Status: In the writing process

Out Of The Chair: Spock/Kirk

Chapter 1 - The Way It All Happens

Spock’s POV

“You’re being ridiculous Nyota,” I said as I caressed her face.

“I just have this bad feeling about today.”

“We can’t exactly use that as an excuse to why we didn’t show up.”

“We could try,” she whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. She traced patterns on my bare chest. I had my hand on her back and ran it up and down. She kissed my neck and then my face, stroking my hair and ears as she did so. “We could spend all day in bed.”

“That would be nice, but illogical,” I sighed and kissed her forehead. I sat up and got out of bed. I pulled on a pair of boxers and turned back to her. She was lying in a provocative position, the sheets just barely covering her breasts. She groaned and got off the bed. Stepping just behind me she placed her hands on my chest and kissed the back of my neck and shoulders. Her lips made their journey down my back and I couldn’t help but take her lips in mine in a passionate kiss. My alarm clock went off and she murmured unrecognizable words into my skin, I assume cursing the alarm. I stood there too, listening to the sound that vexed my ears to no end. I didn’t think today would end up a good day either, but there was no sound logic for these feelings and I knew we’d have to go to the ship anyway.

“We have to get ready.”

“I know,” I answered, glancing at her content face. Neither of us made another move. A moment later, Nyota had begun dressing. I watched her first put on her underwear, then her bra. She glanced back at me and blushed.

“Why don’t you stop watching me and get dressed?”

“I suppose I’ll have to. It’s just, you’re beautiful Nyota,” I said as I stood. She smiled at me before continuing to dress. I exhaled loudly and pulled on my black pants.

“Do you love me Spock?” she asked as we entered the Starfleet Academy fifteen minutes later. I thought for a moment. I clearly felt something for her. I wished for her safety and well-being. I felt physical attraction to her as well as an attraction to her intelligence and integrity.

“I suppose I do love you Nyota. Do you feel the same?”

“I do,” she replied without hesitation. I looked into her eyes and a moment later I held her against a wall in an empty hallway, kissing her. In between kisses she managed to get out, “We’re going to be late. We have to evaluate a group of recruits in the simulation room.” Biting at her lips, I led her out into a crowded hall. I let go of her hand and she followed a step behind me. We were professional at work and I was her superior so we acted like we did before we began a romantic relationship. As we passed recruits, they stood a little straighter. It was a sign of respect, or fear. I didn’t care so much which it was. Upon entering the evaluation room, I spotted Captain Kirk. Nyota and I took seats next to him.

“Spock, nice to see you and Uhura, you look particularly lovely today,” Kirk spoke with casualty. I had grown fond of his presence after the ordeal with the Romulans and him becoming captain. He had a sense of humor that sometimes perplexed me, but was intelligent in his own right and a good leader.

“Captain,” I said with a nod. He grinned.

“You’re always so formal. You need to lighten up,” he said and I continued looking straight forward.

“I’m not always quite so, formal. We’re at work. At work you are meant to act like a professional and that’s all I do.”

“Well, I’ve seen you outside of work. Not much different.”

“When we’re together, it’s not like that,” Nyota said to Kirk and he looked like he wanted to know more.

“Go on,” he said, making a motion with his hand.

“Well, just this morning we-”

“It’s personal Captain. I do not wish for us to talk about Lieutenant Uhura and my relationship.”

“This is what I’m talking about Spock. You should open up a little bit more,” Kirk said, smiling. I closed my eyes and thought about what he’d said. I valued him as a friend and thought it wise to believe his words as truth.

“Fine then. Lieutenant Uhura was probably going to tell you that I said I loved her this morning,” I said, opening my eyes again. I could see through the glass into the simulation room, where cadets were spinning in their chairs and talking.

“Actually, I was going to say that we made love this morning, but what he said was true as well.” I sat completely still and though it didn’t show, I was shocked. Our sex life wasn’t exactly something I would’ve liked Captain Kirk to know anything about. He showed his surprise and looked at me with scrutiny.

“Uh, th-th-that’s well- I didn’t see that coming.” I almost smiled at his stuttering response but the Vulcan part of me stopped it. The scenario the recruits were set to endure was about to begin when suddenly an alarm went off, signaling that there was something of urgency going on. I stood up, as did Kirk and Nyota. Kirk opened the door to the room and told the recruits to report to their commanding officers as they had been assigned. We entered the hangar and boarded the Starfleet Enterprise, where we assessed the issue that was playing out. The planet known as Brinda V, was under attack from another called Bolarus IX, which was inhabited by the Bolian species. Brinda V, being as small as it was, couldn’t fight the Bolians off alone and being allied with Brinda V, we were forced into action. It was not a completely off the wall mission and we were fully prepared.

“Okay, Sulu maximum warp. Punch it,” Kirk said taking his seat last. As we jumped into warp drive, I could see the disgruntled look on Nyota’s face. I could do nothing for her where I stood so I just busied myself.

“Spock,” Kirk spoke as we neared the planet. I turned in my chair to look at him.

“Yes Captain?” I asked. He waved me over to him. I knelt down next to his chair.

“Do you think we’ll make it in time?” he said, his voice just above a whisper.

“The report said, they were attacked two hours ago. The chances are about 50/50 that they could last that long on their own.”

“That’s what I feared,” he murmured, nodding.

“Is that all you wish to speak to me about Captain?” He nodded his answer. I walked back to my seat. When we approached Brinda V, they began shooting at us.


“I know.” He paused. “Uhura, can you speak whatever language it is they speak?”

“Yes Captain, I can and they speak-”

“I’m sending you down.”

“Are ve landing Keptin?” Chekov asked with his thick accent.

“No. We’ll beam her down.”

“Captain. That’s too dangerous. We cannot send her down into a battlefield by herself,” I said, my voice becoming slightly louder than intended.

“Would you like to accompany her?”

“Yes Captain.” Moments later we were down on the ground. We were close to their capital building and we had to hurry. Running through the open ground was not wise but there was very little cover. I kept a hand on her back, in a protective gesture. We sprinted up the steps and entered the capital. She started yelling in their language at the person sitting at a desk. The words confused me and I just tried to focus on the way her ponytail moved when she yelled. The woman replied something quickly and pointed to a door. As we entered, someone began bellowing in the same language.

“What’s he saying?” I asked. She ignored my question and began telling him something about our ship. The only thing I could catch was Starfleet Enterprise and something like allies. He began nodding and pulled out a communicator. He shouted into it and someone on the other side gave a short response. I pulled out my communicator with the intent of telling Scotty to beam us up, but suddenly there was an explosion, causing the roof to cave in. I stood there in shock and concrete crashed into me. I shakily began lifting up rubble in search of Nyota and the leader of Brinda V. The man was getting up slowly so I just pursued Nyota. I thought I saw her hand so I pushed away small rocks. My heart began to pound faster as realization hit. I pulled up a slab of concrete, blood running down my arms. I tossed the concrete to the side and knelt over Nyota. She was unconscious and bleeding from her head. I checked for a pulse and it was very faint, barely there at all. Hugging her, I grabbed her communicator and yelled, “Beam us up!” We appeared in the ship and I heard Scotty yell, “Oh my god! CAPTAIN!”

Kirk came running over. His eyes wide in shock, he shook involuntarily. He ran over and with his face in close proximity to mine asked, “Is she. . .?”

“She’s alive. Barely.”

Next thing I knew, medics were tending to her as I sat, leaning against a wall. I felt blood coating my skin, mine as well as hers. The green and the red were together, intertwined. A medic tried to help me, but I insisted I was fine. Kirk sat next to me. “Why aren’t you captaining the ship?”

“I had to make sure you were okay,” he said quietly. I nodded. I felt his hand touch my side. My stomach muscles tightened and he must’ve noticed because he pulled up my shirt. “You’re bleeding,” he said as he pressed two fingers to the wound. His fingers on my skin felt comforting. I trusted him.

“You’re very observant, aren’t you Kirk?” He grinned and rather than just two fingers, his whole hand was now over my wound.

“You need a medic.”

“No, I-”

“You need a medic,” he said, his eyes meeting mine with seriousness. There was a sudden commotion and then a medic called Kirk over. He reluctantly let go of me and put my own hand on the gash. He spoke to the medic and suddenly looked horrified. No. No. No.

“Spock,” he said, kneeling down in front of me. “Uhura. . . She’s- she uh she d-died.”

My face didn’t change. I kept a flat, empty expression. We shouldn’t have come to work. She said she didn’t have a good feeling about today. We should’ve just stayed in bed all day. I sat there for multiple minutes without looking at anyone. A medic began bandaging me up and I didn’t look at him for more than a second. When he left, Kirk engulfed me in a hug. He was shaking and didn’t let go of me until Chekov ran into the room saying that, “Ve have been called back to the Starfleet Academy. Ve have done all ve can do for them. Our sanity is our top priority so ve must go.”

Kirk, with a concerned look back at me, left with him to take the ship back. A split second passed before I stood and took my post. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me. Not Kirk’s. He gave me space. At first.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't own this franchise, but I do however own the placing of all these words so no touchy. Sadly, Spock doesn't belong to me. If he did, I wouldn't be writing this cause I'd be in a bubble bath with him.