Status: Active

There Is No Arizona

Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind

Sitting on my bed of the breath taking hotel suite that Janelle and I have been staying in for the last month and will continue to stay in until the beginning of September, I stared down at John’s entry on my contacts list. Spaced out on his cell phone number, I wondered why he wasn’t picking up my calls, why he wasn’t calling me, why it was seemingly impossible to get a hold of him. I have managed to get a few sleepy phone answers but he never talked and I didn’t have the heart to keep him up.

When I left, did he suddenly change his mind? All those things he said to me, were they not true? Is it really out of sight, out of mind or was he honestly just done with me because the chase was done? He knows I love him, granted we didn’t agree to be with each other but he basically has me right where he’s always wanted me and he’s ignoring me. I don’t understand.

“Dani,” Janelle mumbled as she walked in, in just a pair of panties, “I don’t think Daddy would want me to model in this top,” She said as she held up the skimpy piece of clothing in her hand.

I eyed the top then frowned a bit, “Who in the hell gave that to you in the first place?” I asked as I tossed my phone aside and stood to my feet, “Do these people not understand that you’re only sixteen and Daddy would murder every single man on the face of this planet who saw you dressed like this?” I wondered as I took the top from her and held it up a bit.

“I’m the only one at the shoot not posing topless or completely nude,” Janelle informed me, “But if they want me to wear things like that, I might as well go topless,” She said, holding her arms out, referring to the fact that she isn't wearing a top now.

“Daddy would kill me if I let you pose topless.” I pointed out, “Even if there wasn’t any nipple in the shot, knowing that some photographer asshole saw his sixteen year olds tits wouldn’t be something he would take too kindly to.”

Janelle nodded then started to leave my room, “The shoot is in an hour, Dani, I can’t just cancel,” She pointed out, “I’m the reason the photographer even agreed to book this shoot. He knew there was going to be a Wellington there and believe it or not, our name sells,” She mumbled then glanced over her shoulder, “You know the fair is in town back home this week?” She informed me, “Tonight is the first night and everyone I know is going and a bunch of local bands will be there too.” Janelle turned back around and started to leave the room, “Pat will even be there,” She whispered of Tim’s little brother and John’s bandmate.

“The guys are back in Arizona?”

“No, just Pat, he had to go home for a few days because of some school related thing and to get a new driver’s license, so the guys are just doing a bunch of acoustic shows outside of the venues and some guy is filling in for Pat while he’s home.” She informed me.

“How do you know all of this?” I growled as I followed her, not upset at her but upset at the fact that I know nothing about what’s going on with my friends.

“I talk to Pat,” She admitted, “You know, once you get passed his creepy and very immature exterior, he’s really sweet.” She informed me as she went into her room and tugged an ASU hoodie over her head, “I’m even contemplating dating him, everyone knows he wants me.” She said the last bit in a teasing manner.

I slouched my shoulders, “Have you heard anything about John?” I wondered.

Pulling on a pair of PJ pants, Janelle was silent and didn’t seem too eager to answer me so she didn’t. Shoving her feet into her Ugg boots, she threw her hair up into a messy bun then turned around, “We should go, get there a little early so you and the photographer can discuss my outfit options.” She nodded before taking the top back from me then she pushed by me, “It’s not like you two are together,” She whispered softly, “It’s just a harmless summer time romance.” She added then walked away down the hall towards the living room of the suite.

I stood there, feeling my heart breaking within my chest, not believing my ears. Is Janelle trying to tell me that John found himself a girlfriend out on the road? Even after all those things he said to me, the way he kissed me like he never wanted to kiss another girl for the rest of his life. How could he do this to me? Why would he do this to me?

“Dani, c’mon, let’s go … who knows, maybe you’ll find a cute French boy to take your mind off of everything.” My little Sister assured.

I huffed at her comment then grabbed my bag and phone from my room before hurrying out to the living room then ultimately leaving the suite. I just need to stop thinking about this, Janelle is right, it’s not like John is my boyfriend, it’s not like I own him or anything, he’s his own person and can do whatever the fuck he wants. Who am I to get mad at who he does or doesn’t date, it’s none of my business, honestly.

The time quickly passed and before I had time to realize where we were going, our driver was already at the location of the shoot and we were walking into a beautiful loft, though it was unfurnished, except for the props for the shoot, the location and layout of the loft was gorgeous.

“He’s over there,” Janelle pointed to a tall guy standing over by a window, “His name is Raylan and try to be nice, I don’t want to get fired before I even had the chance to work.” Janelle ordered.

“Don’t worry about what I’m going to say, just go do whatever it is that you models do before a shoot,” I muttered as I waved her off then walked over towards the photographer, “Excuse me?” I said softly, “Raylan?”

The man lifted his head then looked over his shoulder at me before he turned around completely. When he was fully turned around, I saw a pair of brilliantly colored honey brown eyes. His hair was cut short but was left with no product in it, almost like he just dried his hair and left for the day.

“Can I help you?” He asked and as he spoke, I was surprised to hear a southern twang versus the thick French accent I was expecting.

I stared at him for another moment or so before I cleared my throat nervous, “I’m Dani Wellington…” I started but as I spoke those words, he held his hand up, stopping me.

“You’re a Wellington?” He wondered with amazement but it wasn’t like he didn’t think I was beautiful enough, he seemed thrilled, almost giddy thinking I was going to be the one he was going to photograph, “I was under the impression that I was getting a tall, bright blue eyed girl not a somewhat short, pale blue eyed girl,” He muttered.

I blushed, “Well, you still are getting that tall, bright blue eyed girl,” I assured, “Janelle Wellington is my little Sister and the model booked for this shoot,” I insisted, “I, myself, am not a model at all, in fact I’m in college with an undecided major,” I blushed a little, “I just wanted to discuss her clothing options,” I informed the handsome man.

He frowned, a bit let down by the news that I just told him, “Oh,” He muttered then he nodded, “What’s wrong with the clothes?”

“She’s sixteen with an over-protective Father who would most likely murder me, the photographer and the millions of men who would ultimately end up seeing her wear the skimpy clothes. I was just wondering if there was something maybe … a little less revealing for her.”

Raylan raised his eyebrow then exhaled slowly, “Well,” He moved his head back and forth as he thought then nodded finally, “I can make a deal with you,” He said with a soft smile, “She doesn’t have to wear the top, but she wears the heels and the underwear from the sponsor,” He licked his lips, “And I’ll take a men’s button down shirt from the guys shoot and let her wear that, deal?” He wondered but then he held up his hand, “But, there’s a catch.” He smirked.

“There’s always a catch,” I insisted.

“There’s this bar I know of that has the best tasting burger in Paris and hot wings to die for. They play American sports, speak English and the jukebox is filled with Johnny Cash and the very best of Tom Petty. I could use some company.” He smiled.

I studied the Southern boy intently then nodded slowly, “Ok, deal.”

“Deal,” He confirmed then he grinned, “You know, I would’ve let her wear the men’s shirt either way,” He insisted, winking at me cutely.

“Yeah, I know,” I laughed, “Because if you weren’t, I would’ve said no to the shoot and what I say goes for the Summer, seeing as how I’m her guardian over here in Paris.” I paused, “And I know that if she wasn’t modeling this shoot, you wouldn’t be here,” I licked my lips then smiled a bit more, “Apparently you have a thing for the Wellington ladies.”

“Well, I did,” He nodded slowly, “Now it’s just one Wellington lady that has my full and undivided attention.”

“Keep it in your pants Cowboy,” I ordered, “It’s just a burger, a beer and some good music, not a date.”

“I never said it was, you did.” Raylan pointed out with a cute smirk, “And my Dad is a Cowboy, my Brother is a Cowboy, I’m just a country boy who loves photography but I’m a far cry from a Cowboy.”

“Could’ve fooled me with those boots,” I teased then I walked away without another word said to the boy.

Walking into the make-up room where my Sister was, I sighed loudly as I leaned against the doorframe and looked over at Janelle who suddenly looks nothing like a sixteen year old kid, missing out on the fair with her biggest crush, no, now she looks like a beautiful woman who knows exactly what she’s doing and doesn’t take shit from anyone, “Well,” I started, “You’re going to be wearing a men’s button down shirt,” I informed her, “I’m sure it’ll be unbuttoned to some extent but it’s ten times better than what they had you in to begin with.”

Janelle looked at me through the mirror and smiled a little bit, “Thank you,” She said with relief.

I nodded, “What are older Sister’s for?” I teased.

“He’s cute huh?”


“Raylan,” She clarified, “He’s a Tennessee native,” She nodded, “I love that twang,”

“You know him?”

“No, but he’s worked with Kayla and Chloe,” Janelle informed me, “He really has a thing for Wellington’s, but not in a creepy way,” She went on, “If it weren’t for him, Kayla wouldn’t have gotten that contract with Dior last year.” She nodded, “Despite his country twang, the guy has some major pull in the business, people trust him.”

I made a bit of a face but said nothing more as I thought to myself and as far as I’m concerned, there is no Arizona anymore. I’m not going back at the end of the summer, I don’t think I’d be able to handle going back.


“Ok,” Raylan laughed as he nodded slowly, “Now that you’re done laughing at me and my first grade mishap of going into the girls restroom,” He paused for a second to sip his beer, “Tell me why you never became a model,” He insisted.

I smiled, “Well,” I muttered, “By the time I came around, my Mom retired when she found out she was pregnant with me, and she already had two daughters that were … destined to model, and since my Mom retired, I never was around modeling that much as a little kid. I was your typical tomboy, the all around Daddy’s girl. I guess,” I bit my lip, “I guess the modeling bug never bit me the way it did my other Sisters, that’s not to say that I don’t like to steal the clothes they get free from shoots and what not,” I smirked, “There are perks to being a model’s Sister, for sure, especially when people find out I’m a Wellington.”

“You could model if you wanted to, you know that, right?” Raylan assured me, “You have the perfect look for it, plus that million dollar name,” He licked my lips, “If you don’t believe me, use a fake last name and try to make it on your own, you’d still be a big name in a matter of seconds.”

I smiled, “Well, I’m flattered that you think like that but I’ll leave the modeling up to my Sisters, I like to know that I can pig out on a drunken Saturday night and not work my ass off for the next three days afterwards as ‘punishment’ for that one night.” I shrugged, “I don’t need some asshole who designs clothes to tell me whether or not I’m beautiful enough for his clothes.”

Raylan grinned, “Beautiful and strong willed, I like it.” He let out a sigh before he picked up a French fry, “Is it just a fry since we’re in France or is it still a French fry?” He wondered cutely as he stared at the fry in his hand.

Shrugging my shoulders, I laughed and picked one up too, “Don’t they call them chips over here though?”

He turned his bright brown eyes towards me and laughed, “I think that’s just in England,” He shrugged, “But what do I know, I’m just an uneducated, backwoods hick.” He said, exaggerating his twang before he put the fry in his mouth, “So, how long are you in Paris?” He wondered.

“Until the beginning of September, Janelle’s agent got her a bunch of work over here,” I muttered, “So I decided to be chaperone so my parents could hang out with my little Brother, he needs their attention a little bit more than Janelle does, you know?”

“There’s another Wellington?” He made his eyes wide, “How many of you are there?”

I laughed, “Six.” I answered, “Five girls and an adorable seven year old boy.” I shrugged, “My parents wanted a big family, that and they really wanted a boy and were going to continue to have kids until they got one.” I smiled, “How many brothers and sisters do you have?”

“Just my older brother and me,” He answered, “I have a lot of cousin’s though. My Dad has four brothers who are all married with kids and my Mom has a sister who has been married, divorced and married again. So, I definitely didn’t grow up an only child.” He paused for a second, “You know, I came over here, thinking this was going to be just another gig, just another pay check.” He mumbled, “I was stoked on the fact that I was working with a Wellington, which is why I took the job, but I had no idea that this trip would end up this amazing.”

“Aw, I’m amazing?” I teased.

“Yeah, yeah, go ahead and make fun.” He rolled his eyes, “But, I leave in the morning, I have some major editing to do from this shoot and I have another job booked in LA in like three days.”

I pouted playfully, “That sucks, these French boys are no fun,”

Raylan laughed, “But,” He went on, “I was thinking that, if you would want, after LA, I’m pretty much free for the rest of the Summer, believe it or not, I’m not a workaholic and I do like to have fun,” He licked his lips, “I wouldn’t mind flying back here to keep you company, I mean, assuming you could use the company.”

Staring across the table into his eyes, I inhaled deeply as I nodded, not really thinking this through but what’s there to think about, “I would love the company, like I said, these French boys are no fun and truth be told, I’ve always had a thing for boys who wear cowboy boots and country twang.”

“Oh sweetheart,” Raylan smiled, “This ain’t no country twang, this is a true Southern drawl.” He insisted.

“Well, does that mean I’ve got a Southern Gentleman on my hands?”

“I believe so, yes.” He nodded.

“I guess you’re kinda cute for an uneducated, backwoods hick.” I teased.

“Thank you,” He laughed, “We’ll see if you’re still saying that when I watch Nascar,” He teased.

I laughed but said nothing.

“Seriously though, I do watch Nascar.”

“Of course you do,”

“Not a lot though, only when I’m home,” He shrugged then fell quiet as he picked up his beer and slowly finished it off.

“Do you want get outta here?” I asked, “Take a walk or something?” I wondered.

Raylan studied me then nodded, “Yeah, let’s go.” He stood up and took out his wallet then tossed down enough money for the entire meal and the beers.

“I thought this wasn’t a date?” I questioned.

He pointed to the money, “Oh, that?” He smirked, “It’s just the Southern Gentleman in me a guess, never make a lady pay,” He insisted.

“What if I wanted to pay?”

He thought then sighed, “Well, you can pay for dessert then,” He insisted as he started to walk out of the bar, “There’s this bakery that has amazing chocolate cake, not as good as my Nana’s but its damn close.”

I smiled, “Ok then, I’ll pay for the cake.” I agreed as we walked out of the bar together. Once out in the cool night air, I stared up at the stars then turned my attention to Raylan, “Can I say something?”

“I’m not stopping you,” He pointed out.

“This is, hands down, the best night I’ve had in a long time, possibly even in my life.”

“I’m flattered,” He said softly before he slyly wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close, “This night is pretty high up on my list too.” He agreed.

“I had a boyfriend,” I whispered, “His name was AJ and he was killed in a car accident last year,” I muttered, “We had been together since sixth grade, I loved him.” I informed Raylan as I blankly stared out at the people and sidewalk ahead of us, “I’ve just come to terms with it, to be honest.”

“I’m sorry for your loss,” Raylan whispered.

I smiled, “Yeah, me too,” I nodded, “But looking back, I deserved better,” I turned my attention Raylan, “I’m not saying he was bad to me, he was great, which is why I stayed with him for so long but I didn’t know that there were other men out there who were better, who truly knew how to treat a girl,” I whispered then my thoughts went to John, “Some guys say one thing and mean another, I guess and he was like that, a lot of Arizona boys are like that.”

Raylan pulled me a bit closer but stayed silent, just listening to me.

“I think I’ve finally found that better man,” I pointed out as I looked up into his eyes, “I’m not saying you’re perfect by any means though, but I think you’re pretty damn close.”

Raylan smiled before he leaned over and lightly touched his lips to my temple, “I thought this wasn’t a date Miss. Wellington.”

I blushed deeply, feeling his lips brush against my skin as he talked, “It isn't,” I agreed.

“Well,” He pulled away from me and dropped his arm down by his side, “I guess I need to make a proper date with you then,” He pointed out, “How does breakfast sound?” He wondered, “Before I get on the plane and fly home,” He paused for a second, “And before you say anything, I know that breakfast isn't the ideal first date but it’s either that or you wait until I get back next week.”

“Breakfast sounds amazing, Janelle has the day off tomorrow meaning I have nothing planned and she’ll be asleep until five in the afternoon.” I laughed softly.

“Ok, breakfast it is then,” He confirmed before he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me close once more, pressing his lips against my temple once again, but this time kissing me before he backed away.

“I have one question to ask, did you ever sleep with any of my Sisters?” I wondered.

He laughed cutely, “No,” He answered, “The women in your family are beautiful and very professional, I don’t like to work with the Wellingtons because I want sex with them, I like to work with them because they’re classy, they’re respectful, they’re truly beautiful, and none of them are size zeros and they’re all ok with that.” He assured me.

I frowned, “Well,” I made a face then looked at him, “Does that mean there’s not going to be any sex for us in the future because that’s a deal breaker.”

He smiled widely as he leaned over to me and pressed his lips to my temple once more, “I’m not working with you, Miss. Wellington, I’m dating you, there’s a difference.”

“Not dating yet,” I corrected, “Not until tomorrow when we go to breakfast and I decide I want to be exclusive, only then, are we dating.”

“Oh, you are a stubborn one, aren’t you?”

“I’ve been told that a few times,” I bumped my hips into his playfully, “So, Cowboy, where’s this bakery you were talking about?”

“Don’t call me, Cowboy,” He demanded in a playful tone, “And its right up here a little ways, hold your horses, just enjoy this walk with me.”

I smiled to myself as I fell silent, doing as he said, enjoying this amazing walk with him. Sure, I still love John and probably always will but Raylan is a beautiful distraction and could possibly win over my heart from that thoughtless Arizona band boy. It’ll just take a little time.
♠ ♠ ♠
It looks like you need some company, your face is wearing such misery. I'll stay right here if you ... if you want me to.