Well That's Interesting

Well that's interesting

"Holy fuck. What happened?" I think to myself as my eyes flutter open and I become aware of my pounding headache. "Where the fuck am I?" Realizing this room is not my own, and that I'm only wearing a sheet and the fact that the Tre guy is lying next to me in a deep sleep. It started to come back to me; we ordered drinks, lots of drinks and then we started making out at the bar before jumping a cab to his place. I look over at the clock on the nightstand to see it's already 10:15; I'm supposed to meet my sister for breakfast in fifteen minutes.

I cautiously slide out of the strange bed and quickly get dressed. Before I leave the room I pick up a napkin, which was lying on floor, and write a quick apology and my phone number. As I make my way down the hallway, I come to terms on just how huge this place was, who was this guy, a drug dealer? I eventually find a phone and call a cab to pick me up. Luckily there was a cab in the area so it was at the house in a matter of minutes.

"Margarita's Restaurant." I mumble to the driver.
"Yes m'am." He says as he starts up the car. I look back at the house, my goodness it was huge. The taxi pulls up to the front of the cozy little restaurant, I hand the driver the fee and scuttle out of the cab into the restaurant where my sister waves me over.

"Angie you look like shit." She says in disbelief.
"I know." I mumble as I take my sit across from her.
"What happened?"
"Hailey, I slept with a guy I just met."
"Wha-what do you mean?"
"I mean last night, I went out to a huge party met a guy, got drunk and woke up this morning next to him."
"You whore!" she hisses.
"Shut-up." I say as I run my hands through my hair.

"Okay, so besides that." Hailey asks trying to change the subject.
"I'm sorry, but I have a killer hangover." I mumble as the waitress comes up to our table with her note pad and pen. "Black coffee and toast."
"I'll have a cappuccino and a bagel." Hailey says as she turns her attention back to me intrigued. "So was it a one night stand?"
"Umm, he was still sleeping when I left so I left him my phone number. It's all up to him now."
"Well, is he hot?" Hailey asks pervertedly.
"Dead sexy, from what I can remember." I mutter rubbing my head.

Tre's P.O.V.
"Tre, Tre wake up." Someone says as they shake me awake.
"No, it's Kelly, you're cleaning lady." She mutters as she starts putting the empty beer bottles and other trash in a garbage bag.
"Where's Angie?" I say as I rub my eyes.
"Awe, she left." I say disappointed.
"Mr. Tre, you have an interview today." Kelly says rolling her eyes as she finds a whole new collection of trash to clean up.
"What's with the mister?" I ask as I get up and head to the washroom.
"Uhh, sorry."
"Did she leave a number?" I say as I turn on the shower.
"Not that I know of." Kelly hollers as I hear her shut the door.

Where did Angie go? I really like her, she has spunk. Damn, last thing I need today is an interview, but Billie and Mike would be pissed if I just skipped an interview.

"Sorry I'm late." I mumble as I meet up with Billie and Mike in the green room of some television studio.
"Yeah, what happened to you last night?" Billie asks as he lays his head back on the leather sofa; he and Mike were hung-over too.
"I met someone."
"I woke up this morning and she was gone."
"I'm sorry man." Mike says sympathetically, he knows how hard I take one-night stands.
"Well, let's just forget about last night and do this interview." I suggest as some teenage-looking floor manager with a clipboard signals that we'll be on in a matter of minutes.
"Sure you're alright?" Mike asks.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I insist as I jump around to get in 'interview mode.'