Drama Sucks, but So Do We


My life is hell.My last day At home,and all I've done is said my goodbyes,and pack very few things as possible, and I am leaving my dear old skateboard,zero home.
Megan tried to kill me when she found out by chucking a football at my head. I'll admit the girls got a arm.
Brad,and Brandon Tried to lock me in their bedroom closet so I couldn't leave...Brandon's closet is the scariest place I will ever be.I am scared to find out how old that taco was..It was turning purple,and dripping green gew.
I'm pretty sure I passed out for a few second out of shear horror.

Besides my utter grossed out taco event The rest of my day was very busy.Almost every freaking kid in our high school,and some teachers showed up at my house at some point to say bye.I had snotty,teenage preppy girls clinging to me begging me not to go(I've saved them from a lot of bullying from the stronger girls.)I felt like they were trying to rub their peppiness's off on me so my mom would let me stay.Of course it didn't work.
Even Derrik came by to bid me farewell,well his mom made him anyways.I swear I heard him growl when he looked at me.If he wasn't so beat up(I love my handy work)I probably would have been freaked out a bit,but He's stupid so who cares.

Brads mom volunteered to take me to the airport,which I hastily agreed to.I'm pretty sure If my mom did She wouldn't let me say goodbye to my friends there.
The guys,and Megan road with me all the way there,and Brad looked like he was going to die.
I'd have to say I'll miss him the most.
I mean he looked so hurt.His eyes were rimmed with shadows,and It looked like he hadn't slept in forever.He snatched my duffel bag from me once we reached the air port,and would not let me carry it myself.
Megan burst into Snotty tears,and Brandon was ranting about what he was going to say to my mom,which I doubt would ever be said within a block near her.(I'm not the only one scared of her.)

"Flight is boarding in five."The flight attendant announced in her weird sing song voice.
"Well this is it.Bye Kayla dear we are going to miss you so much!"The guys mom lightly hugged me giving me a sympathetic look then darting off to let us have a good bye moment.
I always loved her.

Before I realized what was happening Brandon had scooped me up in a bear hug,and swung me around.
"OH Kay it's not going to be the same with out you!"He wined as he put me down,and backed up and hid his face.
"Aw Brandon are you crying?"
He sniffled."I have something in my eye."
I smiled faintly,and raised my hand for knuckles.He quickly pounded it before nodding,and

Megan came up for her turn.
She through her arms around me,and broke down into sobs.
"Kayla I'm not going to be able to go on with out you!We've been there for each other forever!How am I suppose to keep the guys in line?"
I rubbed her back,and nodded."You can do it.Your just as scary as me,but you have more style.So that makes you more qualified to boss them around."

She laughed,and back up to look at me with sorrow.
"I'm really going to miss you Kay.Don't you dare lose contact!"She scolded,and patted my arm with a hiccup,and followed Brandon.
Next was Brad.

Despair was the first thing I saw when I looked at Brad.We both felt it.He stepped in front of me,and pulled me into a tight embrace.
"Kayla you better get your ass together,and hurry up,and come back to us.We need you.You're our bad ass leader."His arms slid around my waste,and pulled me tighter.I swung my arms around his neck,and buried my nose in his collar bone.

"I'm going to miss you so much Brad.You better not forget me,and we're both the bad ass leaders of this gang."I smiled into him.
He laughed against me sending heat all around inside me.
"No Kayla.I could never forget you, and you'll always be the leader us,and we're not a gang.We're a pack.We fight like wolves,and love like family,"He said.
My body filled with nervous reactions to his touch, as he leaned back.
Why the hell am I acting like this?It's Brad!

His comforting eyes stared down at me,and suddenly I felt hims put something in my hand.
My be wild snapped down towards our hands.
In my palm was a Black ribbon neck less,with a Midnight blue crescent moon dangling from it.
My eyes stung with tears,as I threw myself around his neck again,and broke done.
"Brad I don't want to leave!"I cried.
"Shh you don't have a choice.Just promise you'll come back to us."
"I promise."

He ran his hand through my hair before slowly pulling away.
He stared at me s if searching for something then slowly he leaned in and kissed my cheek
His lips burned deep into me,and Sent my heart racing.
"Flight is now boarding."The attendant's voice boomed breaking me,and Brad out of whatever moment that was.
"Goodbye Kayla.Be good,so you can come lead us again."He smiled,and then turned around leaving me so he could join the others.
I hastily wiped my eyes,then turned to face what was next.

Getting on that plane may take me somewhere else,but this will always be my home,and My mom could not change that.No matter how much she wanted I belonged here.I'll go and be a good girl so I can come back..For Brad.
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Okay so I'll make more chapters if I get more comments.:)Next chapter go's into the new life.