Status: Contest Entry.

Keeping on with out you is hard to do.

1 of 1

I watched sadly as he continued to walk away from me. I tried walking after him but it seemed as though with each step I took, he got farther away.

“Seth!” I screamed.

I couldn't stop the tears that continuously streamed down my face.

“Seth, dont go!” I screamed at him, unsuccessfully.

He smiled serenely at me and just kept getting farther away. I tried running to him but My feet seemed glued to the floor.

“Don't worry, Alissa. I'm not leaving. I'll be with you Forever.” His voice seemed like a loud whisper.

Then, just like that, he dissapeared as though his very self was made of nothing but fog.

I woke up screaming, and in a cold sweat. I furiously wiped the tears that continuously fell from my brown eyes. I threw the covers off of my pallid legs and stepped onto the hardwood floor of my bedroom.

Tucking my blonde hair behind my ear, I made my way to the bathroom. I turned the tap to the coldest it would go and splashed my face, trying to rid myself of my nightmare. I took a shaky breath before I looked into the mirror.

I stared at the stranger before me. My blonde hair now fell in stringy layers over my shoulders, my once bright, brown eyes now had purple bags under them from lack of sleep. It was the nightmares that brought me awake in the middle of the night.

I looked at the clock on my bedside table and read the bright red 8:46. I sighed quietly before donning my outfit of the day-A black long sleeved shirt, skinny jeans, and my pair of rainbow Converse- and took off in search of my car keys.

Once I found my Keys, and exited my house, I got into my little Nissan and drove to visit Seth. Once at my acquired destination, I made my way towards where he rested.

I sighed quietly and looked down at him. I tried, unsuccessfully to fight back my tears, He always told me he didnt like to see me cry.

“I had that dream again last night, Seth.” I whispered, inaudibly.

I paused for a reply and then continued on.

“I wish you werent here. I miss you a whole lot.” I sniffled, the tears now flowing down my quivering chin.

I sat next to him and looked up at the dreary sky. I laughed humorlessly. Here I was, crying my eyes out over a boy who had left me a while back. Even though it was in the past, I couldnt help but cry over my dead boyfriend. But the only thing that ran through my head was I cant keep on without you.
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I hope this was Okay. (: