You Don't Know What You Do to Me


I was beyond pissed. I don't even know why though. Actually, I do. I tried to convince myself I was over Max, but obviously... I wasn't. Or else he wouldn't be getting to me so much. I wish I could hate Saskia, but I really can't.'Cause I don't. There's nothing to hate about her! She's gorgeous, friendly, and takes care of her family. No wonder Max loves her...

I continued walking down the street, taking a right turn where there was a railroad track. I thought for a moment. Should I go down those tracks?... No. Did I want to?... Yes. So I did, I began walking down the tracks, taking the tracks to me left since it seemed more appealing.

I continued walking but stopped once I saw it was a railroad bridge coming up. Then I saw a few guys sitting and standing in the middle of it, shooting off.. bottle rockets? Oh wow.

One of them then noticed me. "HEY! HEY GIRL!" he yelled and with my horrible vision, all I could see was him waving his arm frantically in the air. "HEY!! YEAH, YOU!" he yelled again. "COME OVER HERE! I SWEAR TO GOD WE'RE NOT GONNA RAPE YOU!"

I laughed, walking towards him and the other set of guys. There was also one girl with them, and she had piercing blue eyes, and long, straight, thick, layered hair that reminded me a lot of my own except that she had side bangs. She also had her right nostril pierced. She was really pretty, and from what I could see she was pretty tall, around 5"6 or 5"7, and had pretty big tits.

"Hey! What are you doing all the way out here in the middle of the woods?" he asked, plopping down to sit on the side of the railroad bridge with a goofy grin plastered on his face.

"I could ask you the same question," I said with a laugh. He laughed, and I took the time to study him. He had long black hair and had snake bites and a medusa. Also had chocolate brown eyes. See, usually I don't like brown eyes, but on him they were quite cute. And on Ronnie...

"Well obviously I'm shooting off bottle rockets with my buds here since we have nothing better to do. I'm Craig," he smiled, introducing himself. "That's Jonny, my best dude, Ruben, he lives with me because he got kicked out of his house since he's a bad fuckin' kid," he joked with a laugh, causing Ruben to smack him upside the head. Ruben was at least twice Craig's size and Craig wasn't exactly that short (he's tall compared to me). So since Craig is twice MY size (because I'm five even), Ruben is fucking huge compared to me.

"And I'm Emily, Craig's cousin. Craig is just too much of a dick to introduce me." she mumbled, then smiled at me. Before turning back to Craig and slapping him upside the head like Ruben did. I liked her already.

"I'm Ryen" I said to them all with a smile, "and I won't slap you upside the head like everyone else seems to be." I told Craig and he laughed.

"Hey, not everyone has slapped him upside the head!" Jonny exclaimed before slapping Craig upside the head, causing me and Ruben and Emily to roar in laughter, and Craig to curse at Jonny. "There. Now everyone has." he said proudly.

"Wait, you're Craig," I pointed out, and he smiled with a nod.

"Sure am! Why?" he asked, suddenly curious.

"Max said something about you...something about the Lord Of The Rings.... Oh yeah! Ronnie wanted to watch the Lord of the Rings and Max said you had the movie or something. No wonder your name sounded familiar." I said proudly, happy that I remembered.

"I don't know a Max or Ronnie?" he said, looking at me like I was crazy. Oh great, now I just made a fool out of myself. I mumbled an 'oh' and blushed. Then he began laughing. "I'm joking! Oh man you should've seen the look on your face. Of course I know Max and Ronnie. I'm not really too fond of Ronnie but Max is tight."

I punched his arm playfully. "Fucking asshole." I mumbled and he smiled a crooked smile. "So why aren't you too fond of Ronnie?" I asked curiously.

Emily snorted and rolled her eyes. "Guy's a douche." she said.

I perked an eyebrow up. "Why do you say that?" I asked.

"He just is. He hates it when Max or Robert or Bryan hang out with us, treats us like shit, and he's just an asshole to people." Jonny said, butting in.

"He seemed nice this morning..." I mumbled. Maybe they were just exaggerating?

"You just wait and see." was all Emily said before someone started yelling out 'RYEN!'.

I turned my attention behind me where I came from to see Robert and Max walking towards us. I groaned, not wanting to deal with Max right now.

"What's wrong?" Emily asked me quietly, appearing to my right. I shook my head.

"The fact that Max is a fucktard." I mumbled, and she snorted.

"Jonny's sister used to be all over him. Then she met Craig and went out with him for a few years and broke up, then was all over Max again. She's not a slut or anything... she just acts like one. Ya know?" she said, and I nodded.

"I don't know why you just told me that but aiight, I'm down." I said, making her laugh.

"Ryen, why did you... uhh what happened back there?" Robert asked, avoiding asking why I yelled at Max.

"Nothing," I muttered and Max sighed.

"Really Ryen? 'Cause it really seemed like something." Max said, starting to get impatient with me.

I looked up at him with sad eyes. Usually I'd just tell him to fuck off or think of something rude to say but I didn't want to. "Just drop it, Max." I said quietly, and his annoyed look disappeared, having a frown form on his lips.

"Can we please talk?" he asked, trying not to set me off. Should we? I mean... we should settle some things. Maybe if I just let it all out it'll be easier for me to get over him.

"Yeah.." I said, then began walking down the bridge, towards where the creek was. He followed, walking next to me. I stopped once we were completely out of sight from everyone else and where they couldn't hear us.

"Why do you keep blowing up on me like that? You confuse the hell out of me." he said with a sigh.

"Did you ever get the hint that I used to like you? Like a lot?" I asked, and he stared at me, his brows furrowing together.

"You did?" he asked skeptically.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Yeah, dipshit, I did. And you never fucking noticed how much you..." my breath hitched in my throat a bit. "How much you hurt me." I mumbled. He hadn't said anything yet, just stared at me with his eyes a bit wide.

Wow, Max, really? I took the chance to continue talking. "I never thought I'd see you again after I moved, you know. I figured you'd be out of my life forever, and I tried to forget about you. Then I move back and you're here with-.. with her. Saskia.."

He continued to stare. "Fuck you Max, if all you're gonna do is stare then fuck you." I said to him, beginning to get pissed, and made my way back up to the bridge.

"Ryen, wait!" he called after me. I turned around to look at him to see what he has to say. He was about to speak but his cell phone ringing stopped him. He looked down at the caller ID and looked back up at me. "I've got to take this... it's Saskia." he said.

"You've got to kidding me," I mumbled, and continued to walk back up. Emily looked at me with her eyebrows shot up and Robert looked confused, as did the rest of the guys.

"So, what'd I miss?" I asked with an obvious fake smile.

"Well...we were just talking about going back to my place, which is just down the street, to get drunk and have drunken fun." Craig explained.

I smiled. "That sounds perfect." and I wasn't lying. I needed to get drunk.
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Haha yaaaaaay I finally updated thisssssssssss. As you can see I changed the main character's name to Ryen instead of Anna. It's just easier that way.