Well That's Interesting

Well That's Interesting

**Angel's P.O.V. **
We're all sitting in the airport waiting for the signal to board the plane. Ramona and Frankito are sitting a couple of benches away talking to Billie Joe's sons and Mike's daughter. I'm sitting here with my nerves flaring, I haven't been on a plane since I was twelve.
"You nervous?" Tre asks me as he sits next to, handing me a Starbucks cup with a mochachino in it.
"Yeah, not really used to flying," I say as I take a sip.
"Well by the time we get there you will be, it's two long flights."

**Tre's P.O.V.**
I look over at Angel who's fairly uneasy. I take her hand.
"It's okay," I reassure her as the plane starts to move.
"Sorry, I've only been on an airplane twice in my life and that was when I was twelve."
"Okay. Well you're still alive aren't you?" she nods, smiling a little. As the plane starts to lift off the ground I feel her grip on my hand tighten.

"You have some grip," I say in slight mockery as she finally let's go of my hand as the plane steadies.
"Yeah, it's all the years of hand jobs," she says sarcastically.
"Hmm, care to demonstrate?"
"No, my hand is kind of sore at the moment."
"Am not, you're just over-horny."
"That could very well be."

The next day at the hotel, we all decided to go to the beach. Being the suave guy I am it only took me a minute to get changed into my bathing suit. I slink into the washroom where I find Angel looking at herself in the mirror.
"You look fine," I say as I peck at her neck and put my hands on her hips.
"I shouldn't have brought a bikini," She mumbles as she puts her hand over her stomach.
"Why?" she rolls her eyes, "It's nothing to be ashamed of, in a way it's beautiful."
"I'm not ashamed, I just don't think moms or soon to be moms should go around in bikinis. It's kind of skanky."
"No it isn't," I insist.
"Okay," she says looking in the mirror once more.

We head down to the beach with Ramona and Frankito and we meet up with everyone else.

**Angel's P.O.V.**
I let Tre play with his kids, I felt sorry for him; he hardly ever got to see Ramona. That's why I'm not going to interfere with them now. This is more their vacation than it is mine, that's how I think of it. I watch as Frankito snatches a volleyball.
"No parents! This is a kids' game!" the little boy exclaims.
"Yeah you guys are too old." Billie's son Jakob says pointing at the three band mates.
"Fine, be that way." Tre pouts as he comes up to the fold out chair I'm sitting on. He slithers behind me and wraps his arms over my shoulders. "How you doing babe?" he kisses the top of my head.
"I'm good, just soaking up the sun."
"You're gorgeous, you know that?"
"Thanks." I say as I lean my head against his arm, "You're a good father, do you know that?" he stays silent for a moment, "Tre?"
"Well I try my best. I don't like being away from Ramona."
"I know."

"So it's your birthday tomorrow."
"How do you know that?!" he says slightly surprised.
"My sister told me, she sort of researched you on the internet."
"Oh well yeah, but I'm hoping the guys'll forget."
"Because they'll prank me somehow. It's a sort of birthday tradition, If I'm lucky I'll get away with only birthday beats." He pouts. I move my head to gently kiss his lips.

Tre's birthday wasn't as prank-filled as he thought it would be. Mike and Billie shoved cream pies in his face. Last night they had a show and today they wanted to take it easy so we lounged around the hotel pool.
"Tre! Someone just took a picture of us." I gasp.
"What?" he looks over to the bar and sees someone trying to shove a professional camera in his bag, no mere fan. "You!" he yells angrily, "Get back here!" the camera person starts to run away and Tre chases after him. Billie gets tuned in to what just happened and chases after the person too. I pull on the sun dress I brought with me, over my bathing suit and follow the guys.

"Give me the fucking film!" Tre yells as him and Billie hold him down.
"I'm sorry, I just needed a story." the man gasps with his thick Australian accent, "Please, I was at my wits end and my daughter said you guys were in the city and my job depended on it, I usually never go to extremes."
"You fucking moron, I would've been more than willing to give you an interview if you asked." Tre says letting go of him angrily.
"You have to understand, my job's on the line," he says as Billie also let's go of him.
"Fine," Tre says running his hands through his hair, "We'll let you publish that picture, but you write what we tell you to write, I don't want you making up any scandals."
"Sure, whatever you say," he says standing up. "Could your girlfriend answer some questions too?"
"Okay, I guess," I say for the first time. Tre looks at me.
"You don't have to."
"Yeah I know," I nod.
"If everything's okay here, I think I'll go," Billie says walking away.

We head to the bar and the man pulls out a notepad. "So, how long have you been together?"
"A long while, we just wanted to keep things private," Tre states clearly.
"And how many months along are you?"
"Four months," I answer. "He's due at the end of May." he scribbles down my answer.
"So are you two married or engaged?"
"We're just living together for now," Tre says coolly, "And we're in loving every minute of it."
"You said for now, but since, I'm sorry what's your name?"
"Angela Suarez, more commonly known as Angel."
"Anyway, you said for now but Angel is obviously pregnant."
"Well, marriage hasn't exactly been my strong point, I mean I've been divorced twice. I don't want to mess things up this time around. I'm crazy about her," Tre says putting his arm around me.
"Can I get another picture of you two?" Tre nods. The man pulls out his camera and snaps a picture of us, Tre with his arm around me.

"Okay, now Angel, what do you do for a living?"
"I co-own a coffee shop in Oakland called The Mocha Corner."
"So how does it feel to be with a member of Green Day?"
"To me he's not just a member of some band, he's just this awesome guy who I'm madly in love with," I say glancing at Tre adoringly, "When we first went out, I didn't even know he was in Green Day."
"So how did you two meet?"
"I got invited to a press party and I saw this guy standing alone at the bar and I had to go up to talk to him."
"And the rest is history," Tre adds in.

"Thank you guys so much, you saved my job," The man says hugging us.
"You're welcome," I say laughing.
"Yeah, but seriously, next time just ask," Tre says as the guy walks away.