Well That's Interesting

Well That's Interesting

*Tre's POV*

Angel went to spend the day with her sister so I headed straight for Mike's place. I had way too much energy bottled up. I bang on his front door until he answers.

"Mikey!" I yelp, he just glares at me like I'm a moron.

"Tre, what the hell?" he asks as I let myself in.

"Okay, I know this is totally random but I think I'm going to ask Angel to marry me!" I exclaim.

"Tre, no." Mike sighs as he rubs his face. I stare at him.

"What? Why not?"

"Because you're just proposing because of the baby." He sighs again, "Same thing that happened with Lisea when she was having Ramona and look how that turned out."

"But I'm really, really, really in love with Angel."

"But you also loved Lisea at one point." I glare at him, he's supposed to be happy for me but he's just being a downer.

"That was a shot gun wedding," I say crossing my arms.

"Well yes, your dad did suggest you marry her, but it was all you."

"Argh, Mike why can't you understand!" I yell, "I love Angel!"

"Then do what you want!" he yells back, man he's pissed. "I'm not your big brother! Just fucking live your own life and stop relying on me!"

I glare at him, his face burning red. I turn around and leave his house, both of us super pissed wasn't going to sit well with Billie considering we were already in studio for our next album. We needed our creative joo-joo together. When we were recording Shenanigans we were constantly fighting and getting at each other's necks and look how bad that album flopped.

I drive downtown. I wanted a new cymbal for my home drum set and I'll be damned if I don't test the living shit out of every cymbal in the music store. I park near by my favorite musician store, a small locally owned place, kind of dingy but I like it there.

The door jingles as I step inside, the owner appears.

"Mind if I just fiddle with the drum sets?" I ask hopefully. He looks me over, its almost closing time and he was herding customers out.

"Sure Franky." Did I mention that my brother Daniel owned the store? Well now that you know that I head to the back of the store and sit at one of the newer yet smaller sets. I like jumping from set to set and seeing how long it takes me to get used to the new set up. The sort of thing I do when I try to get my mind off things.

After jumping from jump set to jump set about three times I just break down and stop. I stare at the drumstick in my hand in silence for a good few minutes. My brother walks up and sits at the drum set across from me.

"What's wrong Franky-boy?" I bash one of the toms and look at him.

"You know Angel."

"Not personally, but Dad says she's very nice."

"Anyway, I wanted to ask her to marry me."

"Go for it," he says as if it was nothing.

"You see I went to tell Mike about it and he started lecturing me about the whole thing that happened with Lisea and Ramona repeating all over again."

"But you were a kid back then and all that stuff, now you and Angel are adults and-" he stops and stares at me, "Honestly, what's Mike's problem if you two are having a kid together then-"

"There's something you and the family don't know," I whisper. He stares at me.

"It's not your kid?"

"No, no, it's my kid." I sigh, "How can I say this, well Angel is eight months pregnant now and I met Angel eight months ago."

"Whoa!" he yelps as I look at my feet, "Everyone is under the impression you two were together a few months before you knocked her up. Whoa!"

"Yeah shut up and don't you dare tell Dad, and especially not Helen!" I hiss.

"But, what happened?"

"Well we were both at this party and she came up to me and we started drinking, I took her back to my place and like a week later she's like guess 'what Tre I'm pregnant'!"

"Oh so now I see Mike's point."

"Nooooooo," I whine, "You see she was living in sort of a dodgy area of town so I convinced her to live at my house. She had her own room and stuff and we grew close and stuff."

"So now you want to marry her," he says putting his head in his hands.

Our silence is interrupted by my cell phone jingle. I look at the number, it was Angel's cell phone.

"Hey Angel," I say trying to hide the upset in my voice.

"Hey Tre, what are you up to?"

"Nothing really."

"Okay, can you pick me up now?"

"Yeah sure, I'll be there in ten minutes. Kay?"

"Key, see you then."

"See ya," she says sweetly as she hangs up.

"So," my brother says carefully, "Was that her?"

"Yeah." I sigh as I get up, "I'm going to pick her up now." I head for the door.

"Hey Frank."

"Yeah?" I say turning around on the spot.

"You two should come over to dinner tonight," he says clearly, I nod, "In about half hour, okay?"

"We'll be there," I say heading out of the building.

I drive to Hailey's house, part nervous, part angry and part dead tired. It doesn't take that long before I pull up in front of a lovely suburban home I dropped Angel off earlier today.

I get out of the car and walk up to the front door and ring the bell. Within seconds Melly opens the door.

"Are you supposed to be opening the door?" I ask crouching down to her level. She shakes her head giggling.

"But you're uncle Tre, it's okay, you're not a stranger," she explains with big eyes.

"Alright kiddo." I laugh, "Where's your Auntie?"

"Aunt Angie!" she yells at the top of her lungs.

"Melly! No yelling in the house," I hear Hailey lecture from the next room. The two sisters come into the entrance where I'm standing. Angel smiles at me sweetly.

"So Hailey, I'll see you next week." She awkwardly hugs her sister, belly in the way, and links arms with me.

"So what did you do all day?" she asks as we get into the car.

"Oh nothing really," I lie, "Just putted around." She nods. "Erm, my brother wants us to join him for supper."

"Oh so I finally get to meet Daniel," she says happily, I had told her a lot about him.


We drive to my brother's apartment where he and his "floozy" girlfriend live. She's really nice, not a floozy at all. Her name is Jessica. We get out of the car and head up to the building, I'm nervous as hell right now.