Well That's Interesting

Well That's Interesting

Today, is baby day. Tre announced it last night after Claudia picked up Frankito. Today we're going to go maternity clothes shopping, sign up for Lamaze class, go shopping for stuff for the baby's room and if time permits see a lawyer about selling back my part of the Mocha Corner. I really don't want to give it up, but it's just too stressful. When this kid is maybe one or two, I'll start working again, but not my own business.

Tre has his arms around me now, he's still sleeping. I hear him groan and then I feel his lips against my neck.
"Morning," I whisper.
"Mmmmorning," he says as he pecks at my neck. "Still up for baby day?"
"Yeah," I say holding his arms around me.
"Now?" I squint to see the alarm clock 8:30.
"Half an hour."
"Okay," he says as he continues to peck at my neck.

We stay in bed for another half an hour, as planned before getting up and getting ready to go.
"Where first?" Tre asks in the car as we're pulling out of the driveway.
"Clothes, furniture, Lamaze, lawyer," I list as I check them off on my fingers.
"Umm, where does one acquire maternity clothing?" Tre asks very formally causing me to burst out laughing.
"Just go to the mall." He turns the corner onto the main street which lead directly to Carmendy Mall. "Never pictured myself shopping for maternity clothes."
"Is it that strange?"
"Yup, for me anyway," I say smoothing my hands over my thighs out of nervousness. "I never thought I'd end up pregnant."
"Never thought I'd end up living with someone I knocked up two hours after meeting." I slap his arm playfully. "Well did you?!"
"I've gotten over that part," I say pecking his cheek, "I think I got pretty lucky."
"I'm a winner!" Tre exclaims proudly lifting his hands from the steering wheel momentarily. He takes a mild turn into the mall parking lot and drives through the row of cars. He finds a pretty decent parking space near the entrance and we get out of the car.

I walk with his arm around me into the mall, I never wanted his arm to leave my waist. We take the escalator to the second floor of the mall and we appear in front of the maternity clothing store. I catch a glimpse of all the pastel coloured clothing, this scared me especially since it was the winter line of clothing.
"Tre I'm afraid," I say burying my face into his shoulder laughing.
"Why exactly?"
"All the pastels!"
"Ahh, now that you mention it, it looks like an easter basket."
"Oh good, so I'm not the only one," I laugh. "Need . . . . earthy . . . .tones. Need . . . black."
"I'm sure they must have SOME," Tre says leading me deeper into the store. I go up to rack of clothing, I find a pair of black pants and we continue on till I find some orange and red stuff. After I have enough articles of clothing I head to the changing room. Tre takes a seat in front of the stall as I go to try the stuff on.

"What do you think?" I ask sporting black pants and a green shirt.
"Very psychedelic baby!" he says mocking Austin Powers. I nod and go back to try on the next out fit. Several whirls around the changing room later and I chose the black pants, a pair of jeans, a red shirt, the green shirt and a black t-shirt.

"Now where do we go?" Tre asks as we head out of the mall.
"Baby furniture shopping," I say after a moment of thought. He nods as we head out of the mall. It only takes us a couple of minutes by car to get to the baby furniture store.

"More pastels," I whisper in Tre's ear as we enter the store. "Isn't it a bit early for furniture shopping, I'm only five months along."
"Well there's always preemies and it takes a while for them to deliver the stuff," he says casually as we walk along the displays.
"You thought of everything," I chuckle. "Four months left."
"The last five flew by," he says as we stop at a display for a boy's room. "Like this one?"
"Yeah," I say a little freaked out that I'm looking at baby furniture. I look over the gorgeous wooden crib, with matching changing table. "This one is the best we've seen all day."
"Wanna get it then?" Tre asks tilting his head.

We spend the next half hour picking out the rest of the stuff for the baby's room then head out.
"So the Lamaze thing is at the community center?" Tre asks driving towards it regardless.
"Yup," I say slipping out of my shoes, my feet are killing me.

"Well we have a course this evening at seven," the woman at the community center explains, "Its every Tuesday and Thursday."
"Alright," I say nodding.

We head back to the car and I turn to Tre. "I'm so fucking horny right now," he bursts out laughing.
"I can fix that."
"Ahh lawyer first."
"To hell with the lawyer."
"I'm paying for the appointment if even if we don't show up."
"So that's a no?" he pouts.
"It's a we'll get to it later," I say firmly.
"Blah," he says as we start down the avenue.