Status: Hiatius: Not offically abandoned but I don't see myself updating anytime soon.

Elders, Danger and a Pain in the Arse

Robert, A pain in the arse

I was too old, I had lived too long, I'd seen too much. From Countries bricking to world wars. I had even seen a civil war or two. I had seen the making of countries, the joining of kingdoms. I remember the days when there was no such thing as a president. I been at the beginning of history. Well, it felt like that. No, I was only about 800 years old. I'd stopped counting the individuals years long ago. I wasn't as old as the Elders who some of them had been alive since BC. I was almost old enough to become an elder though. But I didn't want to be one.

I had grown old of their old world ways of thinking, I was sick of being part of this world. I have no passion left to live on. I've been to every country, I've seen every wonder, I had gone to every Disneyworld, I had experience the world on every level and I am no longer curious to see what man will come up with next. I had, had enough. The world no longer shined for me. Worse of all, I had done it all alone.

No one was as old as I was. There was only the elders older and the rest younger. I had lost my creator when I was only hundred and had never created any offspring of my own. I had jump to one mass group to the next until the leader, the oldest and most powerful vampire in that particular country had been killed. A few by slayers but most by the elders, when they had gotten too big for their boots. The last to be killed had been Henry, 587 year old, he had been the closest to my age. That would never happen to me. I would never be killed.

I was ancient and powerful but I didn't use my powers. I could walk in the sun but choose to stay in darkness and I hadn't even played with my food in at less a century. I was depressed and there was no happy pills for vamps. It what probably made me agree to meet him.

When I had said that Henry had been the closest to me and I hadn't include the elders. In reality, an Elder, named Robert was the closest. In fact, me and him had a lot in common for one thing, we were both made by the same vampire and I've know him since the day I enter this world. He had been trying for years to get me to join him and become his mate but I had always refused. It was weird thing, for a vampire to be in a committed relationship unless it was beneficial to them both and there had always been none to him. Expect for now.

Now, that I was older, the special ability I had was getting stronger. I had the ability of mind as the elders called. People with power of mind start out being able to move things without torching them when they about hundred and then gain the ability of reading others mind around 300 mark and I was now at the stage where I was able to invade the human minds. I could just think of someone and then jump into of them as sort. Soon I would be able to do this to other vampires and to even the elders. Robert was probably trying to get me to join the elders before my power became too much for them to tame.

I had agree to meet him in a cafe in Caledonia. He had choosed the meeting place, I'm not sure why he picked my homeland. I got there early. The cafe was small and only had six tables. I picked the one that was most shaded but happen to be next to a window. I sat there and kidded on I was reading a book which just happen to be about a vampire slayer. I waited for almost 10 minutes before Robert walked though the cafe doors.

To a human, Robert looked like a gorgeous young man in 20s, he was probably a student. Wearing the coolest of designer gear, he would make any one steer. To a vampire, his age was clear as though his face was covered in wrinkles. The older the vampire, the more he grows. We're not sure why this is but most think has to do with the fact that we get more powerful. When he saw me, he smiled at me as though I was best thing in world and sat down in the chair opposite me.

"Wow, Scotia. Every time I see you, the more beautiful you are", Scotia wasn't my real name, my creator had given it to me after I woken. He had choosed that name for me for two reason, one I was Scottish.Two she was the Goddess of the Underworld. I left my human name with the human me.

"Cut to the chase, what do you want?" I may of came but didn't mean I plan to stay for long.

"I just wanted to see you, So how have you been?" I raised my eyebrows with a look of disbelief on my face. He just smiled back at me. I sighed.

"I'm same as I was the last time I saw you, I've been the same since I first met you."

"Well, you're more powerful," I knew it, he was after my powers.

"Yes and so are you. So what the real reason you want to see me. Did the elders send you to see if I was gathering an army to destroy them." I said sarcastically. I knew he wouldn't give me a straight answer and we were evenly match in our ability since he had the power of mind too. I couldn't read his mind and he couldn't read mine. He smiled at me and laughed.

"Oh, Scotia I have missed you. You've always been fiery, even when you were a human. That why we picked you," I had heard this story before, he was now going to say how Strong my accent was.

"God, I could barley understand you..."

"For Goodness Sake, just tell me what you want!" I shouted. Everyone in the cafe was now looking at us. Robert took my hand in to his.

"I want you, I want you back, baby. I need you," he said it full of emotion. "I love you." He was such a good actor, if I hadn't know better I say he meant those words.

"It too late, you've hurt me too much, Rob," I jumped up and knocked my chair over. "This is goodbye." I ran out of the cafe. Robert followed suit. I ran really trying to lose him but we were about as fast as each other and neither of us knew these streets. The only way I was going to lose him was to use tactics. I suddenly stopped and turned to meet him. He wasn't as sharp as I thought he would of been. He ran right into me, slamming me through a wall and into a old factory.

He was still laying on me when the rubble settled. It was an awkward few seconds before someone interrupt us.

"Ain't you both a bit old for games," said a cold ancient voice. It was a voice I recognized but it couldn't be who I thought it was.

"You only as old as you feel, Sav." Robert said cockily. Oh my god. it was her.

"I am a Elder Robert, you will address me as such." She wasn't just an elder, she was thee elder. She was the oldest vampire in excision. If she was here, it meant only one thing. I was in serious trouble.
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Every time a comment made, a writer gets her inspiration