Status: New Chapter Today!



David pressed himself against me, keeping me pinned to the van while he ripped off his belt. He grunted and flipped me over, reaching around my waist to unbuckle my belt. I kept my lips pressed together tightly, unwilling to let him know that he was scaring the shit out of me by screaming. The huge man roughly slammed his hips into me, and I didn’t make a sound. He grunted in satisfaction.

“This one doesn’t need any work.” He seemed happy.

I hoped that happy meant no more kicking.

David squeezed my hips, breathing heavily down my neck before throwing me onto the ground and turning his attention to Gerard. I slid down the side of the van, unable to support my own weight anymore.

Next to me I could hear Gerard panting and screaming, trying to fight his way away from the two men and calling out my name for help. I felt like a bitch, but I was too terrified for both of us to move.

Instead, I shut my eyes. Hoping and praying that Gerard would realize keeping quiet would make whatever these fucks were doing easier for the both of us. I winced when one of Gerard’s kicks connected with David’s stomach, making him double over in pain for a second before he straightened, looking meaner than ever. He punched Gee in the stomach, and I whimpered as he crumpled into the dirt.

I watched as David leaned over Gerard, picturing his silver gun perfectly in my head. The cold man sneered; staring into Gerard’s crying eyes, then spat in the dirt at his feet.

“You’re weak Gerard, don’t think we can’t break you. “

Gee attempted to meet David’s eyes, but ended up dropping his own quickly when David pulled out his gun. The man turned toward his friend, and motioned to me with the gun. I listened to his words without taking my eyes off silver metal.

“Take that one and bring him into the house. Give him a shower and clean clothes, understand?”

The man (Johnny?) nodded and pulled out a gun of his own. Pointing it at me, he motioned standing up. I followed his directions, using one shaking hand to support myself on the van. I stumbled forward, trying my best to remain silent and not go running to comfort the poor shaking form of Gee in the dirt. It may have seemed cruel, but I’d already figured out by this point that doing whatever these guys told me meant no pain. Fucking selfish right? I’m so sorry.

Johnny walked beside me as I limped my way to the dark house. He never said a word, and kept his gun constantly cocked at his side. What did he think I could do to him? I could barely fucking walk!

Proving that point I tripped up the front stairs of the house, grapping Johnny’s arm instinctively to keep from falling. He smiled and helped me stand, which surprised me, and grabbed a loop of thick silver keys from his pocket. He picked one and slid it into the front lock on the door, opening it with the squeak of rusty hinges and letting me walk in first.


Sitting exhausted with my arms wrapped around my knees, I watched numbly as water droplets formed on the walls of the shower Johnny had left me in. I thought of everything that had happened in the last few hours, still unable to believe most of it.

What the fuck are we doing here?

Who the fuck are these guys?

What the fuck do they want with us…?




Wiping a few stray tears off my already wet face, I sat up and shut off the water. Grabbing a towel, I wrapped it around my waist and stepped into the bathroom. Bright fluorescent lights lit up my tortured face in the mirror, and a few dark bruises under my eyes and on my chest were already showing from where David had kicked me viciously.

Wincing, I fingered the dark blotches and looked around. Sitting on the toilet were a few pieces of clothing, I could see checkered boxers and a white T – shirt. Slipping them on, I gingerly opened the bathroom door and stepped into what Johnny had called my “New Home.”

It was an old, dimly lit room that reminded me of a cheap motel room on the coast. There were two beds, and a lamp… no windows. I sat heavily on the bed closest to me, resting my head in my hands.
Where was Gee?

I must’ve been even more tired than I thought, because I passed out right there on that bed, even as scared as I was.

Later, I don’t even know how long… I was woken by the door to my room slamming shut, and the loud ugly laughs of David and Johnny as they walked back down the hall. Startled I jumped up and looked around, finally seeing Gee spread out on the bare mattress next too mine.

He was still wearing the clothes from the bar, which were now bloodied and torn. His eyes were both bruised, and I could tell by the look on his face that his face wasn’t the only thing those guys had messed up.

“Gee? Gee what’s wrong, how bad did they hurt you?”

“I- I – I please…. Not, not anymore.”

“Gerard, you’re safe now….”

“No, no please!”

I could feel my eyes watering again as Gerard broke down and started sobbing on the bare mattress. Feeling awful, I picked up the blanket from my bed and brought it over to him.

“Here…Gerard It’s - ”

“D- DON’T TOUCH ME!” Gerard reached back and slapped my hand away when I tried to
wrap the blanket around his shoulders, knocking it to the floor.

“T-They said no blankets… no clothes… no showers. They told me they’d hurt me…F- Frankie.. I-I…”

“Gerard, they’re not here. Come over and share my bed, I’ve got two pillows…”

“NO! I- I don’t don’t want them to hurt us Frankie, I just wanna leave.. I want to go home. I- I don’t want to be here! Why was it us? Why did they take us!?”

He lifted his fist and slammed it onto the mattress, crying harder. Unable to answer him, I backed away slowly, feeling guilty when I felt my legs brush against the soft blankets on my own bed. I crawled into it, watching the freezing form of Gerard curl into the most comfortable position he could find on the rock hard mattress.

“We’re gonna get out of here Gee, don’t worry about it.” I called it out into the darkening room before quietly dropping my own sheets and pillows onto the cold wooden floor.