Sequel: David Needs Help

Davids Proposal


As the sun slid beyond the horizon and the moon began to peak up from the opposite side, a man in his mid twenties pulled up to the restaurant where he would meet his girlfriend. He clawed his way out of the restraints that held him to his seat and got out of his car. He was so nervous that his hands were soaked in perspiration and he couldn’t seem to stop his hands from fidgeting towards his left pocket where he tucked in a black velvety box. It felt to him as if that little box was burning a hole in his thigh, but even though he was nervous, he couldn’t help but be a bit excited.

Questions were spinning around in his head as he approached the table where she sat. Will she say yes? Will she like the ring? He put on a weak smile and greeted her as he sat. She returned his smile with one of her own but looked at him with a bit of concern when she noticed his fidgeting.

“Are you alright?” She asked.

He nodded and smiled. “I’m perfectly fine.”

The waitress came up to take their orders, flashing them a wide smile. She obviously figured out what was going on when she saw a bit of the black box sticking out of the man’s pocket. She quickly scurried off to tell her co-workers and to turn in their orders. The young couple chatted about the events that happened throughout the day, family, and finally the man brought up the subject of marriage. She grinned, happy that he brought it up. She talked excitedly about having a perfect fairytale wedding when suddenly the man got on one knee. She gasped and tears welled up in her eyes.

“Dianna, we’ve been dating for a long time now, and I want to settle down. I can’t see myself in the future without you by my side. Would you marry me?” The man pulled out the small black box and held it up to her.

“Are you crazy?” His shoulders slumped and he frowned. So he was blown away when Dianna tackled him, grinning down at him.

“Of course I will marry you, David!” He smiled and suffocated her in a bear hug. She felt so happy to be in his arms, the arms of the one she loves, where she will stay forever.
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Its really short but I like it :D