Well That's Interesting

Well that's interesting

*Angel's P.O.V.*
Its been about two weeks since Tre left to go on tour. I missed him like crazy for some reason, probably the hormones or something. He called often like twice a day; sometimes we'd spend close to two hours on the phone at a time. He'd ask for phone sex from time to time, I couldn't help but humor him. I tried to tell myself that simply talking is best for our relationship at the moment.

I wake up in a cold sweat to the sound of the phone ringing. After a few seconds of panic I reach over and pick up the phone.
"Sorry, sorry, sorry."
"Good morning Tre." I say glad to hear his voice.
"I woke you up, I'm sorry, time difference." He squeaks.
"I'm glad you woke me up, I had the damn dream again." I look over at the clock next to my bed, 5:30AM.
"Did you remember any of it?"
"Flashing lights."
"Could be Vegas." He says laughing.
"Hmm. That's an interesting theory." I say. Tre always makes me feel better. "Hold on!" I run off to the washroom and puke a bit. I run back into my room and pick up the phone.

"You feeling better?"
"Yeah." I say blushing. "So how are you doing?"
"Meh, crowd yesterday sort of sucked." He says casually. "Billie stripped down to next to nothing and they're still a bunch of wankers."
"Awe that's too bad." I say laughing. "Today's the 15th right?"
"Uhhh yeah." Tre says, I can tell he was looking through his tour schedule by the sound of shuffling papers. "I'll be back right before Halloween." I pick up my cell phone and look at the calendar.
"14 days." I murmur.
"What are you dressing up as?"
"For Halloween." Tre says pretending to be annoyed.
"I don't know, I haven't dressed up since high school." I say laughing.
"Well get a costume because Mike hosts a Halloween party every year and you're my date."
"Well what are you dressing up as?"
"I can't tell you that, it's a surprise."
"What if I want to dress to match?" I say laughing.
"We can't do that, Billie and Adie do that. It's understood that it's their thing. Last year they dressed up as Tarzan and Jane."
"Okay, I'll think of something." I mumble.
"Alright, I can't have phone sex now so I'll call you later."
"And the award for biggest romantic goes to . . . ."
"Talk to you later Tre." I say laughing.
"Bye." He says as he hangs up.

*Tre's P.O.V.*
I put my cell phone in my pocket. I hope she's okay; she's been having that nightmare too often for her own good. I missed her, I hate missing people, it makes me feel really pathetic. Mike walks out of the sleeping quarters of the tour bus.

"Morning." He says yawning.
"G'morning." I say as I watch him pour himself a cup of coffee.
"Are there anymore doughnuts?" he asks as he checks the overhead compartment.
"Nope, I ate the last one." He groans to himself and decides chocolate chip cookies would have to do. He sits next to me and places the bag of Chunks Ahoy on his lap.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah." I say as I too get up to get some coffee, I reach into the overhead compartment for some Nestle quick. I used that as a sugar substitute. "Just a little home sick."
"Alright." Mike says as he pops half a cookie into his mouth. We sat there for a while finishing up the bag of cookies.

"There's cookies!" Billie exclaims as he joins us.
"There were cookies." Mike says as he looks into the empty bag.
"S'okay," Billie says obviously on perky mode, "Doughnuts."
"All out." I say mocking his perkiness.
"Uhh, pop tarts?"
"Yeah, I think there should be some."
"Uck, strawberry, I wants the chocolate kind." Billie says as he practically sticks his head in the food compartment. "Why's there prune juice?"
"Umm, maybe Jason is having digestive problems." Mike says shrugging.
"Hmm, Tre I dare you to chug this." Billie says tossing me the bottle. I shrug and take sip.
"This stuff is nasty." I say about to spit it out. Billie takes the bottle from me and takes a sip.
"Blah!" he says about to amputate his own tongue with a plastic spoon that was laying on the counter. Mike sniffs the drink but doesn't drink it.
"Hey guys; this stuff is expired." Mike says as he throws it in the garbage.

"Muffin bars!" Billie exclaims happily as he pulls a box out of the compartment. "Argh, only one left." He practically shoves it down his throat.
"Maybe we should stop off soon and get more food." Mike suggests as he finishes up his coffee.
"Yes but that means we'll have to leave the safety of the bus." I say as I rock back and forth in the fetal position just to get some laughs.
"Okay I'll talk to the driver, what's his name again?"
"Greg." I call out as Billie makes his way to the front of the bus.