Status: Alive

Just Another Milk Carton Add

. p r o l o g u e .

Today, July 25th, was my 16th birthday. It was a gorgeous summer day that was perfect to spend by the lake. That was exactly how I planned to spend it too. I didn't want a party with all my friends, I didn't want any cake or even presents. All I wanted was a quiet day by myself at the lake.

I closed the picnic basket I'd packed for myself and grabbed my book off the kitchen counter. I quickly scrawled a note to my parents on the chalkboard in the front room and then I headed out the door.

I strolled casually down the dirt road in my high-heeled suede boots, navy blue short sleeved button down and tan dress over that. Quite high fashion for a country girl, I know, but there's always been a big city girl in me deep down, somewhere.

I arrived at the lake to be pleasantly surprised by my boyfriend who was sitting by the edge waiting for me. He called me over and I flitted to his side. We spent a long while talking and laughing by the lake.

Eventually, it began to grow dark. That's when my heart broke.
"Babe, don't cry. The city's not too far from here, I'll be able to visit every summer!"
We said our final goodbyes and parted to go home. That's when everything went wrong.

A strong hand clasped over my mouth pulling me into the surrounding trees. The force of this action caused me to drop all of my belongings. I flailed and kicked, a fruitless attempt to break free of the grasp. My captor must've grown agitated and knocked me out, because suddenly it went dark.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, new story. I'm not quite sure where this'll end up but I guess we'll see...
<3 - Violet