Hate isn't a feeling. It's a way of life.

Why can't I feel it?

Justin's P.O.V

Why did he do that? He had no reason to. I thought he didn't care if he was loved by Mother and Father. I guess I was wrong. I love him and I thought he loved me too. Hot tears ran down my face. I wounder why he didn't feel that.

"Justin, Kelly. About 10 minutes till we get there." I touched Ryan's hand and it was colder the snow. I love my brother more than I should and I know he doesn't love me back. And if I tell someone they'll kill me.

**********At the new house!*********

I helped Ryan get the stuff out of the back of the truck after everyone went in side. He was only using his left and they his right one just stay by his side. I stopped unloading "Why in god's name would you do that? You didn't show him anything."

"I know." He said with no tone in his voice. He didn't stop unloading. "Why are you helping me?"

"Because I love you. And I hate seeing you get hurt." I started to cry so I turned so he didn't see, but I think he did.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you." He had no tone in his voice but I knew he meant what he said. He wrapped his arms around me from the back. "I just want to show the Owners the I'm not scared of them. I don't need anyone to love me-" He didn't need me than. I started to walk away but than I stop. "but I do need you." He still had no tone like he was angry all the time.

"What do you need me for? You say that you need no one to love you." I tried to clear my nose and I wiped the tears off my face.

"That's it. I don't know why I need you. I say to myself I don't need anyone and I surely don't need Justin. But when your not around, I need you. I don't even care if you love me, I just need you around. At night I always go in to your room and sit by your bed. I tell you lots of things and it's all true. Even if you don't know it my life is in your head." He turned around picked up the bags and went in side. I just stood there and I couldn't even think of anything to say. I'll talk to him to night.