Status: completed.

Sweet, Sweet Superstar

close to the heart


"Hi mommy." My husband murmured as he pushed open the door of my hospital room, poking his head in as the nurse readied our new baby girl to go home. I smiled at him, zipping up my bag and handing it to him as he swung it over his shoulder. He leaned down, giving me a delicate and sweet kiss on the lips. I smiled against his plump lips, the feel of them on mine making my skin tingle just the way it always did.

"Hey daddy," I giggled at him as he gave me a huge grin.

"That's a song." Tony wiggled his eyebrows.

"Oh god, you are not going to turn into one of those guys. I will not be calling you daddy in bed," I rolled my eyes at him as we walked across the room to where our baby girl was waiting to get tucked into her car seat. She was up for the first time in the three days she had been in this world, her startling green eyes looking up at me with expectant eyes. Her tiny mouth opened and she yawned before her mouth moved back into place. Tony scooped her up delicately, holding her like a glass piece and setting her into her car seat. The baby scrunched her nose up in distaste, a small whimper sounding from her.

"It's alright Macie. We're going home, baby girl." Tony leaned down, kissing her nose softly. The baby's eyes closed with the closer proximity as her dad's breath fanned out across her face. I smiled gently at the scene in front of me, thinking about the couple days before this when my water broke in the middle of the night.

I laid on my side, turning towards Tony with a pillow stuffed between my legs, and as uncomfortable as I had ever been. I shifted and pushed out a sigh, hitting Tony's shoulder to wake him up. One of his green eyes opened and he whined softly, wrapping his arms around me as best as he could. My head fell against the curve of his shoulder as I groaned softly into his skin.

"What's up babe?" He murmured to me, his hands digging into the tense muscles of my back that hadn't stopped aching since I was 5 months pregnant.

"I can't sleep. I'm really uncomfortable and I can't seem to find a place where the baby is comfortable and I am at the same time." I sighed breezily, my hands running softly in between his shoulder blades. Tony let out a quiet moan of approval as I added my nails to the equation, scratching his bare back as he gave me a gentle massage.

"I'm sorry honey. But you're nine months pregnant and your due date is in three days." He whispered softly, "there isn't much I can do for you besides hold you and hope baby Italia settles down."

"The baby isn't going to. It's been doing this for the past couple nights." I complained, mumbling into his skin.

"I know honey." I could hear and feel the sympathy Tony had for me but none of it made me feel better or made me feel any more comfortable. "I just want baby Italy." I whimpered to him, eyes squeezed shut as the baby started to move against Tony's hands.

"Oh! babe, roll on your back! I wanna see Italia's feet!" He chuckled loudly as he softly pushed my shoulders back to the bed, kissing all over my stomach as our baby's feet and hands moved. He pulled back and both of us looked at my large stomach as we watched the baby's foot move across my stomach. I squirmed, not liking the image of a foot expanding my body any more than it needed to. I pressed down on it and Tony pouted at me, moving my hand.

"Hey baby, I know you want to meet daddy, but you need to let mommy sleep." Tony whispered, his mouth moving against my stomach. His wet lips made me cringe at the coolness of them. The baby wound up and gave his dad a good hard kick making Tony move back, laughing loudly as I cringed at the cool liquid that was now pooling on the bed in between my legs.

"Stop laughing; my water just broke." I hissed at him. His eyes went wide and all the sound stopped coming out of his mouth. A brief flash of panic went through his eyes as I grabbed the sides of his face, pulling it towards me. "Please stay calm; I just need that one thing from you."

"Okay." He whispered tenderly, slowly climbing out of bed and grabbing my bag before turning back to me. He pulled me into a standing position and I turned to look back at the bed, wrinkling my nose.

"When you come home, throw those away and get the new ones out of the closet. Can you grab me some sweatpants, please." Tony nodded, rounding up a pair of sweatpants and helping me slip them on.

"Tony?" I whispered as I held his shoulders as he walked in front of me.

"Yeah Bri?" He asked a tint of worry in his voice.

"I'm scared." I mumbled, my bottom lip quivering as tears filled my eyes. I had nine months to prepare for this moment, but I had never felt so unprepared for anything in my life. Today was the day and there was absolutely no turning back.

"I know, babe. I know, but I'm here and I'll do my very best to make sure you'll be okay." I nodded as we reached the bottom of the stairs and he turned to me, scooping me up into his arms to carry me to the car.

"Baby Macie," Tony called to her once we were situated in the car. I sat in the back with her, peeking at our new baby to make sure she was alright. Her delivery had been perfect, no complications at all just filled with success and a beautiful 7 pound, 8 oz baby girl. She had both of our green eyes and thick hair just like her dad. At first glance, she looked a lot like Tony, but he was sure that was going to change and as a father he would be doomed.

Macie was passed out in her car seat even as Tony tried to talk to her, his voice soft and sweet whenever he acknowledged his daughter. The little girl startled a bit in her sleep and flicked her eyes open, but shut the immediately at the light from outside. Instead, she cried out her answer to her father who chuckled in the driver's seat.

"Daddy isn't very nice is he, baby girl." I whispered to her, leaning down to kiss her softly. Macie's little hands came up to my face, her nails long after growing for so long, scratching my skin lightly. I nuzzled her nose as she tried to go back to sleep, but I was just so transfixed by her that I wanted her to stay awake for me. I wanted her to open her eyes and look up at me just like she did when she was first born. When I first held her, her green eyes had been open and she had struggled to grasp the image of me, sadly not able to get a clear picture. But I had gotten the perfect picture of her.

Tony pulled into the driveway of our home a couple minutes later, going fifty on the freeway the whole way here. I had rolled my eyes as cars honked behind him and Tony shrugged, telling them to move over if they didn't like his driving. He also suggested he get a baby on board sign which I immediately dismissed. Tony parked in the driveway before moving to open the door for me. I stepped out with his unneeded help and then let him work on Macie's car seat. The baby stayed asleep as he carried her into the house and immediately extracted her from the seat.

"This is home, cheeks." He murmured to her as her mouth twitched while she looked up at him. The little flicker of her muscles was her way of smiling for now until she could move them enough to let her lips spread. "Wanna go see your room? It's green. I don't like it, but mommy is sure you will." Tony grinned, glancing at me where I was leaning against the kitchen counter. "You coming mom?"

"Yes, dad." I giggled and followed my husband up the steps and down the hall to Macie's new room, filled with the stuffed animals and balloons that I had gotten from family and friends after her birth plus the ones I received at my baby shower. Tony walked her around the rather spacious room, something she would appreciate when she was older, before setting her into her crib and looking down at his little angel.

"I'm so happy she is here." Tony whispered to me as I slid next to him. I nodded my agreement, watching as he fluttered about the baby, straightening her little onesie and then running a hand over her matted hair.

"You're already hooked."

"I love her. And you." He added, turning to let his deep and soft green eyes meet mine. I gave him a soft smile, nodding in understanding before pressing a kiss to his lips.

"I love you too." I murmured softly, my arms wrapping around his neck as he scooped me into his arms. My legs dangled freely in the air as he held me by the backs of my thighs.

"You should sleep babe," Tony whispered to me his fingers ghosting over the waist band of my sweats. I raised an eyebrow, shaking my head at him as he let out a sexy pout. "How many weeks?" He whined softly.

"6 to 8." I reminded him as to how long he had to wait to get back into my pants.

"Fuck. My. Life." He muttered dramatically as he shut Macie's door slightly, leaving it open a crack, but not before making sure the baby monitor was on and working.

"I think you will survive." I murmured to him as I ran my fingers through his hair, lacing them together behind his neck. He moaned lightly as he pushed our bedroom door open. I turned to look at the sheets, smiling at how nicely they were put on the bed. "You did a good job, baby." I complimented his bed making skills.

"It was hard to do a good job when I realized I couldn't throw you on them when you came home with baby Mace." He mumbled as he dove straight for my cleavage, settling in delicately, his breath fanning across my mounds of flesh. I let my nails scrape across his scalp and back as I checked the monitor, the only noise coming from Macie's room was her steady breathing.

"But look at how well you managed," I murmured to him, leaning down to place a kiss on his head.

"Can I go get baby?" He asked me suddenly, his head poking up as he pouted at me.

"She's sleeping." I told him, giving him an odd look.

"I don't care; I just want to hold her."

"You are already obsessed. Let her sleep Tony. You have the rest of your life to obsess over her." I assured him as he settled back into me.

"Okay." He sighed dramatically, his lips pressing to my stomach were Macie used to be. I smiled softly before the two of us drifted off to sleep, enjoying the silent moment while we still could.

Macie was now six months old and the happiest baby I had ever met. She liked to bounce around and she craved attention no matter who it was from. She would sit in the cart at the grocery store and coo at the people walking by, but there was no place she liked better than going to her dad's hockey games. Tony's teammates flocked all over Macie Lucia, eating her up because of her adorable smile and the light, baby giggle she was prone to letting loose when she was poked in the stomach. The wives and girlfriends fell all over her too; once she flashed that little smile, she had everyone wrapped around her finger, but no one more than her father.

Tony loved his little girl to pieces. He constantly smothered her with kisses and love, giving her his undivided attention when he was home. He would snuggle up to his baby girl while watching hockey or football, cooing to her the rules of both games. He barely ever let her lay on the floor or be in a room without him, instead gluing her to his chest. The sexiest part was watching him lead her around the kitchen as he cooked dinner, throwing in spices and making cute commentary while baby Macie just giggled at her father.

It was amazing how fast kids grew up. One minute they were being born and the next they were learning to roll over and then came the crawling. I felt like it was just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital and getting used to having a baby who demanded so much attention. Time seemed to pass by so much faster when I just wanted it to slow down so Macie could stay this young forever. If time kept flying by like this, she would be a teenager in no time. So for now Tony and I did everything we could to soak up our little girl.

Macie cooed in my lap as we sat in a suite inside the HP Pavilion waiting for the puck to be dropped on a new season for the San Jose Sharks. The electricity in the building was insane as they played loud music to pump up the fans and the players. I bit my lip, watching Tony skate up to the left wing, starting the game off by hitting his opponent in the shins. I shook my head, rolling my eyes as the guy smacked Tony back. I could practically hear my husband say it was just part of the game. Macie collapsed back into my chest, finding it too much energy to hoist herself up so she could see over the railing and onto the ice.

"Baben," I murmured to her, pressing a kiss on top of her head. She bounced in my arms, hitting my mouth with her head. I fixed the bottom of her teal Lucia jersey, straightening it out around her small body as I adjusted mine that had been riding up against the back of the chair.

The game began to escalate from the opening face off, the Canucks coming out hard and fast, throwing everything they had at the Sharks, and showing no mercy in their checks and open ice hits. I cringed as one of the Canucks defenseman collided with Tony, sending them both sprawling across the ice. I bit my tongue to hold back the groan of protest as the fans buzzed excitedly, knowing as well as I did what a loose cannon my husband was. I could practically see his eyes narrow in on the guy as the Canuck gave him a smirk in response.

"Don't do it, Ton. Don't- oh god." I muttered under my breath, turning Macie around and away from the ice.

The good part about being in the box was that I could keep my eye on Tony without having to stand up when he decided to drop the gloves with someone. I hissed and wrinkled my nose as the defenseman's fist collided with Tony's face. I knew that would most definitely form a bruise, but I didn't have to worry much longer because Tony had a mean right hook that hit the guy in the jaw, sending him sprawling to the ice in pain. Tony shook off the hit, jaw set as I glanced at the TV in the suite, narrowing my eyes at my husband.

"We're going to yell at him for that." I assured Macie as she gurgled into my shoulder, some drool setting into my jersey.

The rest of the game was much of the same, but the Sharks were able to hold back the flurry of white jerseys and winning by a score of 3-2. Tony got an assist on the first two goals, his line clicking already. A half hour later I was sitting in the family waiting room, feeding Macie a bottle to try and get her to sleep. I watched as the milk drained from the clear plastic as Macie's eyes got heavier and heavier until they all together closed just as her dad entered the room. I glanced up at him, sighing immediately at the bruise that was already forming on his cheek bone.

"Uh oh, daddy is in trouble, baby Mace." Tony chuckled softly, avoiding my gaze as he leaned down to place a kiss on Macie's cheek. Hey green eyes flew open and her little hands pressed to Tony's cheeks, a loud squeal coming from her mouth. Tony took her from my arms and let her snuggle into his chest, nuzzling her nose into his neck.

"Daddy is in deep shit." I stated as I stood up, walking past him and swinging my hips, letting Tony take Macie and her car seat. I could hear him sigh loudly as he followed me out of the arena, the sound of my heels clicking against the ground.

"I should fight more often. You're so sexy when you are swinging those hips." Tony gave me a wicked smile and a wink as I turned to glare at him over my shoulder.

"No, you really shouldn't fight because you're sleeping on the couch now."

"What! Are you kidding!? Bri baby, I shouldn't be punished for that."

"I hate it when you fight and when you make me worry." I stated dryly, my voice and eyes like ice as Tony handed Macie to me so he could set her car seat back into his SUV. He clicked the seat into place before grabbing our sleeping baby girl from my arms. I twirled around and opened the passenger door, ignoring Tony as he clipped Macie into her car seat behind me. I crossed my arms over my chest, huffing out a sigh as Tony opened my door again, unclicking my seat belt and turning me to look at him. My legs dangled in front of me, feet knocking against Tony's legs lightly.

"Brianna, you don't need to worry about me. I can take care of myself out there and I don't participate in anything I can't handle."

"Tony, one wrong punch could damage you for the rest of your life. One bad hit. You play a dangerous sport and why do you always seem to forget that?" I reminded him, looking into his soft green eyes.

"Babe, nothing will happen to me. I'll be okay and you need to stop worrying. It's not good for you." He leaned down to kiss my lips softly, running his hands through my long curls.

"Don't fight and I won't." I countered, raising an eyebrow.

"I can't make that deal." He shrugged, patting my thigh and turning my legs back into the car. He shut the door with a soft click before walking around to the driver's side of the car.

The ride back home was filled with silence as I stared out the window, Tony drove, and Macie slept soundly in the back seat. I watched the familiar landscape pass by, my eyes focused on anything but Tony who kept sighing dramatically in the seat next to me. Halfway home, he reached across the console, setting his hand on my inner thigh as I laced the fingers of my left hand with his. His thick fingers ran over my wedding ring, moving it about my finger. We reached our home in twenty minutes, the two of us lugging up the stairs and putting Macie in her room together. A mere ten minutes later, Tony and I were snuggled into our bed, wrapped in each others arms while I lightly ran the pads of my fingers over his bruise.

"That is going to be bad tomorrow." I stated, the skin already puckering and turning yellow. I shook my head, tisking softly as Tony shrugged like it was no big deal.

"Could be worse."

"You're right, it could be a broken bone." I rolled my eyes, letting my arm fall to his waist, wrapping around it to his back, my fingers lazily drawing circles into his bare skin.

"Just let it go, Bri. It's over and I'm too tired to get into it with you." He whispered softly, his breath dancing across my lips as I tilted them up to his. He gave me a tender kiss before tucking my head under his chin, settling in for the night.

My eyes drifted closed just as Macie let out a loud yelp through the baby monitor, causing both Tony and I to bolt up in bed. Tony was out of the room before I had even thrown the covers off of myself. I quickly followed after Tony coming into the room just as Tony was lifting the now sobbing baby out of her crib. She whined and snuggled into his body, little fists gripping at his skin, wishing he had on some sort of cloth to hold tighter.

"It's alright baby girl. Daddy's here." Tony cooed, bouncing her lightly up and down as the tears fell onto his shoulder which Macie looked at me over. I sighed softly, biting my lip and crossing the room to run the backs of my knuckles over her soft cheek. "You don't need to be scared." Tony whispered, his palm running over her back. I stood on my tippy toes, using Tony's shoulder to balance myself as I kissed her forehead softly. She let out a loud whimper before settling down, snuggling into Tony's neck. She was quiet a few moments later, her thumb in her mouth as she sucked on it lightly while Tony continued to sway back and forth, my chin still resting on his skin.

"She is not going back to bed." I told Tony with a deep sigh before turning to walk downstairs. Tony followed me as Macie made cute little noises while her dad softly talked to her, his eyes droopy as he walked into the kitchen. I smiled at my tired boy, taking Macie from him while her bottle was warming. Tony leaned against the counter, ankles crossed and arms folded over his chest.

"Go to bed, honey." I told him as Macie stared almost playfully at her father. Tony sucked his cheeks in, accenting his cheek bones as he wrinkled his nose at the baby who gave him a gummy smile.

"No, I'm fine." He told me through a yawn. "You're a little shit, Macie." Tony scolded her softly as the baby grinned almost like she was toying with Tony. "Yep. You get more like your mother everyday." Tony concluded, walking to me and grabbing her, hoisting her into the air and throwing her up a bit before catching her again. I grabbed the bottle as I shook my head, knowing that the more Tony played with her, the harder it would be to get her down again.

"Please, don't do that." I told my husband as he grabbed the bottle from me, moving to the stairs and back into our bedroom to slip between the sheets and gently coax our baby girl back to sleep. Macie was passed out in her dad's arms before she could even finish the whole bottle, eyes shut and mouth open as Tony placed the bottle on the nightstand.

"Daddy's touch." Tony cooed softly as I snuggled into my pillow, rolling towards him to cuddle into his side.

"If you have the touch, rub my back." I instructed him, pressing my nose into his bare side. Tony sighed but his fingers began to trail over my back lightly as my eyelids got heavy. I joined Macie a couple minutes later, passed out and leaving Tony the only one up as he lightly murmured a quick I love you before turning out the lights and leaving our baby girl snuggled into his chest tightly. Tony fell asleep a couple moments later, holding the two loves of his life close to his heart.
♠ ♠ ♠
yesterday was senior day and I was most definitely in attendance.
I saw tony after the game and he fucking winked at me. I basically died and went to heaven. The hottest thing EVER. I swear to god my knees were shaking. and then I got to tell him thanks for the great years. It was definitely great closure to hold his hand while I said it.
anyways! comments would be fabulous :D
don't be surprised if there are a bunch of Tony updates. I'm going to need to write Tony to pull myself through.
and there are two chapters left :D