Status: active



The next day at school, Connor once again proved me wrong. I had thought he would avoid me after yesterday, but he did quite the opposite. He hung around Justin and I a lot more than usual, which caused Justin to get a little suspicious. After very little prying, I told him what happened.

"Oh. My. Gosh!" he whispered excitedly. "He was so going to kiss you! I can't believe this! Well, I can, because you are totally hot. If I wasn't gay, I would so tap that. Actually, no I wouldn't, since you're my best freind, but you know what I'm getting at. Anyway, he's gonna make a move soon. He has to."

I just looked at him. When you get this boy excited about something, there is no stopping him.

"Are you going to come to the Tunnel today? You haven't been there in a while. Not that I'm complaining, cause you're finally hanging out with other poeple. But anyway, are you?"

I thought for a moment, then nodded. "I was thinking of showing Connor my mural." Justin's jaw dropped.

"You really like him! I mean, really, really like him! You've never brought anyone to the tunnel before! This is fantastic! My little girl's growing up!" Justin looked a little teary. "I'm gonna miss you."

"Justin, I can guerentee you that I'm not going anywhere. If anything happens -though it won't, because Connor is not into me- you will never be left behind. You're my other half."

"Aw, babe!" Justin threw his arms around me. "I love you. Oh, heads up! Lover boy is heading this way."

I rolled my eyes and turned around. Sure enough, Connor was walking toward us. He smiled and waved, a bit of hair falling into his eyes.

"Hey Connor!" Justin and I called together.

"Hey guys, what's up?" he asked, leaning against a locker.

"Wanna come to the Tunnel after school?" I asked, smiling. His eyes lit up, and he started jumping around.

"Yes, yes, yes! Finally! Yay!" Connor lifted me up and spun me around. Justin had a smug look on his face. "You are really light." I laughed, but my cheeks turned red.

"Are you coming?" I asked Justin.

"I have to stay after for a test, then I'll be there. Guess you two will be on your own for a while. Try not to miss me too much."

I inwardly groaned. Justin and I both knew he had no test. He just wanted me and Connor to be alone.

"I think we might be able to manage, huh Venny?" Connor said, throwing an arm around me.

"Just maybe." Justin looked so proud.

After school, Connor met me by my locker. I traded my bags and we set out.

"I've never been over here," Connor commented as we walked through the older part of town.

"Not many have," I stated quietly. "Most stick to the newer part of town."

"I like it here better. It's quieter." I giggled. "What?"

"I never thought you to be one to like quiet," I stated bluntly.

"There's more to me than meets the eyes," Connor said, shoving his hands into his jean pockets. "I have a feeling it's the same way with you."

"I guess so," I said, shrugging. "But, you already know most of it. I like art, my dad is my best friend. My mom hates who I am, and wishes I was more like Taya, and my sister looks down on me."

"There's got to be more to you than that. What's your favorite food, what music do you like? What's your greatest fear?"

"Um, pasta and fruit, and almost anything but rap," I listed off.

"What about your greatest fear?" Connor asked, looking at me. I looked away real quick.

"I dunno," I said.

"Everyone's afraid of something!" Connor said.

"Um, I guess I'm afraid of getting hurt, and from loosing myself." Connor stopped walking.

"I'll never let that happen," he said solomnly. I looked up at him and he stepped closer. "Promise." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. It felt right.

"I know," I said truethfully. He stepped back after a moment and resumed walking. "What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid of letting my Pop down. He's done so much for me, and I don't want him to be ashamed of me." I grabbed his hand and we stopped walking again.

"Connor, I can promise you, that you will never let your Pop down. Already, you're an amazing man. You will never let anyone down."

Connor draped his arm around me. "You're an amazing person, Raven Price. Boy am I glad we got to be partners."

"Alright, it's right over here." I grabbed Connor's hand again and pulled him into the ravine, then led him into the Tunnel.

"Raven!" a blond boy jogged over to us, looking happy. "Long time no see! Who's this?"

"Will, this is Connor, Connor, this is Will," I introduced.

Will looked at Connor reproachfully, then glanced at our hands. "He the reason you haven't been around lately?"

I tried to let go, but Connor held on.

"We've been doing a project," he said. Will stared at him, and Connor met his gaze evenly.

"Um, we should be going," I said awkwardly. "My spot is over here." I pulled on Connor's arm in the direction of my mural.

"Wait, you're showing him your work?" Will said desbeleivingly.

"Yes, I am, Will. Bye." Connor and I walked toward my spot, and he let go of me.

"I don't like him," he said casually.

"Neither do I. He's a creep. Okay, you have to shut your eyes now!" Connor looked at me oddly. "You have to! I want it to be a surprise!"

"Every moment with you is a surprise," Connor muttered as he shut is eyes tight.

"I'm taking that as a compliment!" I said in a sing-song voice as I led him to my mural. Finally, we reached it. "Ok, you can open your eyes!"
♠ ♠ ♠
It sounds kinda funny. And not in the good way