Ghosts We Carry Home.


Jack held my hand, and refused to let it go again. We both had said nothing since ... well, since I tried to get a body again. Jack convinced me not to do it. He explained to me that I would be able to live again, but not the life I had lived before. Everyone I knew would be a stranger to me. I wouldn’t remember things from the body’s life nor things of my own life. And worst of all; I wouldn’t remember Alex. I don’t know what it was about Alex, but something about him made me not wanting to leave his side for too long. Knowing that I wouldn’t remember Alex, made me have an aversion for what I was doing. I willingly let Jack take me away.

“Promise me you’ll never think of it again,” Jack whispered.

“I promise,” I said immediately. “I promise.”

“Good, ‘cause I don’t want to lose you like that, okay?”

“Okay,” I said. “But can I ask you something, Jack?”

“You can ask me anything, Mel,” Jack answered.

“How did you know?”

Jack stopped walking and looked at me. He still held my hand.

“I did some research,” he started. “I wondered if it was possible, and apparently, it is.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I was afraid you wouldn’t believe me.”

“Jack, it may not always look like it, but I believe everything you tell me.”

Jack smiled and started to move on again. We walked around the corner and almost crashed into other people.

“Sorry,” Jack started to say. He spoke before he saw who he was speaking to. It was Chrissy and her boyfriend, Eric.

“Chrissy,” Jack said politely.

“Can I hit her in the face?” I asked.

“No,” Jack whispered.

“Jack,” Chrissy said. “How are you?”

“Much better,” he answered. “I forgot what it was like to live.”

He smiled and patted Eric on his shoulder.

“Thank you, mate, I never would have gotten rid of her without you.”

Chrissy’s mouth fell open, and so did Eric’s.

“Go Jack, go Jack,” I sang while I was dancing like a fool.

“Goodbye, Chrissy,” Jack smiled. He left Chrissy with her mouth wide open.

“You’re a stupid ass for letting a guy like Jack walk away,” I said to Chrissy before I ran after Jack. I grabbed his hand again so that I could let him know I wouldn’t run away.

“I can’t believe you’re still quite nice to her,” I said.

“She’s not worth arguing about,” Jack shrugged. “I’ve wasted enough time on her.”

“But still, I’d beat the crap out of her and Eric. She wouldn’t get away with it.”

“I’m never taking you out for a walk again,” Jack mumbled.

“You talk like I’m a dog,” I grinned.

“Hmm, I might buy you some dog toys,” Jack joked.

“Haha, you’re so funny,” I said.
I rolled my eyes and waited for Jack to open the door.
Jack walked in and I followed him. Before Jack could take out his jacket, Alex ran to him.

“Can I talk to you for a sec?” he asked.

“Sure,” Jack said.
I wanted to follow them, but Jack gave me signs that it’d be better if I didn’t. I rolled my eyes and let myself fall on a chair, which accidentally moved. Alex looked like his eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.

“Sorry,” I said.

“Stupid chair, it hurt my toe,” Jack said grabbing his foot. It was a nice try, but it would have worked better if Jack would’ve been standing closer to the chair.

“How can you ...” Alex started to say. He pointed at the chair, and then moved his finger to Jack.

“Doesn’t matter, you wanted to talk?”


Alex walked away. Jack followed him, and I was left behind. I waited for five minutes. I was very inquisitive, it’s one of my the bad things about my personality. I couldn’t wait longer than five minutes. I stood up and decided to look for Jack and Alex. Jack had made signs that I wasn’t allowed to hear the conversation, and that’s a reason why I should hear it. Jack had never hid something like that from me before, so I couldn’t see why he would now.
When I had found Alex, I saw that Jack had already left.

“Great,” I said. I leaned against the wall and waited for Jack to appear again. I didn’t have to wait long, not even a minute.

“Mel, I need to talk to you,” Jack whispered. “Now.”
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I kind of liked this chapter :p
I hope I'm not the only one ?

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