Hate isn't a feeling. It's a way of life.

My new room

Ryan’s P.O.V

I didn’t under stand why I love my brother more than I should. It’s like I need him in my life forever. He still loves me but he could never feel the same way I feel about him. He’s like a god that will never help me. He’s like a king that is on top of the world. He’s like everyone you ever thought you loved in one. He’s everything. He's the only one that I felt something for.

“I found your room.” Kelly said with a big smile. She was being really nice and I don’t know why. Mother owner walk back and Kelly wiped the smile right off her face and was mean again. “Follow, now.” I didn’t care if she was nice or mean, I didn’t love her. I gave her a smirk and I don’t know why. I followed her to a room and it wasn’t in the basement like my old one, it wasn’t in the attic like the ones before that. It was a room that was small but to me it was nothing. I didn’t feel any love or hate or anything coming from that room. “I hope you like it. I made your owner give it to you. They gave it to me to keep things in it but after what you showed at the other house. I think it something I could do.” She turned and the first time ever she gave me a hug. The first time she gave anyone a hug that I remember. I didn’t do anything back I just stood there. I didn’t know what to do. No one had ever given me a hug beside Justin. I heard footsteps down the hall. She most of0 heard them to and said something that I would never forget. “I’m sorry.” She pushed me and I fell to the floor and I looked at her and she just looked back till the footsteps got closer. “I hope you like it `cause it’s were your going to be spending most of your time.” She gave me one of her evil smiles and shut the door. I heard her footsteps get farther and farther away as someone footsteps stop at the door. The footsteps that stopped at the door had of been Mother Owner. The door knob started to turn at the door swung open. It was the Mother Owner.

“I see you found your room.” I knew what she was going to next. Every time I got a new room she would fuck me in it so it’s mine and hers. She came close to me as I stood up. She put her hand down my pants into my boxers. She grabbed my dick and started to jerk me off in my pants. I don’t know why she does this but I think it’s because I’m so much better than my Father owner. “Now I think after all the time we have done this you know what to do but I don’t care I like to hurt you.” She stopped jerking me of and still had my dick in her hand she pulled up and I didn’t feel anything. “I know you don’t feel anything so I’m going to make sure you feel something.” She took of her clothes and she had a tight black leather thing on. It showed everything but her stomach. She had her wipe that she loved to use on me and her guy friends that come over. She ripped of my clothes and pushed me on to the bed. She got close to the bed and hissed "Turn over now." I did what I was told and she started to wipe me. I could only feel a little bit of the after shock. I wanted to get this over with so I started to scream and yell and told her to stop and stuff like that when really I did care. The wipe and my blood on it and it went all over the walls. "I told you I would make you feel." She turned me over and got on top of me. "Here is my new toy." She lifted my head and put a rope around it, then she put a another rope around my stomach. "Now if I pull on the rope it will make it hard for you to breathe witch make you dick longer." She turn around on me and put her pussy where my mouth was and put my dick in her mouth. She pull the ropes and she was right it was hard to breathe. I started to like her pussy and I stuck my tongue right in her pussy. She moaned and bite my dick really hard but I didn't feel but I screamed really load and she let go. She sat up and pulled the ropes. "Honey you can come in here." This is the first. My father owner came in and he was completely naked. He looked at me and bit his bottom. "You can you try now." He came over and she hand him the rope to my stomach. He pulled it and and started to suck my dick. "Do you like it? I love it." He didn't stop sucking but he nodded. She got off me and he got on. She walked out. My Owner Father put his dick in my mouth. I knew what to do so I started to suck. He pulled the rope to my stomach. Some thing came out in to my mouth and I swallowed it and he laughed a little. He got off of me and walked out. I took off the ropes then put some clothes on. I laid down on my bed and fell asleep.