I Only See You in My Dreams

19 to go

"When did you and Farrah, separate?" I didn't want to use the term 'break-up', being cheated
on was more serious.

"Year and a half ago. Why photography?"

"I love art, but I can't do anything with my hands, photo was accesible, I just needed a good eye. How long have you been modeling?"

"A year. Got any pets?" He popped some popcorn into his pretty lips.

"My ficus. You?" I smiled coyly at him. I knew very well plants did not count.

"Minx should be around here somewhere; most antisocial cat you'll ever meet. Well, if
you meet her." Leon pulled his legs out from underneath him and knealt so he
could take a look under the couch.

"Come here! Slowly." I crouched down, joining him on the floor.

He lifted the skirt of the couch, so that a small, grey and white cat was visible in the
far corner. Moments after we had spotted her, Minx scurried off into the back of the house. I lifted my head to find Leon looking at me, smiling softly.

I sat up the rest of the way and faced him. He leaned closer to me and stared at me; not breaking eye contact till the last minute when his lids fluttered shut, he kissed me.

What began softly snowballed into a sharing of passionate caresses, with me stradling Leon's waist as he leaned against the couch. My fingers migled with his golden hair, while he used his hands to pull my hips even closer to his.

We continued kissing, letting our tongues mingle while our arousals strained against our zippers. I knew where this was going.
I felt ready.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short again. I kinda like em like that.
Thank you for commenting and subscribing.
Ps, would you guys mind if there was a bit of boy sex in the next one? I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable.