"Suarez, Angela." The fat nurse calls through the waiting room. Angel grabs my hand as we stand up and head to the doctor's office.

"Lie down, the doctor will be here shortly." The nurse says as she leaves the room.
"What does she mean lie down?" I ask pervertedly.
"What, she sounded like she's running a whore house." I say in my own defence.
"Sure." She says as she takes her place on the cot, bed thingy. I sit in the chair next to her. The doctor walks in with a clipboard in her arm.

"Well then Ms. Suarez, it says here you're eight weeks along."
"Are you still suffering from morning sickness?"
"Alright then, let's do an ultra sound." The doctor says as she starts up the ultra sound machine. Angel rolls up her shirt so the Dr. Kale can apply the petroleum jelly. I keep quiet as we watch the black and white image on the screen, our baby.
"Well, he looks strong and healthy." Dr. Kale says as she shuts off the monitor.
"He?" Angel asks curiously.
"Sorry, you didn't know the sex of the baby?"
"No." I say cautiously as I glance over at Angel.
"Did you want to know?" Angel just shrugs.
"Too late now." I say as the doctor wipes up the petroleum jelly off of her stomach.