Well That's Interesting

Well that's interesting

**Angel's P.O.V.**
A couple of weeks later I wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of Tre's voice.
"I'm telling you Franky, there are no monsters in the house." I open my eyes to see Tre sitting at the edge of the bed with his back to me, our bedroom door is open and Frankito is sitting on Tre's lap.
"No, it's in my closet, it snuck in."
"Okay, I'll go look in the closet." Tre says as he places Franky back on the floor and heads out of our bedroom with his son following close behind.

Tre returns a few minutes later and lies down and lets out a sigh.
"Any monsters attack?" I ask softly causing Tre to twitch.
"You're awake." He says in disbelief, "No, the house is monster free, as always."

The next morning I'm woken up again, this time by the sound of knocking. I look over at the alarm clock 6:30AM. Tre is snoring lightly, so I head over to the bedroom door and open it.
"The monster is still in my room except he's hiding, I think he's under my bed this time." Frankito rambles.
"Okay, I'll check." I say as I follow him to his room.
"What if he hurts the baby?"
"Don't worry, the baby is safe." I reassure him as I crouch down to look under his bed.
"Is it there?"
"Nope, besides monsters can't get into this house." I say as Frankito cautiously sits on his bed.
"Is it too early to watch cartoons?" he asks as he slides to look under his bed.
"I guess not." I say as a look of relief crosses the little boys face. He runs past me and I follow him as he goes downstairs. As I join him in the living room he runs up to me with the remote.
"Can you put it on The Cartoon Neterk?"
"Cartoon Network?" I say making sure; he nods furiously as he goes to sit on the couch. I turn on the TV and skim through the guide until I find The Cartoon Network.
"Thank you." he says as he sits on the couch happily as he hugs a monkey stuffed animal.
"Alright, I'm going back to bed, don't cause any trouble." I say yawning as I head back up the stairs.

I reawaken, this time at a decent hour of the morning. Tre seemed to be gone already, so I lazily make my way downstairs to find Tre and Frankito sitting in front of the TV each with their bowl of cereal. I go to sit next to Tre and kiss him good morning.
"You want breakfast?"
"No thanks, I'll eat later." I say as I sit back and try to pick up on the cartoon.
"You sure?"
"Yeah." I say honestly.

I eventually get up from the couch and make my way to the kitchen to make myself a bowl of cornflakes. Before going back to the living room I look in the fridge for some tomatoes.
"Tre, do you have any tomatoes?" I ask as I sit back on the couch with my bowl of cereal.
"Yeah, I'm sort of craving them." Tre sort of just laughs.
"Okay then." He says smirking.
"Shh, I'm trying to watch Sponge Bob." Frankito says little ticked off.

Tre looks at his watch.
"I have to go pick up Ramona from the airport." He mumbles as he stands up from the couch.
"C'mon Franky."
"Noooo, I don't want to go." He whines.
"Don't you want to see Ramona?"
"Yeah, but I want to stay here while you go get her."
"Well you have to come with me."
"Can't I stay here with Angel." Tre glances at me nervously.
"I don't know."
"It's fine, go pick up Ramona, I'll watch him." I say shrugging.
"Thanks, just for that I'll get you extra tomatoes." I can't help but giggle.

After putting the cereal bowls in the dishwasher I head upstairs to take a quick shower and get dressed. I head back downstairs and sit down next to Frankito.
"What did I miss?"
"Sponge Bob lost his name tag and now Patrick is helping him find it." Frankito says quickly before going back to watching the television.

We hear the front door click open and Frankito runs for the door.
"Mona!" he yells. I follow behind him awkwardly, I'm kind of nervous meeting Ramona. I make my way up to the front door and I see the girl, I've seen in several photos standing there giving her little brother a hug.
"You must be Angel." She says looking at me.
"Yeah, that's me." I say as I step closer to her.
"My Dad talks about you a lot when we chat on the msn." She says as she takes off her shoes.
"That's why I couldn't wait to meet you."
"Well he talks about you often too." I say as Tre comes into the house with Ramona's suit case.

** Tre's P.O.V. **
I really hope Ramona and Angel get along, I hold Ramona's opinion really high. Ramona didn't like my last girlfriend from the start, but I thought she was just going through a phase, but turns out she was cheating on me so Ramona's opinion is gold. I walk into the house to see both Angel and Ramona with smiles on their faces so I'm relieved.

Angel and Frankito head back into the living room while Ramona and I head upstairs to put her stuff away.
"So what do you think about Angel? Do you approve?"
"Yes I approve." Ramona says giggling as she opens the door to her bedroom. "She's much nicer than that last girlfriend of yours."
"Good." I say as I place her suitcase on her bed.
"So are you going to marry her?" Ramona asks as she opens her suitcase, "I mean you two are having a baby together."
"I don't know, considering my past, I don't think marriage is my strong point."
"So what?"
"For now we're just living together, okay?" I say as she puts a stack of her clothes in a drawer.
"Okay, how long have you been going out?" Damn parental morals kicking in again, enter hypocrite Tre.
"A few months." I mumble.
"How many?"
"Enough to know I love her, okay?"
"Yeah, I see why you're bad at the whole marriage thing, you're an anniversary forgetter." She teases.
"You're a little smart mouth, you know that?" I say laughing.
"Yeah, I learn from the best." She says as she points at me.
"You better be nice to me or I won't take you to Australia with me." I say evilly.
"You wouldn't do that, I'm too cute to leave behind." Damn, this girl is my daughter.
"I suggest you stop gloating about your cuteness, that just makes handsome ol me angry."
"Yeah whatever." She says as she puts her now empty suitcase under her bed.
"Don't whatever me."
"Whatever, whatever, whatever." She teases as she runs out of her room laughing. I chase after her and she runs into the living room and hides behind Angel.

"Angel, protect me." she says laughing.
"From what?"
"Dad, he's . . ."
"I didn't do anything." I protest as I cross my arms. Ramona slinks away onto the sofa. I run up to her, pick her up and sling her over my shoulder. "Hmm, I think what you need is a good swirly."
"Swirly! Swirly!" Frankito chants happily as he hops behind me to the washroom.
"Help me Angel!" Ramona says laughing as I poke at her ribs.
"Swirly! Swirly!" Frankito continues to chant.
"What's a swirly?" Angel asks as near the toilet.
"It's when you dump someone's head in the toilet and press the flusher." Frankito says happily.
"No don't do that." Angel says as I have Ramona upside down over the toilet. I let out a sigh and put Ramona down on the ground. She runs and hugs Angel, partially using her as a shield.

Later that evening once Frankito and Ramona were asleep I go to sit on the couch next to Angel on the couch. I've been dying to ask her to come with me to Australia for a while now.
"Ramona is so much like you." she says quietly.
"Yeah, it drives me crazy." I say laughing. "I was wondering if you'd . . ."
"I'd what? If this is getting raunchy I'm saying no." she says laughing.
"No, I was wondering if you'd like to come with me to Australia while I finish up touring." She analyzes my face for a second.
"Yeah, yeah, I'll come with you."
"Really?" she nods, "I'll make sure there's plenty of tomatoes for you." she laughs and kisses my lips lightly.

"I over heard you talking to Ramona." She says casually.
"Yeah?" I ask worriedly.
"So you love me?" I just nod. "I love you too."
"You're not just saying that?" I ask as she smiles.
"No I've been dying to tell you for a while now." She says blushing. I cup her cheeks and kiss her lips passionately. Damn I feel like a friggin teenager kissing, hormones firing. I place my hand on her thigh as she falls back onto the couch as my tongue finds its way into her mouth.

**Angel's P.O.V. **
"Oh jeez." Someone says. I open my eyes and I'm spooned in Tre's arms, still on the sofa. I look up to see Ramona standing there rolling her eyes. Boy, am I glad things didn't escalate last night and I'm still fully dressed.
"Morning Mona." I say yawning as I slide out of Tre's arms.
"Don't you two have a room?" she asks as we head to the kitchen.
"Yeah, but we accidentally fell asleep on the couch." I say hoping she'll stop with the questions. I turn on the coffee maker and make my way to the cupboard to find some bread for toast.
"So are you coming to Australia with us?"
"Yeah." I say as I pop the bread in a toaster.
"That'll be cool, I guess." She says as she looks through the assortment of cereal in the cupboard. "Damn, no more fruitloops."
"Yeah Frankito scarps them down like crazy." I say as she chooses Honey Comb instead. I head to the fridge and pull out a tomato.
"Tomatoes for breakfast?" Ramona asks slightly disturbed.
"Yeah, I crave tomatoes like crazy." I say laughing as I rinse it off in the sink. I cut the tomato into slices and put it on a plate, just as my toast pops. I butter my toast, pour myself some coffee and sit at the kitchen table with Ramona.

"Can I have coffee?"
"I don't think so." I say quickly.
"Awe why not?"
"You're too young to be drinking coffee, and I seriously doubt that you'll even like it."
"Does your mom let you drink coffee?"
"No." she squeaks.
"Well same here."
"But at Mom's I'm not aloud to jump on the couches but here I'm aloud." She says as she puts a scoop of cereal in her mouth.
"That's not the same and you know it."
"Fine." She says rolling her eyes, "can I at least taste it?"
"Okay." I say handing her my mug, she takes a sip and a look of disgust crosses her face.
"I don't like it." She mumbles.
"Told ya." I say laughing as I take a bite from my toast.