Hate isn't a feeling. It's a way of life.

He's my brother

Justin's P.O.V

Everyone is asleep and Ryan must be hungry. He didn't come down for dinner. I went across the hall and open the door his light was on and he was sleeping on his bed. I went over to him and he was still colder than snow. A tear ran down my face. I smiled at him as he waked. "Justin what are you doing here?" This time he sound like he was in pain but not that much.

Ryan's P.O.V

"Because you didn't come down for dinner and I thought you were hungry." His eyes made me feel all the pain that was built up. I closed my eyes but I could still feel it. It made me want to kill him so it would never come back.

"I'm a little but can you like leave or something?" I opened my eyes and he's crying. "I'm sorry but you make me feel everything that I missed out and I love it."

"Do you love me?" What did he mean by that?

"Yeah I love you." I sat up and he sat down like so close to me I could feel his blood running though his arm.

"I know you love me but do you really love me?"

"Like more than I should love you?" I hope that isn't it.

"Yeah." He looked over to me and I just what to tell him that I hated him so much. But I couldn't.

"I love you and loved you for a long time how `bout you?" He hug me a hug and nearly made me fall off the bed. "Hey be quiet."

"Sorry." He laid on top of me and I smiled. "C-can I kiss you." I smiled again. I kissed him and he opened his mouth and I took control. Soon he got off and ran out. I didn't know what he was doing.

Justin's P.O.V

No we can't kiss, we can't be together. We would get killed.