Well That's Interesting

Well that's interesting

"No, no, no, this can't be happening." I mutter as I pace back and forth in my apartment. My cell phone starts to ring from the corner table. I look at the number, it was Hailey.
"I'm one week late!" I burst out.
"My period."
"Dear god, the one night stand." She says in awe. "I'll be right over." the phone line goes dead.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck." I mutter to myself.

I continue to pace back and forth blurting random profanities until Hailey arrives.
"I bought you a pregnancy test." She says as she holds up a paper bag.
"What?! Oh, uhh thanks." I say taking the bag from her.

"So he still hasn't called?" she asks from the other side of the bathroom door.
"No, and I don't think he ever will." I say as I open the bathroom door, leaving the pregnancy test lying on a piece of toilette paper on the counter.
"If you are pregnant, are you going to keep it?" she asks cautiously.
"Well yeah, what else would I do with it?"
"I dunno, are you going to tell him?"
"Let's just see if I'm actually pregnant first."
"Right." She says glancing over at the test. "Well, are you going to tell him?"
"What?" I say as I stare at the test. "I guess, I will."

"Do you want me to go with you?" Hailey asks as I start to pace nervously again.
"No, I have to tell him alone."
"What are you going to say?"
"I'm just letting him know that I'm pregnant, but he doesn't have to ever talk to me again if that's his choice."
"Uh okay." Hailey says as she watches my every step. "When are you going to tell him?"
"Well, now seems to be a good a time as ever." I say as I grab my car keys and head out the door followed by my sister.
"You sure you don't want me to go with you?"
"I'm sure." I say as I get into my car.

I drive to uptown Oakland and try to remember where Tre lived. After about fifteen minutes of driving around the specific neighborhood I see his house. "Alright, you can do this." I tell myself before I step out of the car. I slam the car door behind me and walk up the pathway to the front door. I ring the door bell after a few moments of hesitation.
"Angie! I'm so glad to see you!" Tre exclaims happily as he let's me into his house.
"Sure you did." I mutter.
"I mean you could've called."
"It's kind of hard to call when you leave before I wake up and don't even leave a phone number."
"Like fuck, I left you a note explaining why I had to leave along with my number."
"Kelly." He mutters barely audible.
"My cleaning lady, she probably threw it in the trash." He says as he looks down at his shoes.
"Alright, well I need to talk to you." I say as I shift my purse on my shoulder.
"Uhh do you want to go into the living room." He offers as he leads me deeper into his house.

"Well I don't know how to say this, so I guess I'll just blurt it out." I say quickly as Tre just nods, "I'm pregnant."

*Tre's P.O.V.*
That came as a blow. I was so happy to see her again. She's pregnant; I'm not sure how to react to this.
"You-you're pregnant, with my child." I stutter as she nods.
"But you don't have to worry, if you don't want anything to do with me or the child that's fine." She says as she gets up and heads out the door. I sit in the living room for a few moments, taking everything in. I jump up and run out the door after her.
"Angie wait!" I yell out. She turns around as I run up to her. I shove my hands in my pockets nervously. "Would you like to go to dinner?"
"Sure." She says smiling; she has such a nice smile.
"Okay, just let me put my shoes on and I'll we'll go." I say as I run back into the house. I locate a pair of shoes and grab my car keys. I lock up before heading down the path with Angie to my car.

"So umm have you ever been married?" she asks as we sit at the restaurant awkwardly.
"Yeah, twice, but I'm divorced." I mumble. "One kid from each marriage."
"Oh okay." She says nodding.
"Never married and no kids besides this one." She says as she puts her hand over her stomach.
"This has got to be the most interesting date I've ever been on." I say laughing.
"So it's a date now?" she asks laughing just the same.
"Well yeah, I really like you." I say stupidly.
"You're sweet."
"You sure about that?"
"Nope, but if you're up to it I'd like to find out." she says smiling.
"Great." I say as the waitress places our food in front of us. "So why did you leave that morning?"
"Well the night we met was my birthday and the next morning I was supposed to go out for breakfast with my sister."
"Wow, this makes for an interesting birthday story. The best one I've got is when I turned eighteen me and my band mates drove up to Canada to get beer."
"You were in a band?"
"Yeah, we're still together actually." I say happily.
"That's pretty cool, what do you play?"
"Drums." I say raising my eyebrows.

After dinner we headed back to my place.
"So what do you do for a living?" she asks as we near the house.
"Well I think its better that I show you." I say as I take her hand and lead her into my house.
"Why do I suspect you're going to take me into your marijuana garden in your basement?" she asks laughing.
"No, no." I say shaking my head as I lead her into the basement.
"Well you're taking me into the basement."
"True, but I don't have a weed farm." I say as I open a door. "Remember I said me and my band were still together."
"Yeah." She says cautiously as she looks around my studio, where my drum set sits and the wall of my awards and stuff are. "Green Day, you're in Green Day, you're the drummer of friggin Green Day."
"Yeah," I say nervously. "I'm Tre Cool, drummer of Green Day."
"Fuck, you're serious." She says looking at the platinum record on the wall. "But Tre Cool can't be your real name."
"Everyone except the IRS stopped calling me my real name when I was twelve." I say as I scratch the back of my neck.
"Well what is it?" I let out a grunt of annoyance.
"Frank Edwin Wright...the third."
"There's three of you!"
"Me, my dad, my grandfather then there's my son Frankito or little Frank." I mutter.
"I swear I didn't know you were Tre Cool, I'm not some gold digger." She says quickly.
"I know."
"Okay, well I should be heading home now." She says as she goes back up the stairs.
"I'll walk you out." I offer as I follow not far behind.