Holding On, Tonight.


I attend school everyday I can, I do all my work; I AM really smart. Why don't I ever get the credit I deserve?
Everytime I am constantly compared to Frank. My bestfriend in the whole world.
I know I'm a whole world smarter than him I'm just not the image the school wants as a high achiever I guess.
I mean, would you really want some fat ruggy looking teen being interviewed by the town newspaper for being 1st in the state for the yearly english exam?

Thought not.

I wish I was prim and proper like Frankie. Nice clean clothes, a mom that makes sure you have a good reputation by shoving how good you are down everyones throats.
But, I'm just the unlucky one; and as much as I want to say 'and I dont care' I can't cause its clearly a lie. I care and much as I try and make out I don't, I really really *sigh*Do.
But ohwell for now I shall quit the complaining about my problems to myself. For I must get of my ass.

I Stand up, and look over to the mirror, shake my raggy hair lookat myself again and smirk. I love my smirk. It's me all over.

Smart ass.

I smirk again. I really am one. It's no word of a lie.
I walk to the door of my room and step up the slight step out of my room. I wiggle my toes on the sudden feeling of tile instead of carpet. Terracotta tiles to be precise. I walk and collapse onto the sofa bed and do my weekend ritual of watching the simpsons from 9am-12pm.
Even if I really don't like them, they just take more time to waste my day then anything else.

As per usual I get bored on the simpsons easily and stride back into my room. I sit at my worn out desk and grab a marker and begin my work. There is no part of the desk not written on. Its my artwork. My artwork of me, my own portrait. And for once a portrait of me, is..

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(: Love All you Readers