Status: On a very very long break right now.

Let The Walls Break Down


I woke up to someone pulling the curtain open, letting the light flood into the bunk. “Morning Cass.” I heard my brother sing. I turned over and curled back up, wanting to go back to sleep.

“Go away.” I mumbled into the pillow, my hands pulling the cover over my head.

“Don’t think so.” Jack laughed evilly, pulling the cover away, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me out of bed. I was too tired to try fight back. “We’re going ice skating.” He grinned while rummaging through my suitcase, choosing my clothes for me while I sat on the floor of the bus, crossed legged, glaring at him the whole time.

“I can get dressed myself Jack.” I mumbled, standing up, taking my clothes off him before climbing back into bed, pulling the curtain closed to give me some privacy.

“What the fuck is wrong with you today?” I heard him mutter through the curtain, the sound of my suitcase being zipped closed following through.

“You disturbed my beauty sleep.” I answered while changing. I heard him chuckle and walk off to the front of the bus. I sighed and rubbed my eyes to wake me up before climbing out of the bed to find the mirror. I quickly straightened my hair and fixed my make up before wandering to the front of the coach, yawning.

“We made you breakfast.” Zack grinned, pointing to a bowl of cereal.

“Great…” I grumbled, throwing myself down onto a chair, “Cereal, my favourite…” I ate a spoonful before looking up to see Zack and Rian staring at me, their mouths wide open. “What?”

“Who kidnapped Cass and replaced her with the grump monster?” Rian asked Jack who was eating his own breakfast. He shrugged slightly.

“I disturbed her beauty sleep apparently.” He replied while the others started to chuckle. “Anyway, where did Gaskarth run off to? He was here five minutes ago.”

“We sent him off to check ticker prices for the skating rink.” Zack told him, still staring at me, probably scared.

A few minutes later Alex walked back onto the coach, “It’s $7 each and we get an hour and a half on the ice.” He shivered, “You need to wrap up warm because it’s freezing out there.”

I smiled slightly as a thank you, but I wasn’t sure whether it was appreciated or not. I wasn’t too sure what was going on between us after last night’s conversation.

I finished off my cereal and wandered off back to my suitcase, pulling out a jumper and my coat with the guys.

“Zack!” I shouted after him as he skated past me, shoving me slightly, knocking me off my balance. He turned around and skated backwards for a second, sticking his tongue out. He was such as show off. He twirled back around and caught up with Jack, giving him the same treatment I’d received, although Jack didn’t take it quite as lightly as I did. He and Zack ended up in a heap across the floor. I was so busy laughing at the two of them that I wasn’t paying attention to where I was skating and I ended up crashing into a body, knocking them to the floor.

They grabbed my hand, pulling me down with them. I landed on top of them, straddling them. It was only then when I noticed who it was. Alex.

Our faces were almost touching. We stared at each other for what seemed like forever, and then I saw something in his eyes, a glisten. But that was when he shook his head, as if to try forget what he was thinking, “Look where you’re going next time Barakat.” He mumbled under his breath, standing up, leaving me on the floor. I frowned at his figure as he skated away before pushing my self up.

“Thanks for helping me up.” I muttered to myself.

“Alex didn’t kill you then?” I heard Zack say from behind me. I turned around and shook my head. Wow, he skated quickly. Just a few seconds ago, he’d been a few meters in front. “Well, it’s an improvement on yesterday.” He grinned and took my hand, pulling me along with him.

“Zack… slow down.” I mumbled, my hand gripping onto his tightly, scared I would fall over at any second.

“This isn’t even fast Cass!” He chuckled, “I can show you what fast is if you want?” He smirked and started to increase the speed.

“Zack” Don’t!” I screeched, trying not to trip over my skates. He laughed and slowed down slightly, “We have to get off now anyway.” I smirked over at him as the bell rang for the end of the session. I saw a slight look of disappointment on his face.

“I was having too much fun.” He smiled slightly and skated over to the exit, me following closely behind.

“That was fun.” Rian grinned as he gave his skates back, receiving his trainers in return. “We should do it more often.” I smiled back as I pulled on my own shoes, noticing Alex stood on his own, leaning over the barrier, looking across the ice rink in a world of his own. I bit my lip lightly, trying to work out whether to go talk to him now, before the next concert while I still had a chance. I probably wouldn’t be able to catch him on his own again until afterwards. I sighed and walked over to him, leaning against the barrier next to him, neither of us saying anything for a few minutes.

“Can we just forget everything?” I mumbled, breaking the slightly awkward silence. Alex shrugged slightly.

“I don’t know.” He muttered, “I can’t. I’ve been such a dick. You didn’t deserve it.” I smiled weakly at him.

“There must be a good reason why you did it.” He nodded his head but stayed silent. “I can forgive you Alex, but I need to know why you treated me like that.” He bit his lip as if debating whether to tell me or not.

“I’ll tell you when I’m ready.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I want to thank all of you who have commented so far :)
And to those who have subscribed but haven't shown your faces. :)
And anyone else who reads this. :

So yeah, new story. Feedback please?

Also, could you do me the favour of checking out my new All Time Low fic :) It's an Alex/Zack slash :D The Truth Hurts.