Spying on the Bad Boy

Target practice

“I’ll do a couple more shots Jesse.” I glanced at my friend as she loaded her beretta m9.
She grinned at me as she shot at a steal outline of a human right in the crotch.
I chuckled, and turned my attention back to my target, and pulled the trigger.
“Right between the eyes. Nice one.” She nodded in approval.
Jesse is one of our best agent’s, and She shares a apartment with me.
See we may be secret agents, but we are also teenagers, so our boss hooks every teen that works for him up with a apartment as soon as we start working for him.
I used to live with my brother in his apartment, but once I hit puberty Oliver thought it would be best for me to move in with a girl, because he also lived with older boy who started flirting with me.
I sat my gun down and readjusted my safety goggles.
We were in target practice. Everyone that work’s here has to take it, and we usually do it with our partners, but mine was my brother, and he’s currently missing so Jesse is filling in.
“YEAH! I’m on fire!” She hollered.
I smiled.
Jesse was a well built girl. She had more muscles than most of the girls(and some of the boys, though she won’t admit it), in the organization. Although she may be muscular she was still very attractive. She had Bleach blond hair, with a short pixie cut, bright blue eyes, and curvy figure. I envied her.
“So what happened with Oliver? I heard you blew up a boat.”
I frowned.”Yeah I’ve never been good with bombs.”
She snorted.”You think?’’
I put my gun down.”Look I have to go now so if you don’t mind skipping the sarcasm I’ll say bye.”
She rolled her eyes.”Whatever you say, but I need a favor.” She set her gun down.
“What?” I questioned.
She hesitated as we left the shooting range.
“I need your help on a mission. Oliver is sending me to New York, and he wants me to investigate a Mr. Davidson. He’s a rich guy that’s suspected of counter fitting money, and we will be investigating his son also, so we’ll be going to a rich prep school.”She brought her hopeful gaze on me.
“Why do you need my help?”
“Because Oliver said if I don’t find a partner by five o’clock tonight he’s sending Harry fisher with me! I can’t work with that idiot!”
I slapped my hand over my mouth to stiffen my laugh, but had little success.
See Harry fisher was a tall bonnie weakling with muddy green eyes, and brown freckles. He was a new recruit, and he was one of the most ignorant, uncoordinated dorks we’ve ever had.
“Why would he put you with him?”
“I don’t know!”
It was kind of strange that he would put them two together, because Jesse was a guns specialist, and he was a computer nerd.
She dropped to her knees, folded her hands together, puffed her lip out, and gave me the puppy face.”Please!! Don’t leave me with that Dork!”She pleaded.
I sighed.”Fine, I’ll be your partner, but you know I hate rich snobs!”
Her face brightened with joy as she leaped up.
“GREAT!! We leave tomorrow morning at ten!”She yelled as she ran out the door.
Great. This is going to be a long mission.
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Sorry if it's boring,but I have to build the story up,before I can add all the action.