Spying on the Bad Boy

Taxi ride

“Oh…There once was a man named Mikle Finagine. He had some whiskers on his chinagine.”
Oh…my...God. What have I gotten myself into?

“Oh…There once was a man named mikle Finagine he had some whiskers on his Chinagine”-
-“Jesse I’m begging you! Please shut up!”I Wined.
“No thank you. I love this song…Oh there once was a man…”She continued.

This was how it has been for the past half-hour. She won’t quit singing that stupid song, and she doesn’t even know the whole thing!
I Groaned.
I should never have agreed to go with her one this stupid mission! It hasn’t even been a full day, and I already want to kill her. We haven’t even got to the hotel yet! We only just got into the cab before she started on that ridicules song!

“Oh there once was, oh hey why are we slowing down? We shouldn't be at the hotel for anther ten minutes.”She paused.
“Another ten minutes!!”I wailed.

“Hold your horses’ ladies. I have someone to pick up on the way to your fancy hotel. His daddy’s a man of great stature that he is.”The driver chuckled.
“Oh OK! There once was-hmm?!”
“Don’t you dare!”I slapped my hands over her mouth, before she could continue any longer.
She glared at me in response.
“Look I agreed to come with you, but I never agreed to hearing nursery rimes all the way here!”I growled.
She threw her hands up, and tried to pry my hold off her mouth, but froze when my door was opened, and someone scooted in next to me.
I glanced behind me, and saw a boy around my age grinning at me like a idiot.
“Um? Am I interrupting something?”

I quickly took my hold off of her, and folded my hands in my lap.
“No. Your fine.” I could feel my cheeks warm up.
He looked at me a second longer before getting in, and shutting the door.
“And away we go! We’ll be at your hotel in no time ladies.”The driver informed.

I nodded.
“So may I ask why you had your hand over her mouth?” I didn't have to look to know the boy was smiling still.
“She wouldn't stop singing a stupid nursery rime.”I muttered.
He laughed.
“Well that explains a lot.”

I looked up at Jesse, and she was staring at him from the corner of her eye. When she saw me looking at her she mouthed” He’s hot!”.
I rolled my eyes at her hoping it disguised my blushing.

She was definitely right. His hair was wavy, dirty blond, and it was ear length. His eyes were chocolate brown, He had a golden tan, and his muscles were perfect.
I didn't realize I had been staring long till he felt my gaze, and glanced at me.
I quickly averted my gaze to the floor.
“You like what you see?”
My face felt like it was on fire now.
“No, um you have some grass in your hair.”I mumbled.
Not a lie either! I saw some in his hair.
“Oh where?”

He started combing his hands though his hair looking for any loose grass.
I plucked the piece out, and let it fall to the ground.
“Thanks.”He shot me a heart breaking smile.
“No problem.”

O.m.g. I’m acting like the world’s biggest nerd!
“May I ask why you have grass all over you?”Jesse smiled.
“I just got done playing football. It’s almost impossible not to get dirty.” He explained.

“You play football?”I blurted out.
Wow I can’t believe I just asked that?! He just said he plays it! I just couldn't’t help asking, because it’s my favorite sport.
“Yep. I’m the quarterback.”
“Wow cool.”

That’s the best I could say?!
“Are you good?” Jesse questioned.
He snorted.”Hell yeah. I’m one of the best on the team.”

“Alright ladies, this is your stop.”The driver Stated, as he slowed down to a stop.
Jesse was the first one to get out, so I paid the driver, and crawled out after her. Just when I was about to shut the door a hand stopped it from shutting all the way.
Me, and Jesse opened the door back up, and the boy was smiling again.
“I’m Jake. May I ask your names?”

“I’m Jesse, and this is my friend Vanessa.”She extended her hand out to shake his.
“Well it was nice meeting you two, but I was wondering if you would like to come to dinner with me, and my friends? We’re going to be meeting up at this address.”He asked, as he hands Jesse a piece of paper.

Was it just me, or was he staring right at me?
“I don’t k-“
“-We’ll be there.”Jesse interrupted.
I looked over at her.” what?”

“Great see you then.”
I look back at him and he’s still staring at me, and smiling.
“Can’t wait.”He looks at me a moment longer, before shutting the door.
“Ooh! He’s soo into you!”Jesse squealed as the taxi drove away.

“What the heck were you thinking?!”I snapped.
She crossed her arms, and frowned.”Oh come on you know you thought he was hot.”She teased.
I shook my head, but she didn't look convinced.”Liar. I saw you blushing.”

Dang. My face gave me away.
“Okay fine I did, but so what. He was also kind of creepy; I mean how long did he have that address written down?”

She giggled. “Whatever you say. Let’s go see our hotel room now!!”She zoomed past me, and ran inside leaving me to grab all the bags.
Man. This sucks…
♠ ♠ ♠
hope you like it.