Status: completed.

Sweet, Sweet Superstar

i couldn't ask for a better life

I stood in the doorway of the living room, my eyes narrowed at my husband as him and his teammates played the latest NHL video game, the heated battle going on as Macie played with her doll down by Tony's feet. I pursed my lips in annoyance, staring at Tony until he had to give in to my gaze, flicking his green eyes to me before immediately setting them back on the TV.

"Hey baby!" Tony yelled to me, licking his lips as his fingers worked the controls with a quick skill he had been able to master in college. I didn't say anything back, just crossed my arms over my chest and shook my head before walking into the room and scooping up Macie. I bent down, making sure Tony had his eyes focused on me as I stood back up, sucking in my cheeks and giving him a look that he would know that I was not happy with him. "What?" He asked, lowering his eyebrows and shaking his head quickly.

"You know what." I snapped at him before turning on my heel and stalking into the kitchen.

"Momma." Macie murmured, her pretty, plump lips moving against my neck as she yawned. "I'm sleepy." She whispered to me, her breath coming out in soft little puffs.

"I know sweets, but obviously daddy is too wrapped up in his game to realize that." I pressed a kiss to her cheek as a hand touched my lower back, making me jump out of my skin.

"Is that what this is about? Because Macie is up? You know she won't go to bed unless we say goodnight together." Tony told me, going to the fridge and reaching for a beer.

"Don't drink. It turns you into an asshole." I told him, setting Macie on a chair in the kitchen with her pink blanket that she had slept with since she was first born.

"What can I do right for you tonight?" He asked, whirling around and giving me a slight glare. I glared right back, hands on my hips.

"Do you remember what I said when you asked if your teammates could come over this morning?" I wondered, moving my hands to fold over my chest. My eyes narrowed as Tony racked his brain for the answer before coming up blank.

"No, you screamed it out the door when I was on my way to practice." He sighed, rolling his eyes to the ceiling.

"No, I told you before I left to meet my mom and go do my errands. You were sitting on the couch with Macie, your glasses on and still in your pajamas." I told him, smiling sweetly. "I was gone before you left for practice." I stated dryly, whirling around to grab the wash cloth from the drawer and wetting it to run it over the counter. I scrubbed at the granite, biting the insides of my cheeks and pushing out deep sighs.

"Well, are you going to let me in on what I did?"

"It's what you didn't do. God, Tony I do so much shit around the house so you can be free and hang out with Mace when you are home. The least you could do is help me every once and awhile. I thought I could have one day to myself, one week where I didn't have to do everything. But my bad, I didn't realize it was too much to ask."

"What are you talking about!? I help all the time."

"Mowing the lawn doesn't count." I told him, rolling my eyes and glancing at Macie who was sucking her thumb as her fingers curled through her hair. I gave a slight smile before turning back to my husband.

"What was I supposed to do then? Because I didn't hear you."

"Do you ever when I'm asking you to do something? You know for an athlete you are fucking lazy," I growled at him as his teammates were heard shuffling around in the living room. Tony glanced behind the wall as they all filed past him, making excuses as to why they had to leave. They all politely thanked me and I tried my best to give them all genuine smiles before the front door shut. The ending of Tony's boy's night seemed to piss him off even more and he ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Brianna, I'm sorry okay. What do you want me to do?" He asked, his green eyes tiredly looking up at me.

"Never mind. I've got it." I snapped, shaking my head and beginning to unload the dishwasher. I heard Tony exhaled loudly as he walked behind me, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist.

"I'm sorry." He murmured against my neck and I pushed off of him, stepping to the side to put the plates into their respected place. I pursed my lips as he set his hands on my hips, trying again.

"Tony. Just stop." I snapped, turning around and shoving at his chest. I glared at him as he set his teeth in a clench before stepping back.

"Brianna, what the fuck. I said I was sorry, what else do you want from me?!" He asked, raising his voice for the first time that night. Macie let out a loud cry, her voice hitching as she sobbed loudly at Tony's voice. The two of us snapped our attention to our baby girl as large, fat tears fell down her face, settling into the collar of her pink shirt. She reached for the two of us, opening and closing her fists while chanting mommy and daddy.

"It's okay baby girl," I whispered to her as Tony scooped her up and swayed her, shushing her very softly.

"I'm sorry, honey." Tony whispered, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his body. I threaded my arms around his waist and pressed my face into his chest, heaving a huge sigh as Macie continued to sob loudly.

"No fights dad. No fights mom. No." Macie demanded, blinking rapidly as more tears fluttered down her face. "Don't fight, daddy." Macie placed both hands on Tony's cheeks, pressing them into his skin softly. Tony's eyebrows lowered in pain as his eyes softened. "Says sorry." She demanded, placing a kiss on his lips.

"I'm sorry baby." Tony whispered to me, placing a kiss on my lips. "I'll do everything you wanted me to tomorrow. You can watch me do it, and tell me when I missed a spot." I giggled softly, nuzzling his neck in appreciation.

"Mkay." I whispered. Macie tilted her cute face up to her dad, puckering her lips for a little sugar from her favorite man. Her daddy truly was her hero. She couldn't get enough of him which was adorable but proved to be problematic when he had to leave on road trips. She would cry and scream throwing a temper tantrum for up for four hours after he would leave. No matter what we tried, we could not get her to be okay with her father leaving.

"Are you tired cheeks?" Tony whispered softly to Macie, his fingers trailing over her back as the little girl sighed softly, small arm wrapped securely around Tony's neck.

"Yes, papa." She breathed out against Tony's neck, her tiny nose pressing into his skin softly. I squeaked out a soft aw, pouting my lips at my adorable little girl and how fast she had grown up. I leaned up to place a kiss against her cheek as Macie's eyes slipped shut. "Love you mama."

"I love you too, Mace." I whispered before turning her face to drop a kiss against her tiny, pursed lips. She smiled softly before Tony turned and went to tuck her into bed.

I let out a quiet sigh before fluttering around the kitchen, loading the dishwasher and preparing the talk I needed to have with Tony. Along with visiting with my mom who was here on business, I also made a trip to the doctor's office to check in on why I was feeling so crappy. I should have figured it out by myself, but I couldn't say I was super shocked when I found out I was pregnant again. Tony would be happy, hell, he would be over the moon because of his recent campaign to have another baby had been kicked into high gear. I was excited about adding to our family, but not so much about having to go through the next seven months.

Tony came back into the kitchen, leaning against the doorway as his eyes drank me in, lowered in a lusty gaze. I glanced at him, shaking my head at his look. His arms were crossed over his chest making his biceps bulge deliciously under his shirt. I gave him a small smile as he crossed the kitchen to me, lifting me onto the counter.

"You look so beautiful right now." He whispered against my lips, his hand grasping the back of my neck while his lips brushed across mine. I gave a breathy laugh and ran my fingers through his hair which was, for once, at the perfect length. "I'm sorry I didn't do the things you wanted me too. I didn't even hear you."

"Do you even?" I teased him.

"No, we've been married long enough that I just tune you out now." We both chuckled softly as he ran his hands up and down my sides. His big paws ran slowly along my shape, sliding along the smooth skin as he shoved my t-shirt up. He palmed my new found curves lightly, trailing along them. "I like these." He motioned to the dip of my torso which gave way to my hips. "I love that you are so real. I can't believe some of the guys on the team date and marry these stick thin women. I don't find that attractive. But these," he squeezed my hips playfully. "These I love."

"Well they are a bit more pronounced." I told him quietly as his green eyes flickered to mine. He had replaced his contacts with his glasses which gave him a much softer look along with making me ache for him a bit more. There was nothing sexier than Tony dressed down in comfort closed with an adorable smile on his face and a sexy glint in his green eyes.

"Why's that?"

"Baby needs cushion." I stated to him. I watched with an amused expression as his face changed from all sorts of emotions; confusion, surprised and finally pure joy, just to name a few. His mouth finally dropped open before his front teeth dragged his bottom lip into his mouth while a smile stretched his lips.

"Baby?!" He exclaimed, the excitement barely containable.

"Baby." I confirmed to him as his eyes shut and he began to celebrate with a tiny dance, his hips swaying adorably.

"Yes! I love you pregnant!" He gave me a wicked grin before scooping me into his arms. I wrapped my arms and legs tightly around his body, looking down into his face as he smiled up at me, his excitement tangible. "Let's go celebrate. Mace is asleep, and daddy needs some love."

"I think mommy needs the love. You better get your fill while you can." I suggested to him, chuckling as he squeezed my butt in his hands.

"Damn right. Although, we both know I can't keep my hands off you when you're carrying my child." I laughed at him as he pushed the bedroom door open and shutting it with his foot, leading me to the bed. He set me down on it softly, leaning over my to nuzzle his nose with mine in a sweet Eskimo kiss. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Ton." I kissed his lips softly, watching his green eyes flutter closed. When they fluttered open, there was a new-found excitement in them, one that Tony used on me, pleasing me and thanking me physically for giving him another child.

I rested my weight, thirty pounds extra of it due to the human growing in my stomach, on my arms, leaning back as my husband and daughter played in the ocean. My little girl squealed in delight as the waves of the vast ocean lapped at her tiny ankles. Tony's hearty laughed sounded next as he swung her up, her tiny feet dangling as a huge wave rushed onto the beach. Her petite toes skimmed the water as she looked down, flexing the little appendages that were painted purple, her favorite color. She turned to me her green eyes wild with excitement.


"I see you, baby girl," I called to her, waving as she giggled excitedly.

"Bri, come here." Tony motioned for me, holding our daughter so she was smiling directly at me. Her arms were grasping Tony's wrists, her small hands barely covering any of his skin. I gave Tony a wary glance, not sure if I would be able to hoist myself into a standing position with all the extra poundage. Tony chuckled and waded out of the water as Macie howled loudly in protest.

"Daddy, down." Her little nose scrunched up as Tony held her tighter even after her stern demand.

"Stop squirming or daddy's going to drop you." He let her slip from his grip. Her body slid through his hands quickly as she screamed at the feeling of only air against her sides. Tony's hands were only off of her for all of two seconds before she was in his arms again, resting tightly against his chest.

"Daddy!" She shrieked at him pouting very dramatically. My little girl was only three and she was already the biggest drama queen I had ever known.

"You're fine." He nuzzled her neck, his stubble scratching at her porcelain skin. Her face scrunched up as Tony set her on the sandy beach, her feet getting devoured by the white sand. She walked to me, throwing her small body against mine.

"Hi baby," she cooed to my stomach as I tried to hold her close to me. My stomach made that impossible though, making her sit at an awkward angle. "How long mom?" She tilted her face up to me, green eyes shining curiously as Tony set himself behind me so I could have some support.

"Eight weeks, Mace." I told her. She clapped her hands excitedly, having no sense of how much time that really was. All she knew was that it was significantly lower than 10, or so she thought.

"Soon," she grinned, showing me her tiny teeth.

Tony's hands went around my stomach, his fingers just barely able to lace together over our two children. He rested his chin on my shoulder, Macie looking at him with lowered eyes. Her little lips were pursed into a pout, her mini mommy look as Tony called it.

"Are you cranky?" Tony asked her, pouting at his baby girl who could look so much like him at times. In my opinion, when she was mad, she looked like Tony. Her face would scrunch up and she would start stomping her feet, the Italian side of her coming out in full force. But nothing was better than the look she got on her face when she was unhappy with her daddy. It was a special look reserved only for my husband.

"You taked me out of water, papa." She returned the pout, leaning forward so their pouted lips touched in the most innocent of kisses. He smothered her face with similar kisses after that, causing her to giggle and flail around wildly.

"Careful of mom and baby." Tony smiled at her, throwing her a wink over my shoulder.

"Daddy," she whispered, squirming in my grip as her feet hit the sand again. He leaned forward, already letting me go.

"Yeah cheeks." He asked using his nickname for her because of how cheeky her smile had been since the day she came into this world.

"Catch me!" She screamed, turning and sprinting towards the water as fast as her short legs would carry her. Tony was on his feet, gathering her into his arms before she could make it too far into the tide.

I smiled at the flutter in my stomach, the youngest Lucia making his presence known. Tony didn't know whether we were having a boy or a girl, but I had to know when the doctor asked if we would like to be informed. I said yes while Tony said no, so I kicked him out of the room before the doctor could reveal the sex. I wore a huge grin when I met him in the lobby four months ago knowing how excited he would be when our son came into the world. He loved Macie, but he wanted a son no matter how many times he said it didn't matter.

I pushed myself up to my knees, carefully stepping onto my feet. I waddled my way up to where my husband stood once again with our daughter. I stepped into the warm, salty water, the feeling making me wrinkle my nose slightly. Coming from Minnesota, I wasn't used to the scratchy feeling of salt against my ankles. Macie yawned softly as Tony rubbed her back, her eyes getting heavy despite how hard she fought against the sleep.

Tony sighed happily as a small smile stretched onto his lips. He pulled me into his side, dropping a kiss on top of my head. The waves lapped at our ankles and feet as the sun began to dip below the horizon. I loved moments like this. The sun waining and setting the water ablaze with a fiery yellow. The sky was bursting with pink, purple, and orange along with a deep blue as the day gave way to night. The temperature started to drop immediately, causing Macie to shiver in her dad's arms. Tony pulled off his t-shirt, putting it over her head as it draped along her body, acting as a mini snuggie.

Wrapping my arms around Tony's waist, I leaned my head on his shoulder as he swayed Macie to sleep, her breath evening out into tiny puffs. I let out a low moan from deep in my chest as the baby started to kick, sensing the tenderness of the moment and wanting to share a part. I smiled softly down, resting one of my hands atop of my large belly. Tony wrapped an arm around my back, his hand snaking over the top of my stomach, our left hands lacing together. My wedding ring rested against the palm of his hand, the cool metal of his ring sliding against my skin; a reminder of our vows and how we had come to be in this moment together.

"You feeling alright momma?" Tony asked me, breaking the silence. "You're quiet."

"I'm just happy. This moment is so amazing and it's hard to believe after all the crap we've been through that we're standing here like this." I told him, giving a sigh of contentment.

"When I left Minnesota, I never thought I would be with you again." Tony whispered softly, his lips brushing against the top of my head. He squeezed me tighter to him for a second and for a moment the two of us could feel the pain we went through back then. "I'm so glad you're here with me. I couldn't ask for a better life."

"Me either." I murmured as the baby began to kick against our interlaced hands. Macie startled in her sleep and woke up, looking over at Tony and I before out across the ocean. We fell silent as Macie drifted back to sleep quickly, the sun finally drifting beyond the horizon.

"I think baby agrees; little Looch is happy with our lives." Tony chuckled softly at the swift, hard kick the baby delivered.

"Don't laugh! Baby just kicked my ribs!" I exclaimed, pressing my hands forcefully into my stomach to settle the baby down and move him back into place. His foot was sticking out against my stomach and despite the fact that Tony liked it, it was very uncomfortable.

"Baby, don't kick momma." Tony pressed his hand down into the baby too and I leaned my head against his chest, my eyes closing as Tony rubbed soft circles against my baby bump. Both me and baby Looch appreciated it enough that I left out a soft moan.

"Daddy's got the touch." I murmured while Tony laughed softly. He placed a kiss against my temple, rocking the two of us back and forth slowly.

"Mom," Macie mumbled sleepily, lifting her head up as she cutely rubbed her eyes with her little fists, Tony's sleeves pooling down by her elbows.

"Yeah babe?" I murmured as Tony squeezed Macie closer to him as he felt his little girl shiver in his arms.

"I'm cold," Macie whispered through chattering teeth.

"Let's go home then." I smiled, kissing her forehead softly and motioning for Tony to walk. Tony gave Macie to me so he could quickly pack up the beach stuff that we had gotten good use out of during the day. Tony had everything packed up in a few mere minutes before we were walking back to his SUV, setting everything in the trunk. Tony took Macie from me, tucking her into her car seat and draping a blanket over the chilly little girl. I glanced back at Macie as Tony started the car up, pulling out of the parking lot and heading home.

"I love our life." I mused to Tony who looked over at me, an adorable smile on his face. He nodded at me, looking back at the room with a content sigh.

"Me too."
♠ ♠ ♠
one more chapter left :D
hopefully you guys like it!
I would really like to hear from you guys since I'm kind of in love with this chapter :)