I'll Be Mellow and I'll Be Your Muse

We took this down to get our bearings; so no, we didn't steal it...even though one half of the team changed her username.

This involves Avenged Sevenfold.

Disclaimer: We don't have anything against the wives/girlfriends. In fact there have been threats, on occassion, of bodily harm to the boys if they screw up their relationships. This is our intellectual property. Don't steal it. We're not afraid of having a criminal record. (Bee: Well, Lynds isn't. I would like being able to have career.. Lynds: Well I'm too cute and innocent looking. They won't believe I did it, thus no jail time.) Any questions? K, didn't think so.

Read on bitches.

P.S.- We're not killing off Jimmy. He's been pestering us in our dreams lately.

A present for our readers