Buried Alive by Love

What's On Your Mind?

The guys agreed to go with me to watch Travis Pastrana since we had a lot of down time. Travis said he wanted to meet me too which I agreed to. If anything, he was a nice guy and could become a friend which is always a good thing.

Anyways, we watched from the stands the trick he was doing then soon after, fans went to go meet with him but he had given me a pass which they sent me to his RV where a ton of people were hanging out.

"Hey, you made it," Travis smiled when he seen me.

"Yeah but I kinda left my friends, so I can't hang out too late."

"No prob," Travis smiled, leading me over to a group of people that he started to introduce, "And Raven, this is my mom, Debbie, mom this is-"

"Oh my god," The woman sitting before me with wide eyes to look at me, "Is it really you?"

"Um, what does she mean?" Before I could ask anything else, she wrapped her arms around me.

I looked back at Travis who just shrugged at me since he was just as clueless. She broke away from me to have tears in her eyes, I could understand that she was happy or something but I still had no idea why.

"Mom," Travis moved over to the woman, "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine," She smiled looking at her son, "Travis, this is your sister."

"Excuse me?" I questioned trying to catch my breath.

"Come inside, there's some things I really have to tell you," She ushered me into the trailer as Travis followed behind me.

She went through some bag, frantically which I was still confused about this all. Was I for real Travis Pastrana's sister? And if I was, why did she give me away? I had so many questions going through my head as she serached for a piece of paper. She pulled out the piece of paper to which my eyes scanned.

It was my birth certificate, one I've seen so many times. The same name on the piece of paper, the same date, the same mother that I had no idea or no intention of finding. She then handed me, Travis's in which my eyes scanned everything. He had the same mother, everything was the same as mine, except for the birthdate since he was indeed a year older than me.

"This can't be possible," I handed them back to her.

"It is," She smiled, "And you're everything I imagined."

"You mean, we're related?" Travis questioned as his mom did.

"She's your little sister."

"Why?" I looked at her. "After all these years, why now? Why didn't you want me, why didn't you find me?"

"I didn't want to mess up anything you had sweetheart," She smiled at me, "There's so many questions I know you have but I can't answer them all right now."

"I see," I nodded then walked towards the door, "Excuse me, I left my friends waiting."

I headed out of Travis's trailer, only to hear someone follow me. I heard him start to call out to me but I didn't stop until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Raven, please," Travis caught his breath quickly, "I know it's all a shock to you, just as it is to me, but I'm not her. I swear she just told me about this when she did to you."

"But you said your grandma had pictures of me?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I guess she does but I didn't think anything of it. I thought maybe I mistaked you from someone else," He shrugged looking down at his feet, "All I know is you're a cool kid. I've seen you at some X Games, just never got a chance to talk to you. So I figured we could try to at least be friends, if anything." I watched as he stuck his hand out towards me but was hesitant about it.

"This doesn't change anything," I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I may be your older brother but we didn't grow up together, so why not?"

"Alright," I shook his head, "But don't start becoming all overprotective of me. I already get enough of that with Matt."

"Deal," He smiled taking out his phone.

We ended up exchanging numbers before I headed back to Tomo, Shannon, Jared, and Matt who were all waiting by the fence as I walked back to him.

"So you were talking to Pastrana?" Jared smirked, "What happened?"

"It's nothing," I shrugged walking past them, "He's cool."

"You were talking to him for a while," Jared pressed.

"Can we not talk about this? I'm hungry and need food before I snap."

"Fine," Jared put his hands up as I pushed past him.

We ended up taking our food back to the hotel room where everyone was winding down after the show. Yes, I was denied food until after the show since the band was running on a schedule. Luckily for me, Andree, popped some popcorn for me and decided to share with his favorite athlete as he put it. But back to the hotel room. The light from the TV flickered against the walls while everyone sat around to talk.

Me, I kept to myself in the chair closest to the window just listening. Something I normally never did but right now, my mind wasn't with the 4 in the hotel room right now. I slowly moved my food away from me, not feeling hungry anymore than pulled my knees up to my chest to rest my head on them.

"Are you feeling ok?" I heard Shannon's voice ask from the side of me as I turned my head to smile at him.

"Yeah, why?"

"You just haven't said much and you're all shy like. Not to mention the way you're sitting there now, it just looks like you don't feel good."

"Thanks," I smiled at him, "I'm fine though. It's just been an interesting day."

"How so?" He asked.

"Just has," I shrugged, his hazel eyes locking with mine like he was trying to read what was wrong with me.

"Remember when you told me I had to have faith in you?" Shannon questioned but I waited for him to continue, "You know you can tell me anything, like I can you."

"What if there are some things I can't tell you," I whispered lightly, wanting nothing more to curl up to him.

"They can't be that bad," He smiled at me, sending butterflies through my entire body.

"There's just some things that I don't know if they should ever come to surface," I leant up a bit to see it wsa getting closer to 3 in the morning.

"The lobby's empty by now, let's go talk," He motioned to the door with his head.

"But what about-"

"Don't worry about the guys. You'll be with me, you'll be fine," Shannon smiled as he helped me up.

"But I don't have shoes."

"So?" Shannon shrugged, "It's not like you weigh a ton."

Shannon picked me up in his arms then carried me out the door, mentioning something to the rest of the guys that he'd be back then headed down the hallway to the elevator. I think that's the only time he sat me down was when we were riding in the quiet elevator because as soon as we got to the lobby, he picked me up and carried me again towards the round couch in the middle of the hotel.

Other than a few staff members, there weren't many people around. Even the staff was pretty sparse, so I could see why he brought me down here to talk.

"So, pretty girl, what's bothering you?" Shannon smirked as the use of his pick up line which earned an eye roll from me, "Sorry, so what's up?"

"A lot," I sighed, "So much I don't know where to begin."

"Well pick the thing that's on your mind the most and go with that."

"I don't want to talk about that one," I shook my head.

"Ok, so what else is bothering you," He nodded as I pulled my legs underneath me.

"You know how when you fall for someone so hard and they make your world so much better, just with a smile?" I started to see him nod, "Yet at the same time, you feel like you're not getting your message through and that they're more complicated that a rubik's cube?"

"Who'd you fall for that's got your mind all in a haze?" Shannon half smirked.

"A drummer," I mumbled hoping that he couldn't see the now present blush across my face.

"Is he in a band?"


"Older or younger than you?"

"Older but sometimes doesn't act it," I pointed out to have him chuckle.

"Have you talked to him?"

"Yeah but he's kinda dense when it comes to this relationship stuff," I sighed not looking at him, "He's too busy going off with other random girls to realize the one that needs him the most is standing there right in front of him."

"Wow, that must suck," Shannon nodded.

"Yeah," I let out a sarcastic scouff, "The suckiest part is having to give him advice on relationships to keep together one that the girl is so not right for him and a bitch and slutty and-"

"I get it," Shannon cut me off.

"Sorry, I just hate being the advice giver and wanting it to be me but it never is."

"He must be pretty stupid then," Shannon whispered lightly.

"Very, especially since I've liked him for a few years now. But I guess I was never able to appeal to him like that," I shrugged feeling tears sting my eyes, "You know, thanks for the talk but I'm tired."

"Rave, wait," Shannon stood up with me but I didn't want to look at him, "I'm sorry."

"Sorry? Sorry for what?"

"Waiting so long to do this," Shannon muttered before spinning me around and pressing his lips against mine.