You Can Only Imagine

You Can Only Imagine part 15

Tori and I scrambled about and opened some windows quickly to try and hide everything catching each others spazzed looks as we jumped around trying to pull our pants on and then both jumped on the bed and layed down next to each other and just started cracking up at our own antics that we had just displayed.
"Tori! Come down here! I have someone I want you to meet!", we heard his Mom shout up the stairs.
We looked at each other and frowned.
"I bet she has a new toy.", Tori mumbled in a sad, slow, upset manner, slowly closing his eyes.
He let out a sigh as he went to get off the bed. I quickly pulled him back to me and hugged him tightly.
"I won't let him do anything to you. I promise you that he will NOT lay a hand on you Boo.", I told him with the utmost sincerity in my voice.
Tori smiled and let out a relieved sigh as he grabbed my hand and pulled me up off of the bed with him. Ironically at this very moment the song "I Want My Life Back" by Bucky Covington came into my mind. I knew that more anything Tori just wanted his life back with his Mom, to the way things used to be with them. He felt distanced and alone with her always chasing off after a new guy. I wrapped my arm around him and walked slowly downstairs with him and into the living room to see a man with a young girl, and Tori's Mom sittng there on the couch. The little girl looked to be about nine years old and in a not so pleasant mood, which
caused me to groan in irritance. Tori's Mother looked up at us trying to smile kindly. I could see right through her. She was faking it all. She just wanted to be with a man she barely knew was my guess. I never was quite sure whether to like Tori's Mom or to hate her. She was a complete flake that kind of just gave up on her family to pamper herself and her wants leaving her own children to just go off alone with her really there. I found this cruel and pathetic. The man next to her was eyeing us up so I glared at him. He glared back at me, so just out of a natural reaction I let a low threatening growl, which startled everyone. Tori looked up at me worried, concern plastered across his face as he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. Tori's Mother looked taken aback at my reaction and diverted her eyes from my own. The man next to her cleared his throat and looked at me in a poor attempt to look collected and calm.
"Well Diana....your son is which of these boys?", the man asked in a tone that said he really could care less and was not the least bit interested, but was trying to give that appearance to her so that she would "like him even more for caring".
"My son is Tori the shorter one and the boy with him is his fiancee Skylar.", She told him pointing to each of us as she told him who we were.
I looked down at Tori who was making the "what the fuck I'm not that short face", which made me chuckle quietly. He looked up at me pouting. I could not help but to let a smile grace my face. He was just too fucking cute! XD
"Boys I'd like for you to meet Ken and his daughter Rachael.", she said smiling at us and gesturing towards them.
"Hi...Nice to meet you.", I muttered out nodding my head as Tori gave a simple nod of his head and wave at them. Ken stood up and walked towards us, putting me on edge. The way he was approaching us felt threatening. I tensed up and Tori noticed this clinging onto me even tighter. I glared and growled, which stopped Ken in his tracks, wide-eyed and took a few steps back. Tori looked at me and gently took my face in his hands.
"What's wrong Skylar? Why are you so tense?", Tori asked me, his eyes worried and concerned, every word he spoke dripped with worry.
"The way he looks at us, the way he was all says he really could care less that we are even here and it held a threatening air about it when he did. I really do NOT like this guy Tori. He makes me feel so uncomfortable. I want to make him go away. I want to keep him away from us, away from you.", I mumbled quietly, nervous, slightly panicky, and in a somewhat paranoid disturbed tone.
Tori looked at me and hugged me, nuzzling against my neck in understanding. This boy knew just what to do to calm me down and make me forget everything. I wrapped my arms around resting my head on top of his.
"It'll be ok I promise Sky.", Tori mumbled into my chest.
I could feel him smiling slightly against my chest as I pulled him even closer. I looked at Tori's Mom and she did not look the least bit pleased with my reactions towards the guy she "loved".
"I apologize for my actions, but make sure you watch yourself and have the decency not approach me in a threatening manner the next time. I greatly dislike that and if you wish to keep your head you will heed my warning.", I stated venomously as I walked Tori and myself out of the living room and then stepped outside with him.
I looked at him and he seemed to be a bit nervous around me now. I instnatly regretted what I had said back there in fear that he was now angry and afraid of me. I reached out to him and slowly touched his face, lifting it up to my own.
"I'm so sorry Boo. I didn't mean to scare you. Please do not be mad at me. I'm so sorry. Please, I didn't mean to scare you..", I went into an apologetic ramp in fear of losing him only to have him place finger against my lips, silencing my rant.
"It's ok. I didn't really like Ken either. I just didn't expect that from you is all. I'm not mad I promise. I don't hate you either so stop saying you are sorry. (lol)", Tori said to me in complete honesty and even giggling slightly.
I felt relief just wash over my body as I embraced him and leaned down capturing his sweet, soft lips in a loving and passion filled kiss. I don't know where I would be without this boy by my side.
"I love you so much Tori. More than you will ever, ever know.", I told him sitting down on the deck swing, pulling him onto my lap.
Tori rested his head against my shoulder, tracing designs on my chest slowly with his fingertip. I looked down at him smiling warmly, loving the way he was touching me. It made me feel like we were the only people alive in the world at that very moment in time.
"I love you too Skylar. I love you even more.", Tori said to me, looking up and smiling at me.
I grinned and tickled him.
"No you don't! I do! I love you more!", I said laughing tickling him, as he giggled and tried capturing my hands to make me stop.
"Noooooooooooooooo! (giggles) That's not fairrrrrrrrr! XD", Tori giggled out grabbing my hands.
I pulled them away and wrapped my arms around him, resting my head atop his, the two of us snuggling up, rocking gently on the swing. Tori moved a little, so I looked at him, only to feel his lips press softly against my own in a kiss so filled with love that I felt myself melt and time itself just seemed to freeze over. These are the moments I live for. The two of us curled up in each others arms, outside where the sun is shining, slowly rocking ourselves into a light sleep.
Next thing I knew I felt something wet (ya to all you pervs out there it's not that! xD) and slowly started to stir back into the world of the living. I slowly cracked open my eyes to see that it was dark out and looked down at the sleeping boy in my arms. He looked so peaceful. Absolutely alluring with the moonlight reflecting off of his pale skin giving him an angelic, beautiful glow. I gently picked Tori up, making sure I did not wake him and headed into the house, quietly closing the door and walking up the stairs to his room. I softly laid him down on the bed, smiling warmly at his sleeping form infront of me and leaned down lightly kissing his lips. I kneeled down on the floor next to the bed, brushing his hair out of his face, studying his features, taking everything in.
"Without you Boo. I'd be so lost. You have no idea what you mean to me. I'd have absolutely nothing with out you here by my side. I love you so much, no words can possibly ever sum up my feelings for you. I want to always keep you smiling. I want to be the reason you laugh your heart out and smile. I want to be there for you when ever you're feeling down to pick you up back up and set you on your feet, making you happy again. If you ever cry I want to wipe all of your tears and hold you close until you feel that everything is safe. I want to protect you from anything and everything that can hurt you. I want to be your wall of defense and take every bullet, every stab, every attack for you. I want to be able to fight for you when you need me to keep you safe. I want to have tickle wars with you and laugh until we cry or fall off the bed. xD I want to continue to fall asleep in your arms and you in mine. I want to bake with you and eat up the batter before we even manage to get it in the oven. xD I want to be there for each other when one of us is ill. I want to take care of you forever and for always Tori. I want to find that rainbow tap dancing zebra in a tutu with you and live in our own sort of zoo with all of the animals we love so much! xD I want to travel the world with you by my side and see all of the hotest destinations and go to haunted places with you just to be scared out of my mind and paranoid because it'd be funny with you there to laugh at me. xD I want to feel your soft lips pressed against mine always. I want to keep up with the kinky time and even the surprise sex. xD I want to always hear you giggle and see you give me that warm, loving smile that I adore so much. You are my sanity. My reason for living, without you, well I'm just better off dead instead of taking up space in this god forsaken world. You are the light in my darkened world. You're my baby boy who I love more than anything. I want to keep on watching you have your blonde moments and pick on each other when we have them or do something really stupid (like when I sat in my car for about 15 minutes trying to figure out why it wasn't starting and it was because I never put the keys in the ignition, or when you kept walking into the bathroom to plug in your flat-iron and kept forgetting to. I remember when you and sis were talking and you were attacking each other with flower and she hid in the closet and you knocked on it saying "Hippity Hoppity it's the Easter Bunny! May I come in?" and she said the Easter Bunny doesn't exist and you two cracked up hysterically bothrolling off of your beds, which is how you got your nickname Bunny. XDDD I remember when I sent you voice clips and how you thought my laugh was cute, but psychotic. xD Do you remember when you got toothpaste in your eye and lost your cell phone in your shoe? I certainly do. You were so cute when you were all embarrassed about it. Remember when I walked into the sliding glass door like 5 times in just the course of a few hours or when I had a holy panic attack over a spider smaller than a pencil eraser and tripped over the chair, the rug, and then ran into a wall? xD I remember when you wanted to go to the bathroom and were freaking out because it was too dark and I told you to use your phone as a light and you were so cute and embarrassed for not thinking of that and then I remember when I told you I didn't know how to ride a bike and how humiliated I felt. xD Remember when you walked into a parking sign and when I skated into a parked car claiming it attacked me first? xD) Those are little moments that I treasure and really do enjoy sharing with you no matter how embarrassing they are. I want to be able to chase you around and catch you in my arms and kiss you, showing you in that one kiss you make me feel complete. I know that that is more than likely a very unrealistic possiblity of that happening, but I still want to try. I want to see you walk down that isle, glowing, drop dead gorgeous, smiling the biggest smile in the world, blushing, and to hear you say "I do" and smile so kindly at me like you do when you tell me that you love me. I want to continue to hear you say that you love me and that you cannot live without me because every time you do, my heart misses a beat and I can't help but smile and feel that you really mean it. I want you to teach me how to swim. xD I want to teach you how to bake and do all sorts of strange things. xD I still want to try doing that while driving. xD I want see the ocean with you and teach you how to surf if you'll let me. I still plan on getting you on a place someday with me! I really want to move to Ireland with you yet, because it's so beautiful and peaceful out there. :] I want to keep feeling my heart race when ever you are near me, say my name, kiss me, hold my in your arms, when ever you are by my side. I want to die in each others arms, enveloped in a beautiful serene bliss. I can't believe I'm crying, but I really am. You have no idea how much you mean to me Tori. You are my everything, my whole world and life just isn't worth living without you there by my side. I love you so much Tori."I think to myself, yet some parts out loud.
I lean down and kiss him once more. I strip down to my boxers and strip him down to his the most gentle I can without waking him up. I lay down next to him wrapping my arms around him, pulling him close to me. I can't help to keep smiling as I stare at the amazing, gorgeous, sweet, loving boy in my arms.
"He really is my angel. I don't care what anyone thinks of us being gay, I love Tori to death. I'm really looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together by each others side like this." I think to myself smiling, slowly drifting off into a peaceful sleep with my Boo in my arms sleeping peacefully himself.