Status: completed.

Sweet, Sweet Superstar

make me feel loved

I panted silently behind Tony as he lead me up the stairs. He reached his door, throwing it open and pulling me into the room behind him. I bit my lip, swallowing loudly as I tried to suck in deep breaths while still hold my composure. It was not going well. Tony turned around and saw the look on my face and he smiled softly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't even ask if you were ready," he whispered, his hands coming to my face as he cupped it softly. I shook my head yes at him because despite my fear, there was nothing I wanted more. I was ready, so ready that my legs and body quivered for him to touch me.

"I want this," I breathed out, closing my eyes as he placed his lips against my nose.

"I'm not talking about what you want; I'm talking about if you are ready. I don't want you to regret this. I want this to be perfect for you." He was talking so softly that even the soft hum of the furnace was starting to drown him out. His fingers slid through my hair, pushing it back from my face as he pressed his lips against mine. "Brianna, if you let me, I'll make this as best I can for you."

"Please," I whimpered to him, taking in a deep breath as his hands slid to my hips, slipping under my shirt and resting on the soft skin. I chomped down on my lip as he dipped his head, laying soft kisses along my collar bone and down my arm until he reached the back of my hand his lips lingering there longer than any other place. He raised his eyes to mine and I let him see the fear. "I'm scared, but I need you." He nodded to me, running his hands up and down my sides a couple times before he placed them on my hips, pushing them back towards the bed. He sat me down on it, sitting next to me and turning me to him so that my feet were curled up beside my butt on the bed.

He laid back, his arms enclosing around my back, his palms flat and he pushed me back with him. I laid on his chest lightly, his hands beginning to rub my back, calming me instantly. My brain seemed to instantly slow down to a normal speed, my thoughts being processed and sorted as if it was another day at the office. But it wasn't. This was the moment that I had spent a lot of my teenage years imagining. Who would it be with? Would he be gentle? Would I love him? Would he love me? There were so many things that needed to be answered and with one simple kiss, Tony told me all of those answers were yes.

His hands roamed down to my butt, gripping it in his hands before he let his hands run up the back of my shirt, his fingers running over the clasp of my bra. I blushed as he kept going, not bothering to unclasp the metal, instead he began to dig his fingers into the tense muscles of my neck, massaging the coils away. I sighed softly, moaning into his mouth at the incredible feeling of the massage. Back rubs were a weakness.

"It's much easier if you are relaxed," he whispered, his lips sliding against mine as they formed the soft words.

"You mean if I'm relaxed down there."

"No, I mean in general," he chuckled softly, kissing my cheeks and pushing me up, pausing our advancements. "You okay?" His green eyes searched mine, his pupils moving back and forth.

"I'm with you," I simply stated. He grinned as I repositioned myself, feeling something brush against my thigh. I blushed immediately, a soft giggle escaping my lips. Tony felt himself against my thigh and frowned deeply up at me.

"What? How is that funny?" He asked, his eyes widening self consciously.

"It's not you.. I'm jut thinking about.. umm.. Alex." I pursed my lips at Tony's snarl, kissing his cheeks softly. "He was my first boyfriend. We dated all through high school, and when we first got together we would do the cute little make out session on the couch." I started to blurt out because I needed a distraction. I wasn't ready for things to go to the next stage. I knew that once the clothes started to be shed, there was no turning back. I didn't want to regret it. I wanted to love it, to love the way Tony would hold me to his body as he entered me, but I knew I wouldn't be having a moment like that. At least not tonight. "So while we were making out, he would get a really excited, if you get my drift." Tony chuckled softly, nodding as he rested his head against the mattress, letting me talk. "I remember one time he told me I could touch it if I wanted. I freaked out, and flew off of the couch and across the room, exclaiming the whole way; I'm not touching that!" Tony and I both laughed softly.

"I won't make you touch it if you don't want to. It might scar you for life." Tony immediately started to laugh at my scrunched up face.

"I was a freshman in high school," I rolled my eyes as he rolled us over so that he was on top of me. "I didn't know anything." I finished with a whisper, Tony's green eyes taking ahold of me.

"And you do now?" He asked me.

"I know that I love you more than I did when I first met you." I confessed, feeling so caught up in the moment as I laced my fingers through the hair at the base of his neck. My feet were flat against the bed, my knees curled up in the air.

"I know now that I loved you the second you kissed me," he replied in a low murmur, his voice husky and rough with desire as he fastened our lips together once again. There was a new urgency in his kiss as he let his hands flutter down to my jeans, unbuttoning them and undoing the zipper. I lifted my hips for him as he slid the denim down my legs, never once breaking the kiss. I grasped the back of his neck tighter as he tried to pull away to ask if this was okay. I didn't want him to pull away; I never wanted him to stop kissing me.

My hands went to the hem of Tony's shirt, lifting it over his head and throwing it on the floor behind him. Our lips were apart for only a moment, the plush skin connecting once the clothing was off. I reached for his belt buckle as he pulled my shirt off, the tempo picking up immediately. I didn't realize it until I was on the bed in my bra and panties that I had crossed the first threshold. I was practically naked as Tony moved me up the bed, his hands holding me inches above the sheets as he scooted me up. I had my arms wrapped around him tightly, pressing myself up against his body as his erection pressed into my inner thigh. The feeling was so much better than when it was in high school. It made my whole body buzz with a new found energy that I could make him feel like that. I could make him want me was much as I wanted him at the moment.

Lust was pounding through my body now that Tony wasn't pulling away every few seconds to keep the pace slow for me. He was letting me explore his body, my hands roamed over his back and the muscles that made me appreciate the fact that he played hockey. His lips were dipping to my chest now, kissing over the exposed C's of my breasts. His fingers dug into my hips, the pressure feeling amazing; anywhere his hands and lips went left a trail of goosebumps. I sucked in a deep breath that made my chest rise causing Tony to bury his face in my cleavage, his pink tongue snaking out of his mouth to caress my skin. I pushed out the breath immediately, the feel of the wetness mixing with the cool air making my nipples pucker tight. His calloused hands slid up my stomach to my black bra that was trimmed by light pink lace.

"I like this," Tony mumbled against my lips, his fingers running along the lace. "But I'd like it better off." He slipped his tongue into my mouth, mine tangling with his immediately as he pressed one of his hands into my back, my back arcing into his chest so my breasts were smashed against his pecs, my bra the only thing separating our skin. Things were beginning to heat up and as if Tony sensed it, he laid me back against the bed, our chests no longer touching at all.

"I'll be right back," Tony breathed out through the kiss, scrambling off the bed and jogging the couple steps to his bathroom. I laid on the bed in my bra and panties, staring up at the ceiling, the nerves taking over now that Tony's lips weren't on mine. I swallowed loudly as he came back, smiling as he looked down at me. His smile seemed to reassure me that I was okay, and that I would be okay with him. He was going to do the best he could to make this good for me, but both of us knew, Tony probably more so than I, that this would hurt.

He slid his hands under my hips, the fabric of a towel sliding against my bare thighs. He laid it out underneath me, setting my butt back on the bed and putting my legs on either side of his hips. I bit my lip as he leaned down, kissing along my neck.

"What is that for?" I whispered softly, tilting my head to the side as his lips moved towards mine again. He kissed them softly murmuring a response in between his kisses.

"Don't worry about it."


"Brianna, it's for later." I nodded, excepting the answer and wrapping my arms around his neck. He took that as a cue to stop, looking down at me and examining my face for any sort of hesitation. He found none and smiled down at my, nuzzling our noses together.

His hands slid down my back, his forehead resting against mine as his fingers very quickly and efficiently unsnapped my bra, the straps immediately falling down my shoulders. I bit down on my bottom lip as he smiled softly, his hands pulling the straps all the way down, my bra pooling into my lap. I let my tongue slid out from my mouth to suck lightly on my top lip as Tony's eyes dropped to the new skin he just exposed. His eyes glazed over, a ripple shaking his body. His hands covered my breasts, his thumbs brushing across the sensitive buds, my back arching immediately as I moaned out, letting him know to continue.

My breathing was now sputtering in and out of my body as I wrapped my hands around his wrists, not letting him pull away because it felt too damn good. Tony smiled as he tilted his head down, placing kisses all across my right breast before coming to the nipple, his tongue flicking at it as my mouth opened, the sound getting caught in my throat. His other hand sliding down to run along the waistband of my matching black panties. I swallowed loudly my mouth too dry to have any saliva in it.

His hand dipped lower until he was running his fingers along the most sensitive part of my body. I pressed into his hand, squeezing my eyes shut so tightly I saw spots. The feeling was so incredible, but I wanted more, so much more. I bit down hard on my lip as he kissed down to my stomach, his tongue swirling out onto my skin. His mouth sucked and nipped at me as his hand moved in between my legs until he pulled away, looking down into my face again. His lips pressed against mine as I dug my nails into his back, telling him that I wanted him to get a move on. He chuckled but nodded to me, his fingers dipping into my panties and pulling them down my legs.

Finally, I laid on the bed naked except for the necklace that hung around my neck. Tony looked down at me, his eyes burning my skin as I bit my tongue inside of my mouth, the blood better than asking if he was disappointed. I felt so insecure laying there under him as he just took me in, his hands resting on my hips as his eyes trailed along my body, before they met mine, the green so dark compared to the whites of his eyes.

"I'm going to have a hard time being around you now that I've seen you like this." He gave me a sexy grin that got my heart pumping faster as he grabbed my hands, placing them on his hips. I pushed his boxers down his hips as he pulled them the rest of the way down. I looked up at him face, our eyes staying locked together as he laughed at me. "You're not going to look." I shook my head no, too embarrassed to drop my gaze. Tony shrugged, leaning over me to the night stand where he grabbed a condom. I couldn't help it and my eyes dropped down to his lap. I let out a gasp when I saw how big he was. I wasn't an expert on the male anatomy, but I knew Tony was big. It made me so much more nervous, thinking about how much I was going to have to stretch to accommodate him.

Tony snapped his head down to me as the small whimper escaped my throat. His hands were on my cheeks, holding my face to see what was wrong. "Did you look?" He smirked down at me as I nodded, my eye wide with raw fear. "We don't have to do this Brianna."

"No, I want to," I practically begged him, my hands grasping his wrists. He kept his eyes on me scrutinizing my face for any sign that I was lying. He didn't find any, sighing as he began to roll the condom on. I was surprised at how fast he did it, his fingers working with the skill of someone who had done that multiple times. I looked down at my body, my breasts in the way of seeing anything past my chest. Tony had stopped his movements, his hands resting on either side of my head as he hovered over me. We stared at each other before he wrapped his hands under my hips, carefully moving me towards him.

"This is going to hurt, baby. I'll stop if you need me too. If it's too much; tell me, don't be afraid. This is all about you," he whispered softly. His lips pursed against the shell of my ear as I bit down on my bottom lip, nodding quickly to him. I held my breath as he poised himself over me, looking down into my face. It was too much for me so I closed my eyes, my tongue caressing my top lip as my heart beat inside of my throat.

Tony's hand came to rest against one of my cheeks, his thumb brushing over my lips before I felt his lips on mine. My body, which had been a bundle of nerves until this point relaxed immediately, my arms wrapping around his neck and pulling his face closer to me. I needed to feel his chest against mine, to feel his heat and the pounding of his heart in his chest. His tongue slid across my bottom lip at the same time I felt the head of his member poised at my opening, sliding in through the slick folds. I sucked in a quick, deep breath through my nose making Tony pause although he already had stopped. He pulled away, looking into my eyes.

"Did I hurt you?"

"N-no, I'm fine."

"Tell me if you need me to stop." He reminded me I nodded in response, my breath caught in my throat. His lips came back to mine and my eyes fluttered closed as he pushed in a little deeper. I gasped into Tony's mouth, but this time because of the sharp pain that ran straight to my core. I cringed under him, my nails digging into his back as if to inadvertently inflict the same sort of pain. Tony pulled away again, his green eyes looking into mine.

"Do you want me to stop?" He quickly asked, concern etched on his face.

I shook my head no, unable to actually form the word because of how hard I was gritting my teeth against a whimper. I refused to let him see how badly it hurt because I didn't want him to stop, not at all. His hand came up, brushing my bangs back into my hair, his head dipping again as my breath came out in rapid exhales. It hurt, and not like a dull pain, but like a pain that made you want to cry out. His lips were on mine again as he pushed himself into me a little bit further. I stretched to him, fitting him like a glove as he hissed into my mouth. The hand next to my head gripped the comforter as he pulled away, his eye squeezed shut, jaw clenched. I bit my tongue once his lips were of off mine, swallowing and letting out a fast breath as if all the air from his lungs rushed out.

"Still doing okay?" He spoke like he was struggling to breath, his voice strangled as he wheezed in oxygen.

"Yes," I whimpered out as Tony shook his head against my shoulder.

"Please, tell me now if you can't handle anymore. I won't be mad." He was barely able to get his sentence out without moaning.

"Don't stop." Tony nodded as he pressed further into my folds, completely inside of me. His breath hissed out once again and he swallowed loudly the sound of his breathing now at a soft pant. "Oh Brianna, you have no idea how good this feels, how good you feel to me."

Tony stayed inside of me, letting my skin stretch and adjust to his size after never being tested in such a way. A tear slid out of my left eye, trailing down my cheek and falling into my hair, dripping against Tony's hand. He felt the watery sensation and he pressed a kiss to my cheek as I let my eyes close, focusing on my breathing to keep myself calm. He stayed in, letting the tightness of my body hold him at a strong grip that had him sputtering for air. He slid out just as slowly as he entered, his hands coming to my face as he leaned down, his lips pressing to mine so softly that I wasn't sure if he was actually kissing me.

"You're beautiful, inside and out. Everything about you is perfect." He pressed kisses along my jaw line and up my chin to my lips. He smiled down at me, his eyebrows drawn together in sympathy. "I know it hurts, but it will be better after this. I promise." I blinked rapidly, tears forming but not because of the pain. It was how Tony was making me feel. I had never, ever felt more beautiful than when Tony was telling me.

Tony leaned down to kiss me again, sliding in very slowly, barely putting any pressure. I didn't squirm away this time as a dull pain ran through me when he entered again. He noticed my reaction held significantly less discomfort and he slid all the way in and then out again, building a very slow rhythm. I watched the muscles in his body tense while the ones in his neck strained as he slid in and out slowly. He was using all of his self control to hold himself back from being too forceful. He held back as long as he could, before his mouth opened, his head tilted back, and he let a string of curses out. His body shuddered and he let out a fast breath, his eyes shut tight.

"Ohmygod." He breathed out quickly before pulling in another breath of oxygen. His arms shook next to me as they tried to keep his body hovering against me. I smiled softly up at him, and wrapped my arms around his back, letting him fall against me. His weight was welcomed, the close feeling of him making everything okay, even the soft throbbing between my legs where he was still buried inside of me. "Oh my god." He whispered again, licking his lips before he pressed a kiss against my neck. "Are you alright?" He asked once he was able to think straight.

"Yeah, I'm alright." I assured him.

"Brianna, that was so incredible. I wish you knew how good that feels. But you'll know soon. I'll make sure you can experience what I just did." He sighed softly, his warm breath tickling my wet neck. I nodded, not sure if I ever wanted to have sex after that unless it was with Tony.

He pulled out of me slowly, reaching for me as he sat up. He pulled me out of the bed and into the conjoining bathroom, a perk after winning a coin toss when the boys first moved in for the master bedroom/bath. He walked to the tub, immediately turning the water on. I bit my lip against a grin as I looked at his naked butt, firm and tight thanks to all of those hockey work outs. I quickly looked away when he turned back to me, staring at the blue towel on the bed. I saw what Tony was talking about now, the blood that stained the fabric making me flush in embarrassment.

"It happens to everyone," he whispered against my head, his lips permanently attached to some part of my body at all times. I nodded again, wondering how Tony knew so much about females losing their virginity. He kissed my forehead before helping me slid into the tub, the water warm and wonderful against my sore areas. I sighed softly as Tony slid in behind me, his arms wrapping around my waist.

"If I tell you something, do you promise not to freak out?" I asked him, running my fingers along his arm.

"Promise," he mumbled, his chin resting on my shoulder.

"I-I love you." I looked down into the water after I said it, watching as the bubbles rose to the surface and then popped, the white foam concealing our bodies.

"I love you too," Tony told me without a murmur of hesitation.

I giggled softly as he squeezed my sides, making me squirm at the feeling. I tilted my head back, puckering my lips. He gave me a tender kiss, perfect after the night we just had. I sighed softly, snuggling into his chest after that, my eyes drifting closed.

Yes, I was head over heels in love with Tony Lucia.
♠ ♠ ♠
this was would have been IMPOSSIBLE to write without Phoebe. thank you soo soo soo soo much. you have no idea how much it means to me that you helped me out.
soo comments would be appreciated. I'm thinking three or four chapters left??
and also..

Check this out if you need more Tony love.