Drama Sucks, but So Do We

Skateboarding, and hanging with friends is all Kayla has ever wanted to do. That was what made her happy, but she has a huge Problem that is getting in the way of that...her temper.
She is one of the biggest bad Asses in town, and everyone loves to challenge her. They want to prove they are better, and She can't refuse a good fight. She loves the thrill of it.
But Her mother hates fighting. She want's Kayla to be obedient, and become a normal teenage girl who parties, wears pink dresses, and go's gaga all over guys.
She wants a pretty princess, and Kayla is nowhere near that.
Fighting is just what She does best, and Her mother has found a way to get what she wants either way, which is a different Kayla.
One more fight, and She's shipping her off to live with her aunt in California. No more skating, no more converse shoes, punk friends, and worse of all... No more fights.

Well guess what. Kayla's already lost.
She's living with Her aunt, and dressing like a drama queen. Her life is hell now, but there is a total upside to living here... A guy. He spooky, and totally hot.
But something's not right about him. It feel's like he's pulling her to him when She don't want to be pulled. Like She have no choice. Kind of supernatural.

Kayla’s family and friends are hiding something also. They have secrets, and She want's to know what they are. She will stop at nothing to find out, but by then it may be to late, Because Secret's are deadly. Especially if they are with the undead.
  1. All about me
    All about my life and how I live it.
  2. Normal day
    Everything seemed normal at first, but that was before my mother went ballistic.
  3. Worried Friends
    I guess violence doesn't always solve everything.
  4. The guys room
    bed room
  5. You can run,but you can't hide.
    You can't always hide from jerks.
  6. No more chances
    I tried not to fight,and failed.Now I must face my mother.
  7. Goodbye
    I never thought goodbyes to my best friends would be this painful.
  8. Hilbilly Hell
    Help me!