Status: Active


Private Hoandson

The gas had a distinct smell, as it entered my nostrils. It was a horrible; the salty smell of blood. I couldn’t breathe for a second and I started gagging, and I thought it was the gas taking effect on my body. But I was wrong.

I was just nauseated by the smell of the gas. I was waiting though, for the gas to take control of my body, waiting for it to send a message to my brain to attack my own side, my friends.

I don’t know how long I stood there; how long I waited. I still had control of my body. I was still myself. Something in me wanted me to jump for joy, and smile. But I was still in the middle of a war, so I had to sustain my composure, my seriousness.

I looked around me, into Rain Forest. The rain was coming down hard now and I couldn’t see clearly. I'm not sure what was happening. I could hear the screams from soldiers being taken over; as they tried to resist the gas’s effect on their body’s. The screams as they realized their friends, their comrades were coming for them.

I heard a man scream in the distance to one that was taken over by the gas.

“Josh?! What are you doing? JOSH! Wait, wait, JO-” His voice trailed off into a blood-curling scream, and then he was silent. Goosebumps rose on my arm, and I was scared.

I dropped my gun, and bolted straight ahead, not caring whether or not I was running towards the enemy. They were their own enemy now. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, and, looking back I saw the silhouettes as the fighting continued through the rain. I heard gunshots all around me and I only wished it would stop. The men and women of the U.S. Army's screams were ringing through the air. It wasn’t because of their fear of being killed, it’s the shock of knowing your friend or fellow comrad was the one going to do it.

I couldn’t breathe anymore, so I stopped running. I collapsed on the ground, panting. I put my head between my legs. I sat there and swatted the bugs attacking my body. Rain and sweat fell down my face. My clothes were soaked and caked with mud and leaves.

I heard a crack behind me and bolted up from my crouching position to a fighting stance. I stood there alert. Most of the fighting had died down and it was starting to become quiet. Only the noise of light rain could be heard. I heard a crack again, but it was to the right of me. My head turned and I yelled.

What looked to be a fellow Private, came after me. Luckily he didn’t have a gun, but he held a red Swiss army knife in his left hand. He ran at me and brought it down but I jumped out of the way. I landed on the wet ground of Rain Forest with a thud, and a sharp pain traveled through my arm as I landed on it. I yelled, knowing it was probably sprained. I was now more vulnerable and weak. He came at me again, but I turned my body and lashed out with my foot, kicked him in the gut. He doubled over and fell. I jumped to my feet, ignoring the pain in my right arm.

He got to his feet and made a poor attempt to punch me in the face, since he had no knife as it feel from his hand as he fell to the ground. I dodged it and punched, my fist connecting with his stomach. His breath left his body in a fast wisp of air. He fell to the ground. As he lay on his back I saw his tag.

Private Hoandson. I remembered that name. I had to think for a second to recall his name. Josh.

I realized this may be the same Josh that killed the soldier I heard yelling Josh's name before he was killed. He slowly started getting to his feet, with effort. I saw the knife in the corner of my eye. I bent to pick it up, right when he started coming at me. I turned swiftly and the knife entered his abdomen. It made a wet sound and entered easily. He stopped in his tracks and fell to the ground clutching his abdomen. I stared, with shock. I injured a fellow American. I started crying. I didn’t want to do this.

I dropped the knife and started running again, not knowing where I was going. I didn’t care. I just wanted to get away from the horrible feeling of murdering another soldier.

I guess that means I’ll never stop running until I’m dead.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sososo excited about this story.
This was written by PrinceEdward12.

EternalForever just finished editing this. I kinda made a lot of changes, but minor ones. Hope you don't mind Travis.