Status: Alive

Just Another Milk Carton Add

. f o u r .

I finally arrived at the train station at around 6 p.m. that day. Just enough time for me to make a very important phone call. I strode over to the public telephone and pulled out 20 cents for the call. "Hello, Operator? ... Yes, hi. Could you connect me with Lanndyn Pesto? ... New York City, New York ... My name? Oh that's...."


At least an hour later I was off the phone and had my affairs arranged. Now all I had to do was sit an wait for my train. It was just about 7 p.m. this gave me a little over... oh, twelve hours until the train came. I sighed unhappily and sat down on a hard wooden bench. I spent this quiet time thinking about what had happened two years ago. I thought about his face. I thought about how much I missed him. Then, I thought about how he probably didn't care anymore... And then somewhere, in the midst of my thoughts I fell asleep.


I woke up to the rattling of the platform and the deafening sound of a train's whistle. I climbed into the nearest compartment and settled near an almost familiar family. There was the mother, the father and the adorable curly-haired little tot. She wobbled over to me and stared into my face. I smiled, she smiled. She then piped up with a small "Hi!" I responded with a short but sincere hello. "My name is Chloe! What's yours?"
"I'm Charlie, it's nice to meet you."
"Charlie? That's a boy name!" She shrieked the last part, causing me to wince a bit.
"It's short for Charlotte. That's not a boy name."
Chloe frowned for a moment and stomped back to her parents. I sighed and put my head back and against the window. 10 minutes down, 2 hours and 50 minutes to go...
♠ ♠ ♠
I realize [now] that I'm writing mostly fillers because I HATE skipping time and I'm dropping hints in these fillers that should clue you in to what might happen later.

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<3 - Violet