
Chapter IV


Hell with the pain. I managed to get the bullet out with a pair of tweezers, but my wound doesn’t seem to be healing properly at all. Other than the intense burnt, nothing else seems to be subsiding. In fact, the pain felt even stronger.

With my teeth gritted, I step back into the yard and took a whip of the forest air. The quietness of the surrounding and the air did me good, but once I tried to walk further in, I regretted coming out. The major part, the logical part, of me just wants to go back in and scream into some pillow, because the pain was just consuming me and I needed to rest my body desperately. However, the irrational part of me, called me to stay, because going back in, would mean resigning to the pain and admitting I was weak, too weak for my liking.

In the midst of all my thoughts, I found myself straddling aimlessly, totally directionless as to where I was going, or where I came from. Trying to get a grip on the surrounding, despite the confusion caused by the terrible blood drain, I heard footsteps. Knowing better, I kept absolutely quiet since I was in no position to be in combat. Rather than beating myself up again, I rather avoid whatever it was.

However, I miscalculated and soon before I knew it, something leaped out from the shadows and it caught me off guard. Trying to not go for the offense, I crouch low and went for the defence. The person’s hands attacked me and held mine in a backward position. Trying to break free, I turned my entire body and attempted to lock the person in an arm arrest. However, the minute I was standing behind, the person grabbed my hand and before I knew it, I was flying mid-air and landing on my back.

“Who the hell are you?” To my shock, a female’s voice asked. It sounded angelic and soft, unlike the person who just slammed me to the ground.

“I should be asking you that,” I threw back cautiously, ignoring the stabbing pain in my abdomen and the uncomfortable position I was in. I knew I couldn’t let out too much, especially since I could smell the vampire in her.

“Look, I really am not in the mood to do this whole combat thing, so just, don’t lay a finger on me or even have any idea of sorts, alright?” She hissed, with a tinge of wariness. Beyond my expectations, she came over to the front and extended a hand to me.

For a moment, I totally zonked out. Starring at the hand, and then to her, I was absolutely bewildered. In the moonlight, I could roughly make out her features and damn, she was fine. Her hair seemed to be blond, but there was a light pinkish/red blend to it. Her eyes were the same colour as the moon, a silver grey. She doesn’t seem to be hovering too tall above me but I knew better than to judge her by that, since I’m the one on the ground.

“Are you seriously going to stare at me the entire day?” Her voice broke my chain of thoughts and I reached out for her hand precariously, as if she was alien and I was playing with fire. “What are you doing here?”
She probed on, as she pulled me up to my feet. On my feet, she towered only to my chest. Her head rose up to look at me and her eyes sparkled as they glimmered under the moonlight.

“What are you doing here?”

“You don’t look like you ran away,” She continued, and started to pace forward, towards the heart of the forest. Panting, I followed behind her, being hesitant with my steps. She put up no sign of defence and completely let her guard down like that. Although she did succeed in proving her ability and surprising me, she was still naive.

“So you ran away,” It bothered me, how she was just probing and just so carefree. Never in my life, had it worked this way. She should be wary, cautious, guarded against me. But she wasn’t.

“It doesn’t matter; we’re both out here anyway.”

“Go back, you shouldn’t be here,” In her yellow gown, she was clearly a young elite vampire who just doesn’t know what she’s doing yet. It was quite clear, she didn’t belong here.

“Don’t tell me what to do,” Her angelic voice said, but it was obvious how firm her stand was, “you are here too, aren’t you?”

“It’s different.”

“You do know that what you’re saying is a pathetic excuse, as to put me off.”

“It’s really not a place for you, okay,” I sighed and tried to persuade her to go right back into the sanity of her own territory.

“And why is it not?” She continues playing her game. To be honest, it would have totally intrigued me if, I wasn’t feeling so worn from my healing wounds. I just wanted her to leave this place safely and I’m not sure why I hadn’t killed her while trying to do so because she sure is, a hell of a trouble.

“Look, it’s dangerous alright. It’s late and you’re a lady, it’s not appropriate. You come from the society right? You should be heading back,” I tried to pacify her in a softer voice. But the vibe she gave me suddenly turned from curious to playful. I could almost feel her smirk even though her back was facing me.

“And from the looks of it, you’re not from the society,” She turned around and gave me a playful grin that made me want to laugh and just play along with her pun. Her eyes shone and there was just so much energy emitting from it.

“I don’t do societies.” I lied, and to my surprise, it made me feel wrenched. Having taught by Ezekiel, I guess emotions were never once part of my life. But her, she was something all so different. I’d never treat her coldly.

“A lone vampire, well, that’s a first. I’m Bridge, by the way,” She looked me in the eyes and her lips curled up sweetly; genuine friendly vibes looms around her.

“Iggy,” I said, feeling slightly hesitant.

“What sort of name is Iggy?”

“What sort of name is Bridge?” I threw the question right back at her, making her let out a small almost inaudible chuckle.

“It’s short for Bridget,” She clarified, “What about yours?”

“Nothing; just Iggy,” It was the only name I knew, since it was engraved onto my necklace; the only thing my parents left me with.

“Iggy, it sort of has a child-like touch to it.” She continued on. Her long red-ish blond locks bobbed up and down as she cross the rough terrain in her delicate heels. Unlike many elites like her, she wasn’t at all bothered about the harshness of the surrounding. And that only made it tougher to get her out of here.

“I’m serious when I say this is no place for a young lady; there are all sorts of things here,” I tried.

“Are you worrying about me?”

The question caught me off guard and I ended up opening my mouth, but nothing came out. Her light chuckle broke me from my stance and she carried on walking towards the heart of the forest.
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I'm finally back! I hope this chapter will do good, and there would actually be comments on this story! It's kind of depressing when I don't get any response ):

So do comment and tell me what you think about this story!

XOXO, Sara