Well That's Interesting

Well That's Interesting

My cell phone rings on the drive back home. I pull it out of my pocket and put it to my ear.
"You were on the cover of a tabloid!" my mother's voice screeches.
"Don't take that tone with me! You couldn't have possibly told me the man you're living with is some, some teen idol!"
"I wouldn't say teen idol, his band's audience is quite broad," I say very matter-of-factly.
"Y-you you you!" she stutters. "I had to find out details of your relationship from a tabloid."
"How very nice," I say calmly. "I think everyone should do that with awkward relationships."
"He has kids from previous marriages! What makes you think you'll last!"
"You're being psychotic."
"I can't talk to you right now," she gibbers, "Your father wants to talk."
"Hey Dad."
"Angie, I know you're having problems with your mother but can you at least tell us more about your major life events?"
"Yeah okay, next time I move in with a drummer of a punk rock band with two kids, and get pregnant I'll let you know right away," Tre laughs from the driver's seat next to me.
"Secondly are you and what's his name?"
"You and Tre coming for Christmas dinner?"
"Is Mom going to be there?" he chuckles. "I'll talk to him about it and call you back, and you better be the one to answer the phone."
"Okay then, I'll talk to you later," I hang up the phone and slide it back in my pocket.

"Talk to me about what?" Tre asks as we turn a corner.
"Christmas dinner at my parents house," I mutter.
"Ahh okay then, I celebrate with my family on Christmas Eve," he states simply. "So that's a yes, I'd like to meet these seemingly amusing people," I laugh. "Are you up for it Mona?"
"Yeah sure," she says looking out the window of the car.
"Me too!" Frankito pipes up.
"Sorry buddy but you're going to your mom's that day."
"Oh okay," he says obviously not bothered one bit.

We get home and start unloading the stuff from the car.
"Angel!" Tre practically screeches.
"Yes darling?" I ask laughing.
"Take it easy there," he says grabbing the fairly large suitcase from me.
"I'm pregnant not crippled," I say rolling my eyes.
"I just don't want you going through unnecessary stress," he says frustrated.
"Right now you're going through unnecessary stress," I laugh, "My stress is not a suitcase, it's my mother, so until Christmas, just chill."
"How come your stress is your mother?" Ramona asks innocently.
"I got in a big fight with her a while ago and we can't get passed it," I say trying to make her understand. "Well we never got along to begin with then I ran away and she got mad and in her eyes I just kept messing up my life."
"Messing up your life? You mean drugs?" she says, she's quite smart for a ten year old.
"Well yeah there were drugs at one point, but not anymore."
"So then why is she mad?"
"Because she moved in with me," Tre says laughing as he brings two more suitcases into the house. The girl laughs. "And we all know I'm not a preppy business type of guy."
"Dad, you're the shizit."
"Yeah I know," he says taking a bow as Frankito hops onto his back.

"Something's making my back itch," Tre says tickling Frankito. "Feels like a huge bug," both his children laugh hysterically. "I just can't seem to squish it."
"It's me Dad!" the little boy squeals.
"Oh my god Franky!" he yelps as he lowers himself to the ground. "Don't tell your mom I tried to squish you."
"Ohh I'm going to tell then you'll be in trouble!" he says maliciously.
"I can always return your Christmas gifts," Tre says evilly.
"Nooooo!" Frankito says running up to his father and giving him a hug.
"That's black mail," Ramona states. "I can sue."
"Yeah, yeah, stop being a smart mouth," Tre taunts.
"Awe but it gives her charm," I say, she smiles at me.
"Yeah! Angel likes my smart mouth."
"Well if Angel likes it then by all means," Tre says obnoxiously as he tosses Frankito onto the sofa.

"So we're going to my parents' for Christmas?" I ask as Tre fumbles with a suitcase.
"Yup," he says finally getting it open. I dial the number and put my cell phone to my ear.
"Hello," My dad's voice says clearly.
"Yeah Dad, Tre and I are coming for Christmas dinner."
"Okay, we'll be expecting you."
"His daughter Ramona will be coming too."
"Okay," he says happily. "Well, I'll talk to you later."
"Later," I say as I hang up the phone.

I help Tre separate all the clothes from the trip in the laundry room while Ramona and Frankito went to watch TV. Well sort of, they fell asleep soon after, I guess jetlag kicked in for them.
"Is this going to be a sexy laundry session?" Tre asks raising his eyebrows. I throw a dirty sock at him.
"What is sexy laundry?" I ask as I toss a shirt in the pile of whites.
"Well we put a load in the washer, then I put a load in you," he smirks. I laugh.
"How romantic."
"What? You expected if I am Romeo you're my Juliet?" he asks coming up to me and putting his hands on my hips.
"No, now that's too cheesy, no happy medium for you is there?" I laugh as I put my lips against his. I back into the grumbling washer as Tre's tongue slips into my mouth and his hands move under my shirt.

"Dad.... Dad.... Where are you?" Frankito says as we hear him get closer. Tre quickly removes his lips from mine and his hands from under my shirt. "There you are. I'm hungry."
"Give me a minute," Tre says turning away so he's not facing his son, "I just need to umm finish.... This," I caught on to what was going on.
"C'mon Franky, I'll take you to get something to eat."

"So what do you want to eat?" I ask as we get to the kitchen.
"Peanut butter!"
"On toast or a sandwich?"
"Sandwich!" he exclaims as he takes a seat.
"Uhh," I utter as I realize that we've been away for a whole month meaning there were no groceries. "No bread."
"Hmmf," he mumbles, "What do we have then?"
"Waffles?" I say opening the freezer.
"Okay, can I put peanut butter on it?"
"Yup," I say pulling the box out of the freezer and putting a waffle in the toaster. Frankito hops of over to the pantry and proudly pulls out a jar of peanut butter and puts it on the counter.

"We need to groceries," I say as Tre casually creeps into the kitchen.
"Oh right," he says messing up his son's hair. The toaster pops and I put Frankito's waffle on a plate and hand it to him. The little boy eagerly spreads peanut butter on his snack and practically inhales it.

Over the next hour Ramona wakes up and Claudia comes to pick up Frankito. Tre, Ramona and I decide now's a good a time as any to go and buy food. We go the nearby grocery store and Tre grabs a cart.
"We need tomatoes," I mumble, Tre just laughs. I fill up two whole bags with tomatoes.
"That's a crack load of tomatoes," Ramona laughs, "Are you Italian or something?"
"Nope, I'm pregnant."
"Well duh." She laughs.
"Cravings." I say raising my eyebrows.

"I want cereal," she says as we pass the cereal isle.
"Sure," Tre says following behind her with the cart. She chooses five different types of cereal and puts them in the cart. "That all then?"
"Hey, I happen to like cereal," she says crossing her arms. "Oh and cookies." I can't help but burst out laughing.
"Hey, hey, hey," Tre says in a very parental tone, "We need chocolate pudding too."