Status: New Chapter Today!


Thier Van

It might have been the movement of the van that woke me up. Or it might have been the rough bumps and swaying as it bounced over pavement and potholes. It might even have been Gerard's crying.

But I’m pretty sure it was the smell that finally woke me up. It was disgusting. Like sickness, body odor and beer all mixed into one putrid scent that burned my eyes and nose.

Pushing myself onto my elbows carefully, I heard all my joints crack, and felt the dull ache in my head and stomach flair. Gritting my teeth at the pain I squinted forward, following the soft sobs to the shape of my Gerard in the dark van.
Spitting out the salty taste of blood, I crawled towards him, whispering;

“Gee? Gerard are you okay? Did they hurt you?”

He shook his head silently, quiet tears spilling over a bruised eye. He pointed to the front of the van, where the bulky form David and another man could be seen driving.

They were talking in low voices, mumbles that I couldn't hear. Closing my mouth I moved closer to Gee, pressing up against his shaking body and looking at the tough ropes wrapped around his wrists and ankles with disgust.

“What happened to you Gee? How long was I out?” I whispered quietly, almost breathed so David and his friend wouldn’t hear me.

“A- after you blacked out Frankie they tried to get me into the van. I struggled, and they hit me.” My eyes raked slowly over the bloody lip and black eye Gee was wearing, I nodded and grimaced

How could these bastards fuck with my boyfriend? What did we ever do to them?

“Well it was more like beating Frankie, they hit me pretty hard. But... they got me into the van eventually. They threw you in after me, and we’ve been driving for 20 minutes, they’ve been talking the whole time.”

He nodded up towards the two men,

“Mostly about us, I caught a few words before you woke up.”

Gerard went silent, and we spent the next few minutes quietly, listening to the rumble of the van’s engine and the mumbles of our kidnappers.

“Twenty minutes?” I hissed finally, “Twenty? Were the hell are these guys taking us Gee? Have you ever seen theme before in your life??"

Gerard shook his head and whispered, “They’re crazy Frankie, absolutely insane. They kept apologizing every time they kicked me in the head. And David? What he was doing to you... I was terrified Frankie! I – I’m scared, I don’t know what they want with us but these guys aren’t safe.”

I nodded and got closer to my trembling boyfriend, wrapping my arms around his waist; “I’m scared too Gee.”
“Are they going to kill us? Frank… are we going to die?”

I didn’t have an answer for him.

“I love you Frankie.”
“I Love you too Gerard.”
We spent the rest of the ride in silence. My head on Gerard's chest, listening to the warm comforting rhythm of his heart that I loved so much. We sat tangled like that for god knows how long, Gee's tears dripping into my hair until he van turned sharply onto a bumpy dirt road and slowed to a crawl.

I gently shook Gee, who had fallen asleep to the soft sound of rain on the tin roof of the van.

“Gee they’re stopping. Gee. Gerard?”

I shook him a little harder, and he finally opened his eyes, gasping. Still breathing heavily he looked around the van and then at me, his eyes wide. I stared back, and Gerard began to sob.

Confused, I grabbed his arm lightly, “Gee? What’s wrong?”

“I- I – It wasn’t a dream Frank!! T-this, this is really hap – happening Frankie!”

We were interrupted by loud laughter of the two men, and click of a gun being cocked. The van stopped and David turned around, pointing his gun directly at us. He licked his lips and spoke

“Johnny and I are gonna open the van's door now boys, and you are going to come inside the house calmly. If you do that we won’t hurt you”

I turned to Gerard, who’s eyes were squeezed tight. He was whispering something under his breath, but I couldn't hear.

”Do you fucking hear me?!” David screamed and fired his gun.

Yelling, I ducked. But the bullet was only meant to scare us and it buried itself in the metal side of the van far above our heads.

Laughing viciously, David kicked open his passenger door and hopped out of the van. His friend laughed along and opened his as well.
Gee and I listened quietly to the crunch of gravel as they both walked to the back of the van, and waited for the doors to open.

Cold wind and rain poured into the car as David and his friend Johnny’ opened the doors, making the van whistle.

I raised my arm to shield off the bright light of a flashlight, and David reached forward to drag me out of the van.
Gee yelped when I was yanked away from him and Johnny smiled as he pulled Gerard across the plastic floor of the van by his bound feet. David pulled me from the car, lifting me up until my feet barely skimmed the ground, and I could smell his foul breath in my face.

“Pretty, so pretty…” He whisperedsoftly, running a meaty thumb down my cheek. “So very pretty… you and your boyfriend.”

David looked over my head to where Johnny was holding Gerard up against the van door. He chuckled and dragged me over, slamming me against the metal next to my boy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well her ya go :) I had A copy that was much better but my mother pulled the plug on my laptop accidentally and it was deleted *sad face* so, I rewrote it as best I could, enjoy!