Status: Hiatus D:

Nothing But Bad News

Chapter 4


Claudia plopped down next to me on the couch while we waited for John to join us and watch the movie. Her scent was enticing. She smelled like a crisp Spring morning. I turned to her to see her smiling at me. Her smile was always so sincere and adorable. Her eyes were always so dark but light at the same time; light with excitement. Her golden brown hair matched her skin tone so perfectly; it was like she was especially handmade by a sweet, sweet angel.

Then John came in, Claudia’s attention immediately turning to him. I loathed him for what he did to Claudia. Despite that he was my brother, a part of me couldn’t stand him because of that. Claudia was my friend, yes, but I liked her a lot. I had always liked her. When my brother dumped her as a friend, I got too shy to even look at her anymore. In that way, it was my fault that we broke off contact. However, John still broke her and I knew that she liked him. I always knew that Claudia liked John and it hurt me. First thing that set me off was how someone so sweet and adorable could get passed up for someone so heartless but gorgeous. Next was how Claudia could, after all this time, still like someone who threw her in a ditch and stomped on her, while I was here the whole time, always listening and being kind, no matter what.

“Steeephen,” I heard my brother say, reaching across Claudia to poke my arm.
I turned to him, shooting a death glare. I really didn’t mean it, it just kind of happened.
John gulped, “Uh…what movie do you wanna watch?”
I shook my head and flicked my wrist towards the TV, “I don’t give a shit.”
I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest.

John got up to put in a movie while I sat there. I felt Claudia watching me from the corner of my eye. I almost jumped when I felt her touch. She rested her head on my shoulder and patted my arm with her hand. I let my arms drop to my lap. She took one of my hands in hers and whispered, “Calm down.”

I took deep breaths while the movie began, in order to calm down. I was so focused on Claudia’s touch throughout the movie that I didn’t pay attention at all. I have no idea what movie we even watched. All I knew was that Claudia held my hand and rested her head on my shoulder. It was everything I ever wanted so I couldn’t complain.


Stephen’s breathing was ragged as we lay on his bed, not talking.
“Stephen,” I spoke finally.
He jumped slightly but regained composure, “Yeah?”
“What’s wrong?”
He shook his head and turned to face me, “Nothing, why?”
I sighed, “You just seem… I don’t know.”
I buried my face in his chest and soon enough he wrapped his arms around me.
I felt his lips press against the top of my head. I felt something when he did that. It was like an electrical current ran through me. Sure, I had kissed Stephen before. We go way back as friends. To be honest, I can’t remember if it was he or his brother who had given me my first kiss. Either way, it made me feel as I just had.

I noticed my silence.
“Are you okay?” Stephen shot at me.
I shrugged, “I’m confused. I guess.”
He hesitated, “Do you still like my brother?”
I pulled away from the embrace and looked at him, “I never told you…”
He nodded, “I figured it out.”
I sighed and crawled back into his arms, “I don’t know.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I do like him. He gives me this feeling, but he has that…thing. She’s so much better than me, she can give him so much more than I can,” I huffed all in one breath.
Stephen shook his head, “That’s nonsense. You are better than Amber in every way possible. So much prettier and sweeter and just all around more attractive.”
My heart fluttered.

I snuggled into him and he rubbed my back, kissing my head again.
This time I looked up at him, “Thanks Steve. You’re so sweet.”
He half smiled and kissed my cheek this time.
I didn’t let him pull away. I took his face in my hands and pulled him into a kiss. A real kiss. A really long kiss. A really long, passionate kiss. A really long, passionate kiss that I enjoyed so much.

After awhile, our kissing ceased and I fell asleep in Stephen’s arms which was, right now, where I wanted to be more than anything.


I felt so betrayed and hurt. How could Stephen deceive me like this and kiss Claudia? How could Claudia kiss my brother? Sure, I’m with Amber, blah blah blah. I only like Amber for her sex nowadays. She’s no good to me and I can’t stand her bitching.
I just told my brother this morning that I might be crushing on Claudia a bit and what does he do? I was going to come in to his room because I couldn’t sleep, but as soon as I made it to the doorway, they kissed. My heart sank and I felt dead. What was going to happen now?
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Okay so it's been forever, I've just been having a block with this story, but this is the direction I want it to take.

So along with what John said at the end, "What IS going to happen now?" Who is Claudia gonna get withhh? Wooooo! Love you all for commenting this.