Ghosts We Carry Home.


The little open field was the only place where I felt home. I wandered around all the time and sat motionless for hours, staring at nothing. There was a gate called the Light, and it helped ghosts like me to cross over. But in the seven days that I stayed on Earth, I hadn’t seen it once. At some points I thought the Light would never appear to me. I considered the fact that I would be an earth-bound spirit forever, but luckily I realized that every soul has to cross over eventually.

I went to my own funeral. It was odd, but nice, too. Nice because it felt good to see that I was loved by so many people. Lots of them were crying, and even more were crying without tears. It was easy to tell who would really miss me and who wouldn’t, it was easy to know that some would remember me, while others would forget me in a matter of time.
The hardest part of being at my funeral was not seeing the tears of my parents, but seeing the tears of my best friend, Casey. She wasn’t the type that cried easily. I felt so guilty for giving her a reason to cry, that I tried to jump back into my body, just so that I could tell Casey that I was doing fine, and that she wouldn’t need to worry.

Unfortunately, you can’t jump back into your body. I tried until I was so angry that I made a small lamp explode. It was the first time I’d met the powers of being a ghost and I was so scared of it that I ran away, back to my little field. I don’t know how long I stayed there, but when I got back to the church, everyone had left. Everyone but Casey. She was sitting on the grass in front of the church and there were still marks on her cheeks that gave away her tears for me. I went to sit in front of her and looked her in the eyes. She was looking at me, too, but didn’t realize it. I told her I was sorry, but she didn’t respond at my words. I honestly didn’t expect she would, though it was worth trying. I touched one of her cheeks and felt how she put her hand on mine. She could feel my touch, but couldn’t hear my words. She whispered that she would miss me and that she would always remember me.

We cried together quietly until it got dark and Casey returned to her warm home. I followed some strange instincts that lead me back to the little field. I didn’t know why I kept coming back to this field. I had never been there when I was alive, and it didn’t mean anything to me. It just wanted me there, like I was supposed to sit there until something would get me. Perhaps it was the Light that would wait for me there. But I spent almost every hour on the field, and I saw nothing that looked like a gate that would lead me to a new world, my new world. I didn’t see anyone of my kind either.

I just waited, not knowing what I was waiting for.
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Thank you so much for reading the story, I appreciate it.
