Well That's Interesting

Well that's interesting

*Tre's P.O.V.*
I wake up in the middle of the night shivering, as I peer around the room I realize the blankets are flung off the bed. I look over at Angel who's tossing and turning in a cold sweat. I reach over and grab her shoulder gently.
"Angel, Angel." I say as she stops fidgeting.
"Tre!" she says exasperated as she slings her arms around my neck.
"Angel, are you okay?" I say as I hold her close. "What were you dreaming of?"
"I lost the baby, I don't know how." She sobs, "I was being rushed to the hospital and I couldn't find you."
"It's okay." I say as I feel her tears on my bare shoulder, "I'm right here and the baby's right there and the doctor said he's perfectly healthy."
"I know." She says calming down, "It just seemed so real."
"Everything's going to be fine." I whisper as I gently kiss her lips. We lie back down but I continue to hold her.

*Angel's P.O.V.*
I wake up the next morning and slide out of Tre's arms. I go to the washroom and pursue the routine of morning sickness. I return to the bedroom and stare at Tre a while. He's always there for me, even when he was on tour in a way he was still there for me. I love him. I can't believe that thought is running through my head, I love him. I start to get dressed to go to work when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I pull up my shirt to look at my stomach. I don't look pregnant, I guess I'm weird I sort of expect to wake up one morning with a huge stomach.
"You don't have a belly." Tre mumbles from the bed.
"You don't notice any difference yet." He mumbles.
"Oh okay." I say as I crawl into bed next to him. "I didn't know you were awake."
"I just woke up." He says as he leans over to kiss me. "What time is it?"
"Jeez it's early."
"Yeah, so go back to sleep." I say as I kiss his forehead.
"No, I'll drive you." he says as he slowly gets up.
"Tre, it's okay, I already woke you up in the middle of the night and . . . ."
"I need a coffee anyway." He says as he pulls on a pair of faded blue jeans which were lying on a chair.
"You wouldn't need a coffee if you went back to bed." I say laughing.
"I'm up now, too late to go back." He says as he pulls on a black t-shirt. "Let's go."

We get into his car and we drive downtown.
"I was thinking about telling Frankito he's going to have a little brother today when he comes over." he says calmly.
"Okay." I say nodding. "What about your daughter, I'd like to meet her too."
"You'll get to meet her eventually; she's coming to spend most of December with me."
"Oh okay." I say as Tre parks the car down the street from The Mocha Corner. He walks with me into the café. I head in back to put my purse away as he goes up to the counter and asks Kyle for a coffee. The customers would be rushing in soon, so I head to the kitchen to get the muffins out of the oven and put them on display.

I go to take a costumers order as I see Tre sitting at one of the tables in the corner of my eye. I hand the woman her coffee and call to the next costumer; I can see Tre watching me. I get Kyle to take over the cash and I go see Tre who's innocently sipping his coffee.
"Mind if I stay here today?"
"Uhh okay." I say awkwardly.
"Don't worry I won't get in your way." He says smirking evilly.
"Yeah it's okay." I walk back behind the counter, I felt somewhat awkward working in front of Tre. But after a while I got used to him sitting there reading a news paper. I continued to help Kyle out with the orders until the morning rush calmed down and I go to work in back on some paperwork and all that lovely boring stuff.

Tre enters the back office cautiously and shuts the door.
"Hello!" he says in a chipper voice as he runs up to the desk and sits on it.
"Are you the mail order stripper?" I ask laughing.
"Nah, I'm just bored." He says as he starts twirling a pen like a drumstick. "Ooo stress ball!" he grabs the green ball off the desk and starts squeezing it.
"That looks disturbing." I mumble as I go back to organizing some receipts.
"Oooh ahhh squishy ball." He says orgasmically.
"What happened to not getting in my way?"
"I'm not in your way, I'm across the room."
"Funny." I say as I finish up the receipts.
"What time do you finish today?"
"What time is it now?"
"Oh jeez that sounds boring."
"Yes it is." I say smirking as I put the receipts in the filing cabinet.
"Oh good you're done, let's play hooky!" he says grabbing my hand.
"Tre!" I say laughing as he pulls me out the door. "You can go play hooky and pick me up at three."
"Oh pooey." He says as he leaves the café. I go to the counter and start making sandwiches and stuff with Kyle. Minutes later Tre returns.
"It's not three yet." I say as I place the plastic wrapped sandwiches in the glass window fridge.
"Yeah I know." He says as he nears the counter. "I want a chicken sandwich." I roll my eyes and hand him the one I had in my hand. He plucks a juice out of the ice bin and goes up to the register where Kyle is standing.
"Four-fifty." Kyle says looking over at me as if to say who is this fruit? Tre digs in his pocket and produces a five dollar bill. He goes to sit at what seemed to be his table of preference.

"Hey sis, how's it going?" Hailey asks as she comes in during her lunch hour.
"Nothin much." I say coming around the counter to hug her.
"How's my niece or nephew."
"Your nephew is fine." I say as she smiles.
"It's a boy."
"Yeah the doctor accidentally told us."
"Us, as in you and Tre?"
"Yeah," I say nodding, "He's here actually."
"Eating lunch, at that table."
"Oh you weren't kidding when you said he was hotty." She says evilly, I slap her arm laughing. "Well aren't you going to introduce us?"
"Ahh okay." I say as we walk up to Tre's table.

"Tre, this is my sister Hailey, Hailey this is Tre."
"Hello." Tre says as he stands up. "So I'm a hotty?"
"Oh jeez you heard that?" Hailey says slightly embarrassed.
"I have good hearing . . . . well most of the time."
"I'm going to get coffee, then we'll have a chat." She says as she heads towards the counter.
"Oh a chat, am I in trouble?" Tre asks sheepishly, "Naughty, naughty Tre."
"Nah, she just wants to make sure you're worthy."
"Worthy of what? It's kind of late, we're living together, we're having a kid so this doesn't make much sense."
"Yeah well she wants to feel important, I think it's an older sister thing."
"I heard that!" Hailey says laughing.

She returns to the table with her coffees.
"You should sit down; standing on your feet all day is bad." She says sounding like a mother hen..
"I spent half my time doing paperwork." I say rolling my eyes, "Besides it's the lunch hour rush, I'm needed." I walk back to the counter where I continue to serve business people there desired sandwiches, soups and coffees.

"I'm leaving now." Hailey says waving goodbye as she leaves the café. The lunch hour rush finally comes to an end about half an hour after she leaves and I go over to where Tre is sitting and slump down next to him.
"Hello sunshine." He says cheesily.
"I hope that wasn't you trying to be cute." I murmur.
"Actually it was." He says as he puts his arm around me and kisses the side of my head gently. "I'll try harder next time."
"S'okay." I mumble as I rest my head on his chest. "So how was the chat with my sister?"
"It was interesting." Tre says evilly.
"D'you creep her out?"
"I just mentioned a couple of male anatomy comments." I giggle.
"You couldn't resist could you."
"Not at all, but she caught on that was joking eventually." Tre says disappointed as he looks at his watch. "I have to go get Franky now."
"Alright." I say as I remove my head from his chest.
"See you in a bit." He says as he kisses my lips and heads out the door.

*Tre's P.O.V.*
I drive down the street towards Frankito's school, which is about a twenty minute drive from The Mocha Corner. I park the car outside the building and head inside towards the cafeteria where I have to wait for Frankito with the other parents. The bell rings and kids come out from every direction. My cell phone rings moments later. Claudia
"Hello Claudia." I say loudly as I stick my finger in my other ear.
"You're picking up Franky right?"
"Yeah, I'm at the school now."
"Okay, see you around then."
"Bye." I say as I hang up the phone.

"Dad!" Frankito yells as he runs up to me with his school bag dangling on one arm.
"He Franky." I say as I crouch to his level.
"Wanna see the picture I drew?" He says as he digs through his Power Rangers school bag.
"Look, it's a dragon." He says happily as he points out a dinosaur looking creature.
"That's awesome." I say as he carefully puts the drawing back in his bag. He puts his school bag back on and takes my hand.

We get into the car and as I start to drive back towards The Mocha Corner I decide now would be the best time to tell him about the 'new arrival.'
"Well Franky." I start off slowly, "In a few months, around May or June, you're going to have a little brother."
"Really?" he asks looking at me, trying to tell if I'm joking.
"Yup, Angel and I are going to have a baby, so that means you're going to have a little brother."
"But you're not married to her." He says accusingly.
"Uhh well," damn parental morals make this so much harder than it has to be, "Well we're living together."
"But you were married to Mom when I was born."
"Well, maybe I'll marry Angel later." I say quickly.
"Why don't you marry her now?" he asks innocently, why do kids ask so many questions.
"Because, we don't want to get married right away."
"Why not?"
"Because we want to have the baby first."
"Why are you asking so many questions?" he merely shrugs.
"What's his name?"
"He doesn't have a name yet."
"So what do I call him?"
"Are you going to give him a real name when he's born?"
"Of course." I say as I pull into a parking spot near The Mocha Corner.

"What are we doing here?" he asks as I take his hand and we cross the street.
"We're going to pick up Angel."
"Can I have a muffin?" he asks as we enter the café.
"Uhh yeah." I say as I take him to the counter, "what kind?"
"Chocolate chip!" he says pointing to the one he wants. The Kyle guy takes a napkin and picks up the muffin and hands it to Franky. I pull out my wallet to pay for it.
"You becoming really good for business." Kyle says laughing.
"Damn straight, I should have my own table and everything." I say laughing, "Where's Angel?"
"Angel? Oh Angie, she's in the washroom I think." He says as I see Franky take a big bite out of his muffin. "Damn, I'm sorry but you look really familiar."
"I do?"
"Yeah, maybe you went to school with one of my brothers or something, what's your last name?"
"Uhh Cool."
"Haha, you expect me to believe your last name is Cool? Wait, Tre Cool." Oh dear god this guy is about to have a coronary. "You're from that band, oh I saw it on MTV what's it called?"
"The Pointer Sisters! Abba! The Spice Girls! No wait, Backstreet Boys!" I say ecstatically as Frankito bursts out laughing.
"It's Green Day!" Franky finally manages to say between laughing fits.
"That's it, Green Day." Kyle says twitchily. Angel walks up to us as she puts her purse over her shoulder.

"You! You didn't tell me you were dating Tre Cool!" Kyle says hopping about, "And if what Marcy said is true, that means."
"Oh jeez Kyle, get a life." She says rolling her eyes, "He's a human being just like you."
"Yeah, I know but . . . ."
"But Catherine is here and your shift is up." She says as he turns around to go to the back room. "Hey Franky."
"Hi Angel, aren't you supposed to have a big stomach if you're going to have a baby?"
"Well, not right away." She says very explanatory.
"Okay." Frankito says as he goes back to eating his muffin.