The Changling

Chapter 1

"Carlie!" I heard mum's voice calling me through the wood, "Carlie where are you?"
I sighed in frustration. she always had to come at exactly the wrong time. I was just in the middle of my sketch of the forest, my best one yet.
"Here Mum." I replied, shutting my sketchbook. It was a beautiful summers day, and I was leaning against an ash tree with my feet dangling in the stream.
I loved hanging out here, it was so beautiful. It felt like I belonged here. Ever since I can remember I've been coming here, and when I was little I used to go 'faerie watching'. It sounds stupid, I know, but I had always had such a strong feeling that little people were watching me from behind trees. Even now I sometimes get that feeling.
"Where the hell have you been?!" mum shouted, bursting through the trees. "I clearly told you we were going to Claire's house at half one, and it's now half two! we're already half an hour late!" yikes! I didn't know it had got so late!
"Sorry mum." I said, fiddling with my hair. "I honestly lost track of the time. I am soooooo sorry!"
"Well you should be!" she replied, "now hurry up!" I pulled my feet out the stream, and picked up my sketchbook.
"Where are your shoes?" she asked, searching the ground.
"I don't have any with me." I muttered sheepishly, staring at the ground.
"What, you came all the way down here in bare feet?!" she said in disbelief.
"Yes." I replied, in a small voice.
"Oh for gods sake Carlie!" She shouted, and turning, she stormed away.
"I stood alone in the woods for a moment, breathing deeply.
"He he!" I whirled around. What the hell was that?! I clearly heard a giggle from behind that tree. Fear crept over me, and without a second glance, I turned and ran out the wood.
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Can you please give me some comments?! I need some constructive critisism, please! thanks.