Well That's Interesting

Well That's Interesting

"Ready?" I ask as we step out of the car in front of my father's house.

"Yup." Angel nods as she slides her purse on her shoulder. "You sure they won't just think of me as some skank?"

"Nah, if I'm bringing you to meet them that means you're special."

"Awe." I kiss her lips gently. Ramona and Frankito had run ahead and were now banging on the door.

"Ahh, I love you kids," the jolly man, known as my father, says opening the door.

"Where's that father of yours?"

"He's coming." Ramona says cheerily. He looks over at us.

"Well hello sonny, care to tell me why I haven't met this lovely lady earlier?"

"Ahh well," I say, shrugging.

"Angel, this is my dad Frank Senior. Dad this is Angel."

"Nice to meet you," he says, pulling her into a hug, "Frank talks about you a lot, you must be some women to get him rambling." She smiles.

"Well Frank always refers to you as Papa Cool." Angel laughs as I turn red.
"Yeah, that old nick name." we walk into the living room.

We follow my father into the kitchen where Helen just put something in the oven.
"Oh Angel." I say eagerly, "This is my step-mommy Helen."

"Nice to meet you." Angel giggles as she's pulled into another hug.

"I'm so happy to finally meet you," Helen says happily, "And baby." She pats Angel's belly.

"Are my darling siblings coming?" I ask as I glance around.

"Lori is, but your brother decided to go on vacation with that floozy."

"You call everyone floozy," Helen mumbles as she rolls her eyes.

"No! I haven't called Angel a floozy," my father exclaims proudly.

"Hey, I'm just going to show Angel around," I say, taking her hand.

"Oh wow, a floozy," Angel laughs.

"In this family you have to come to Christmas dinner or else someone is called a floozy." I explain.

"Oh okay, so this girl gets called floozy when in reality we're the ones deserving that title?"

"Precisely," I nod as I lead her through the dining room to the living room.

"Hey Daddy," Ramona says, looking away from the TV.

"Hey kiddo." The door bell rings. "That's Aunt Lori and Uncle Mark." My two kids get up and head over to the door.

*Angel's P.O.V.*

Tre's family seemed so loving, except for Frank Senior's one floozy comment, but I guess he's just upset about the family not being together not even at Christmas. They were all enthusiastic about my pregnancy, weird how my family wasn't. But now we were pulling up to my parents house.

"It's not too late to go home." I say looking at Tre.

"Oh c'mon, how bad can your parents be, your sister seems nice enough."

"You'll see," I mumble, still paranoid on how my father will react, I already know my mother is going to be pissed. Ramona steps out of the car and we walk up to the front door.

I ring the door bell and I wait anxiously. My father opens the door and greets us with open arms.

"Hey Dad," I say as I'm being pulled into a hug.

"Well, you're really along," he laughs.

"Dad, this is Tre, and his daughter Ramona."

"Very nice to meet you." my father says as he shakes Tre's hand, "Good to see Angie finally settling down." I can't believe he just said that, he's actually inviting Tre into our dysfunctional family with open arms. He turns to Ramona, "How are you doing little lady?"

"Okay I guess," she says shaking his hand.

"You can call me Pops if you want." He offers, "That's what my grand-daughter calls me."

"Alright." She smiles.

"So where's Mom." I ask quietly.

"I'm right here." She says coming into the den where we're all standing around.

"You must be Tre." She says placing a kiss on each of Tre's cheeks.

"Nice to meet you." Tre says glancing at me. My mother always puts on a phony act for people she just meets. "Didn't the article say you have two kids?"

"Well Frankito is with his mother today," he says, his hands on Ramona's shoulders, "This is my girl, Ramona."

"Very nice to meet you," my mother says nodding. "My name is Karin."

The door bell rings again. "That would be your sister." My dad says heading over to the door.

"Hey Dad, sorry we're late." Hailey says coming into the house with her husband Chris and daughter Melanie.

"Hailey we meet again." Tre laughs, she just smiles.

"Well this is my husband Chris and my daughter Melanie." My little niece gives a small wave.

"Aunt Angie!" she screeches as she spots me. She runs up to me and pulls me into a hug, I was the fun aunt who let her get hyped up on candy. "Who's he?"

"This is my boyfriend, Tre," I say, messing up her dirty blond hair. "Or Uncle Tre."

"Hi, I'm Melly," she says proudly.

"Hi Melly, I'm Tre Cool." He says smirking, she just bursts out laughing. "This is Ramona, my daughter."

"Hi," Melanie says happily, "Do you wanna see my new Barbie?"

"Okay." Ramona says shrugging as the four year old pulls her by the hand into the living room, her pink knap sack in her other hand.

The six of us go into the kitchen and conversation starts up.

"So Tre, what kind of music does your band play?" my mother asks as she checks on the soup.

"Uh, punk rock." My mother quivers at the sound of this. "You might have heard our song, American Idiot, on the radio."

"I don't listen to rock music," she says sternly, "It's too negative for my taste."

"Don't take it personally." Hailey whispers.

"What was that Hailey?" my mother demands.

"I didn't say anything." My sister says casually.

"So Chris, how's work at the firm?" she asks, now smiling. My sister was the good one who married a lawyer.

"I have a new case starting up next month, a law suite towards the Johnson company."

"Well nice to see you're keeping busy."

"So Tre." My father interrupts, "What have you been up to?"

"Well we just finished touring for our album last week, and we'll be back in studio to record another album by March," Tre says proud of himself.

"So you'll be touring again?" Chris asks, quite interested, I remember when he and my sister were in college they loved going to the concerts with wild mosh pits.


"So you'll be leaving my daughter alone to take care of the baby?" My mother says not amused.

"Well by the time the tour starts our baby will be at least one year old," I interrupt.
"I won't be leaving them behind, they'll be coming on tour with me."

"You can't take a baby touring!" my mother outbursts, as Hailey tries to suppress her laughter.

"Mom, I think he's done it before," Hailey snickers.

"Don't give me lip." My mother says slightly pissed.

"I don't think she likes me." Tre whispers in my ear, with a tinge of amusement in his voice.

"No sweetie, she doesn't like me or anything I like."

"You like me," Tre says smirking manically.