Well That's Interesting

Well that's interesting

"Angie, are you okay?" Emma says a few days later when she dropped by on her lunch hour.
"Uhh fuck, this week sucks." I mumble.
"Tre hasn't called; damn bastard pulled a one night stand. And this morning, I must've caught the flu because I threw up and I felt sick as shit."
"Awe." She says as she puts her arm over my shoulders. "Well, some guys can be real ass holes."
"Yeah, yeah, so how are you and your mission?"
"Well, I don't want to depress you."
"Skip the sympathy and tell me." I mumble as I curl up on sofa.
"Well, we I gave him my number and we're going out this Friday."
"That's good." I say optimistically.
"Yeah, I know." She says smiling. "I'm sorry; I really ruined your birthday, didn't I."
"No, don't worry, what happened had nothing to do with you." I mumble.
"Are you going into work?"
"No, I don't think so." I mumble, I didn't feel to sick anymore, it was all psychological about my one nightstand.

Tre's P.O.V.
"Tre, if there's nothing else, I'm leaving." Kelly says as she pulls her bag over her shoulder.
"Yeah, bye, see you next week." I say as slump on the couch with TV remote in my hand.
"Oh hi Mike." I hear her say as she opens the door. Mike walks in and sits on the sofa next to me.
"You have to stop moping man." He says as he stares ahead at the TV.
"I'm not moping."
"Yeah you are."
"Am not." I say knowing full well how immature I sound.
"Yeah you are, you're in sweat pants and your faux-hawk is non-existent." Mike says bluntly.
"So, you had a one night stand, just put it behind you."
"Easier said then done." I mumble.
"Jeez, this is like Germany all over again." Mike grumbles to himself. Mike was referring to our first tour, I met this girl in Germany at a concert, and she left me waiting at the boardwalk alone the next day.
"No it's not."
"Yeah whatever, buck up because you're not pleasant to tour with when you're like this."
"Only for you Mikey." I say evilly as I lick his cheek.
"Argh Tre!" he yells as he wipes his cheek in disgust.
"You know you like it." I tease as I go back to watching some pointless sitcom.
"C'mon, get dressed man; we have to go meet Bill."
"Awe, do I have to?" I whine as I roll off the sofa.
"No, but if you don't Billie's going to be pissed."
"Okay, okay, I'm going." I grumble as I make my way up the stairs to my room. I hear Mike flip through the channels.