Well That's Interesting

Well that's interesting

*Tre's P.O.V.*
"Kelly!" I call out across the house.
"Stop vacuuming."
"Well if I don't vacuum who will?"
"Don't worry. I need you to come shopping with me."
"Because you're a woman."
"Yes Einstein I am a woman and you're being a sexiest ass hole right now."
"No!" I whine childishly, "Angie's coming to stay for a while and I want to make her room nicer."
"And I would like your help, and your opinion." I plead, she already knew what was happening between me and Angie; she's like my unofficial shrink.
"Fine." She mutters as she puts the vacuum in the corner.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you." I say happily as I hop to the door.

She sits next to me, in the passenger's seat of my SUV.
"So what do you want to buy?" Kelly asks as I start the car down the street.
"Umm I was thinking I could get some room accessories, like scented candles."
"Not a good idea." She mumbles.
"She's pregnant and I remember that when I was pregnant for my oldest son certain scents would make me want to vomit."
"Uhh right, then what should I get?"
"Maybe a new mirror, I don't want to be mean, but the mirror in that room is umm..."
"Okay, okay a new mirror." I interrupt. "How about flowers too?"
"Flowers are nice, just nothing with a strong scent."
"Right, I'm so glad you agreed to help me." I mumble.
"No problem Tre." She says messing up my hair. Kelly reminded me a lot of my older sister. "That Angie is lucky to have you."
"Awe thanks." I say blushing.

A couple of hours later we return to my house with several bags of stuff for Angie. I take all the bags into her room and start to set everything up.
"Umm, I'm sorry to interrupt your vacuuming again but can you check to make sure the room looks okay?"
"Sure." She says as she follows me up the stairs into the biggest guest room.

"Very nice." She says nodding.
"Yup, she'll love it." She says as she walks into Angie's bathroom. "Tre, I think I should wash the new towels."
"Oh right." I say remembering that I still left the tags on and everything.
"I'll just put these in the wash." She says as she comes out of the washroom with the towels, "Nice display with the bubble baths."
"Oh thanks." I say as she chuckles to herself.

*Angie's P.O.V.*
I drive up Tre's street with everything I need for the week. Tre instructed me to bring everything I'd need so I wouldn't have to go back to my apartment so I'd get the true experience of living there. I pull into his driveway and he runs out of the house.
"Hey Angel." He says as I pop the trunk.
"I'm Angel now?"
"Yup." He says as he carries my suitcase for me. "I thought it suited you."
"Alright." I say as I follow him into the house.

He leads me up the stairs to where the bedrooms are.
"Here's your room." He says as he opens one of the doors. The room was beautiful, with fresh flowers and everything.
"It's beautiful." I say looking around as he places my suitcase on the dresser.
"Yeah thanks." He says shyly, "you have your own washroom right threw there." I open the door to the washroom to find what looked more like a spa with a toilette in the corner.
"You like it?"
"I love it."
"So, umm do you want to see the rest of the house?"
"Sure." I say as he leads me out of my room.

"You might remember this is my room, feel free to join me in there any time you want."
"Pervert!" I yelp.
"I'm just being courteous to ALL your needs. Oh yeah and over there is my son's room, the one next to it is my daughter's room, but she doesn't stay here that often." He says sadly.
"Okay." I say sympathetic to him missing his kids.
"At the end of the hall are a couple more guest rooms." He points out, "Now for the downstairs."
"Sure." As I walk down the stairs.
"Well over here's the living room." We walk down a hallway, "Here's the kitchen and the dining room is right there."
"Cool." I say as we walk through the dining room and appear back in the hallway near the patio door.
"Umm the backyard and this room here is the playroom."
"Playroom?" I ask quizzically.
"Not that kind of playroom, jeez this isn't the Playboy mansion." He says rolling his eyes as he opens the door, "It's where Frankito keeps his toys." The room was painted brightly with an under water theme. There was several storage bins with toys in them, a TV in the corner with a pile of cartoon DVDs and video games.
"It's cute." I say cheesily. Tre showed me the rest of the house which consisted of several more bathrooms and a game room.