Let It Be Told


Chapter 14

“Yeah, and can I get some rainbow sprinkles on that too please? Thanks.” I said as I ordered my ice cream. It was Monday and I didn’t feel like talking to either of the boys, so I decided to head into town and look at the shops. Maybe even think about the minor predicament I was in.

I made my way over to the park. Seeing a bench, I took a seat and proceeded to watch the little kids play and chase each other around in the playground.

Mikey. Mikey. I thought. What do I feel about Mikey? Compassion. Confusion. Repulsion. Curiosity. ……Maybe even… Eagerness?

I shook my head in disgust. How could I have those feelings? I love Gerard… right? Looking down at myself, I saw my ice cream dripping onto my jeans.

“Shit! God dammit.” I cussed as I stood up and tried to jog back to the ice cream stand to get napkins without spilling more ice cream on myself. Embarrassed, I shyly asked the vendor for a couple of napkins once I reached the stand. He looked down at my jeans, then back up at me, smiling creepily all the while.

“Thanks.” I mumbled. I was a little scared of this guy. I quickly took the napkins and left, hoping that he wasn’t following me or anything like that. Turning left, I entered the town center. It was crowded with all kinds of people and all kinds of shops. Looking around, I saw little kids in line for balloons, impatient women tapping their toes while waiting in line for a pedicure, young men trailing after good looking seniors, probably hoping to get lucky. It was a great place to think.


At eight o’clock, after I had walked into and around each shop at least three times, I decided that it was time to start heading home.

I had done a lot of thinking. Eventually I decided that if Mikey pulled another stunt like that, I would leave Belleville. Forever. After all, I was 15. And I was turning 16 in a week and a half. I was old enough to work at a Wal-Mart or a Starbucks or something. I could always go back to New York and bunk with some acquaintances I had met over the years since I had no real friends.

Walking on the sidewalk past a bus stop, I started to sense that there was someone following me. I turned around, hoping to find another late night shopper trying to get home. No one was there. I turned back, this time walking faster than before. After another block, I started to get that feeling again. You know that feeling. Your stomach does one humongous back flip then goes still. Your ears become more perceptive, picking up the slightest crack of a twig, the faintest echo of shoes against pavement. I turn around yet again. Good decision. Trailing behind me, trying not to make a sound, was the ice cream vendor! In his hands were a long, thick rope and a titanium golf club.

Trying to stifle the screams the were struggling to rip out of my throat, I started to run. I ran until my sides ached. I ran until my lungs were on fire. I ran faster than I had ever run in my life. Once I reached my front lawn, I struggled to break my house keys free from the impenetrable hold my jeans pocket had on them. Panting heavily, I opened my front door with a bang and I closed it quickly-I didn’t know if the vendor was still chasing me or not.

I looked out the peephole and got my answer:
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What's the answer? Is he following or not? Wait for the next installment of "Let It Be Told"!!!

By the way.... comments make me update a lot faster. So.... yeah.... -wink-